Everyone turned their attention to it as it burns everything and the ground to cinder

The fire clears and it was Captain Yamamoto making his entrance

Aizen: Ah....so the General Captain arrives

Yamamoto: "...."

Aizen: But you're too late, you're the only captain who's got any real ability. If you fall, The 13 court guard squads are essentially finished. You missed your opportunity you shouldn't have bothered to come

Yamamoto: Who do you think you are? Upstart do you really think you can cut me?

Aizen: Think so?  I know so

Monty then healed his injuries

Monty: Hey, your Hinamori Right

Momo: Y-Yes Sir

Monty: Listen to me very carefully OK, you have to follow that Bird. You can't stay in the vicinity of this fight Ok

Momo: Okay, T-Thank you for saving me

Monty: No problem~ Now get out of her

Momo: Right!

Momo then follows Nue

Monty: Hey Ichigo, I'm gonna help Yamamoto

Ichigo: Jumping in now?

Monty: Yeah somethings going to happen. And I'm going to change it

Back to Aizen

Yamamoto: SILENCE!!!!

Yamamoto rushes forth and goes to slash Aizen but he disappears and reappears behind him

Yamamoto looks back as Aizen stabs him, But he grins and grabs onto Aizen's arm

Yamamoto: Sosuke Aizen....you're mine

Aizen: Oh interesting, what are you gonna do now? That I'm your holding is it  really mine?

Yamamoto: If it were only seen with my eyes and felt with my flesh, I might be deceived. But there's no mistaking the spirit energy of the zanpakuto that has pierced my entrails. You said I miss my opportunity

His grip tightened

Yamamoto: Quite the opposite. The time is now ripe

Then flames erupts like a geyser from all directions in the fake Karakura Town

Then flames erupts like a geyser from all directions in the fake Karakura Town

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Aizen was surprised by this

Yamamoto: Ennetsu Jigoku. The battles you far until now or prelude to this moment

Aizen: So you set this up while your man will being slain. How cunning of you

Yamamoto: Call me what you want, you will perish with me in this burning hell

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