year three- chapter eleven

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we handed our forms to professor mcgonagall and started to head towards the gates. i quickly met up with hermione and ron to say hello.

"where's harry?" i asked, looking around for him. he had been like my brother since first year and we have clicked so well and he didn't care if i was a slytherin or that i was friends with malfoy.

from what hermione and ronald had told me, harry wasn't aloud to go because of his bloody aunt and uncle. he had asked mcgonagall but she said that it was inappropriate, so he went back into the castle.

i walked back to draco and the rest of the group and we all headed down the pathway with some of the others that wanted to go to hosgmeade.

"so what should we do first?" pansy asked, as we arrived to hosgmeade. it was filled with people and the village looked so pretty because of the fall.

"three broomsticks!" i said. i was so ready for a butterbeer. everyone else agreed and we walked quickly to the three broomsticks.


we had now been siting for a little at the three broomsticks all sipping on butterbeer and laughing our asses off completely. even malfoy was getting a chuckle out of things and that's how you know it was funny.

we kept talking until i felt the same warm and cold sensation on my leg again. draco had a firm grip on my thigh. i smiled to myself and looked to my side to see draco also had a soft smile on his face as well but didn't look at me.

"you know, you've been like, awfully cheerful recently. a guy perhaps?" pansy said smirking and daphne nodded with the same expression as her.

i rolled my eyes and shook my head. "no, im just happy! am i not aloud to be be happy?" and giggled to myself. malfoy squeezed my thigh and i simply just played with the rings on his hands.

he had one ring on his pointer finger and it was a snake and it was sliver. he had one on his middle finger and it was a silver band but had tiny diamonds engraved in it.

the last one was on the other hand that was currently on my thigh. it was a snake that coiled around his finger which was made of the richest slivers and had diamond green eyes.

i was currently just rubbing my fingers over it, slightly moving it up and down. he seemed to calm down when i did this and it also calmed me down as well.

"you are aloud to be happy, and we're glad you're happy. we're just nosey and we need to know every detail about you because we're married." daphne said and pansy chuckled and nodded in agreement.

"so are you guys a threesome?" theo asked. our jaws dropped as we at theo. even malfoy and blaise gave a little snicker.

"and if we were what about it?" i asked theo challenging, with an eyebrow up and my arms crossed. we all giggled and started to get ready to leave.

after waiting for the check to wrap up and go back to shopping and looking around, the waiter finally came up to us with the check.

just then as he put the check on the table, he had handed me an extra piece of paper. the bloody hell did i get an extra paper for?

thought you're very cute, i get off at 5pm. meet me outside the door?

- alex binns

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