Chapter Four - Maternity Leave, Pt. 2

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"Look what I found. This portrait was done in the classical style - my mother must have commissioned it." Orm held out the portrait to her.

She peered down at it to find the blondest, bluest-eyed chubbiest baby. 

"Oh! You were a little chonk too!" She grabbed the portrait,  "I'm keeping this!" It was going with her own albums.

"What are you looking at?" he asked, eyeing the laptop in her well, lap.

"Oh, finding all that old college stuff got me thinking. I'm curious what's being offered nowadays."

"Do you think you would ever finish your schooling?"

She shrugged. "Maybe, I don't know. But I certainly don't have the time. And will have even less time once the little one comes along!" She snapped the laptop closed. "I've been cooped up too long - need some fresh air."

They were taking a walk along the beach when loud chittering caught their attention. Out in the water, three noses peeked out: her dolphin pals. 

"Hey ladies, what's up?" She listened closely to their chittering. She turned to her husband. "Apparently the dolphin-shark debate is not very resolved."

He appeared embarrassed.  "You're right, I can't talk to fish."

"We can resolve that later, right now there's an attack on a vessel."


"Pirates. Let's go - oh." She stopped. She couldn't. "Uhhh, sorry ladies, but Aquawoman can't Aquawoman right now... But, we could send another Atlantean in my place." She turned to her husband.


"No, the Brine King. Yes you!"


"Babe, you're a warrior. Go kick some pirate ass!" She threw a few air punches for emphasis. 

"But we've only ever done your rescuing missions together!"

"So? Now it's your time to shine! Go get 'em, Babe. You put the 'Orm' in 'Storm'!"

He did not look impressed. Even the dolphins had things to say about that. 

"Oh come on, I'm hilarious! And you love it! Now go get 'em!" She playfully slapped his butt to get him going.  "Go on, follow the girls."

The girls chittered as if to  say, "Come on, get going. Those pirates aren't going to stop themselves!"

Orm nodded. "I'm going to need my armour..."

And so became their new ritual, which actually worked out quite well. While being Queen of Atlantis was constantly kicking her ass and making her want to look for an actual job, there was one part of it that she enjoyed, and even thrived at: being protector of the Land and Sea.

That's right, Aquawoman was still very much in business. Of course, now with her pregnancy, that would have to change for a while, and her superhero stuff had to take a back seat. But that issue appeared to be solved as Ocean Master took over her duties for the time being.

But of course, that didn't mean mishaps would take a back seat too. In fact, there was rather a flurry of activity that she couldn't participate in. 

 After  that first mission, Orm even worked his tech magic and added a little camera into the front of his helmet so she could watch and 'be present' on missions. The only downside of this was that she couldn't watch her hot warrior hubby in action.

"YEAH! KICK HIS ASS!" Atlas screamed in her ear from where they were watching the footage back at the lighthouse.

She sighed wistfully. "I'm a bad influence."

Everything I Am - Orm Marius/Ocean Masterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें