year three- chapter four

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what the fuck just happened. malfoy was a complete asshole usually. but i have never seen this side of him whatsoever. it was different yet i felt so addicted to it.

this though, i couldn't tell you how or why this flirting shit was happening all of a sudden. one moment we go from barely talking, to him not being able to keep his eyes off me??? oh okay.

i recompose myself back to earth and i quickly follow him out of his dorm and back down to the common room. "whys your face so pink soph?" pansy asked looking closely at my face.

"it's not. actually, it's hot in here, yeah." i said trying to sound perfectly fine as if not even about eighteen milliseconds ago, draco fucking malfoy was flirting with me.

i look over at the blond and he had a smirk on his face. he had now changed into a tight white t shirt that was tight on the top of his body and definitely defined him in all the right places and had the same gray sweats on from earlier.

theo was the first to take one of the drinks we put on the table and took a shot with blaise. the two boys made faces scrunching up at the bitter taste of whiskey slightly burning their throat.

"ladies, have a go!" theo said and me, pansy and daph all took one shot from the table. we all looked at each other. "10 sickles sophie won't make a face." theo said and i smirked.

i could handle the way i took in alcohol but it was the actual having it in my system that i would need to watch myself. "you're on." blaise said.

"i'm agreeing with nott this time blaise." draco said also now leaning back into the couch, holding a drink in his hand.

"fuck you guys, does no one have any faith in me??" daphne said making a fake pouty face. "on the count of three. 1..2..3... go!" theo said

i quickly raised the tiny cup in my hand to my mouth, swallowing the whiskey that i barely felt in my throat.
and to conclude, i didn't make a face. i didn't change from my previous face and just stayed normal.

i giggled at the sight of pansy needing a chaser and daph just squinting her eyes trying her best not to make a face.

"damn it. here you idiots go." blaise said and there some money at both boys. "easy way to make money!" theo said and everyone laughed. "what so you'll become rich betting on me?" i said raising a brow.

"that's exactly what i mean." "you know, in the muggle world sometimes people sell their feet on the internet for everyone to see, you can make a lot of money theo" i said now cracking up in between sentences. "oh helll no." theo said and put a hand up in a offended way.

we were all still sipping drinks and the alcohol was definitely kicking in, laughing at literally everything and finding the dumbest shit funny, even malfoy laughing yet he didn't drink as much as me and the others did.

"let's spice things up shall we?" pansy said. "daphne, truth or dare?" "dare, i'm not scared." "i dare you to.."
she paused and put a finger on her chin looking up to indicate she was thinking.

"i dare you to kiss someone in the room." she said. curious of who she'd pick, literally probably only between draco and theo, she turned to the side and theo looked at her holding eye contact as he quickly leaned in to kiss her.

theo and daph definitely had some type of chemistry along with blaise and pansy. obviously no one really said anything out loud but it was quite obvious but yet we still joked about it.

"right, okay, great get a room you little freaks." blaise said and swatted at theos head. "soph, truth or dare." obviously sober me would have said truth but im not sober so i did the opposite.

"dare!" i giggled. "make out with the hottest person in the room. my eyes widen and i instantly looked at malfoy who was already looking at me. we held eye contact but i was the first to break it.

he leaned over and grabbed my face and turned it to look at him. his eyes met mine again and as i kept looking at them, they kept going between my lips and my eyes again and of course this time i did the unexpected and leaned in.

his lips met mine and it quickly turned into it going a little faster as his tongue glided over my lip. i opened my mouth slightly and he took the chance of him slipping his tongue in as they both went against each other.

butterflies. literally all i could think about. but as i snapped back into reality i pulled away and leaned back into the couch. my cheeks were definitely a shade of red and everyone had a shocked and amused face on.

"you're telling me that was the first time you guys have kissed? because if it is i don't believe it." daphne said and pansy nodded in agreement.

"first off yes it is. just because he's hot doesn't mean i kissed him and second off i think im going to pass out into sleep and i reallyyy realllllyyy need to go uppies."

• draco's pov✨

when she pulled away, i had to think about what i had actually have done. i literally just kissed the girl i've known since first year.

obviously i didn't have a thing for her, though she had definitely gotten more beautiful when the last time i saw her. she had this new aura that surrounded her.

i snapped back into reality when she started talking but it came out more of slurred words then normal sentences.

"first off yes it is. just because he's hot doesn't mean i kissed him and second off i think im going to pass out into sleep and i reallyyy realllllyyy need to go uppies." she said and almost toppled over as she got up.

"let's go bloodshot before you break your face." i said and got up and dragged her by the arm. "oopies... bye pansy and daphne and blaise and theo i love you all! draco is stealing me ahahaha" she giggled and followed me up to her dorm.

i opened the door to the dorm and sat her down on her bed and used a quick spell to grab a bottle of water for her and some medicine to help with the hangover she'd have in the morning.

why was i being so fucking nice to her? because i wouldn't hear the end of it from greengrass and parkinson.

yet again i probably won't hear the end of it now because i am helping her. but i'd rather not see her suffer when i could have helped rather than her having a huge headache in the morning.

"you're cute malfoy." she said as she got into her bed tucking herself in. i handed her the bottle of water and meds and she gladly took them. "thank you dracooo" she said and smiled widely before closing her eyes.

"whatever." i said shaking my head with a faint smile on my face. seriously what the fuck. i mean again she is absolutely gorgeous but does she even want anything with me?

i got up and headed for the door before i heard her calling my name.

"goodnight draco." she said her back now facing towards me.

"sweet dreams sophie."


long fucking chapter holy shit ahaha
uhm draco pov?? how we feeling??
obviously draco isn't as mean as id thought id make him but ima sucker for softie draco
comment and vote or like or whatever idk thanks love you cuties🤍

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