Chapter 14 - The Dead Walk The Earth!

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Outside the Everglot mansion, the situation wasn't much better as corpses and skeletons flooded the streets and the living screamed and ran around in fear.

"In other news... THE DEAD WALK THE EARTH!" The town messenger cried.

Soon people of all kinds were being cornered by the dead. Two employees from Mr Van Dort's fish shop, a spunky old woman who was ready to throw punches, and even a small group of people that included two guests from the wedding party as well as a mother and her son.


Meanwhile, in the woods, Victor had managed to make his way back closer to the village. He was ready to face the painful truth, knowing he failed to find his sister and knowing his life with Victoria was no more.

He had expected chastising from his mother and a disappointed look from his father. He expected a life of loneliness without both his sister and Victoria.

What he had not expected was screaming crowds and the streets filled with the undead. He watched as they caused havoc wherever he looked and he could only hope that Victoria was okay.


A bunch of corpses and skeletons descended upon the small group, looking frightening and menacing and ready to pounce. But the small boy recognised one of the corpses. He slowly made his way over to the corpse.


His mother's begging didn't do much as the corpse picked up the young child. It all seemed so dangerous and that everything would soon become much worse.

However, it all turned upside down, as the little boy's eyes watered and, in a happy and weepy tone, he asked, "Grandpa?"

The corpse smiled as he hugged the little boy close to him. The group was confused by the sudden show of affection but they soon realized that the dead had no intention of harming them.


The same could not be said for the spunky old woman, who was beating a well-dressed skeleton over the skull with her walker while the skeleton attempted to plead with her.

"Bounder!" She yelled angrily as she whacked him over the head.

"Sweetie pie!" He begged.


"Butter cup!"



The old woman stopped, upon hearing the skeleton blurt out her name. She adjusted her glasses and was a little surprised when she realized who the skeleton was.

"Alfred? Oh, you've been dead for fifteen years."

He grabbed Gertrude around her waist, dipping her in a romantic embrace, as passionately as he used to do with her when he was alive. 

"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn."


It didn't take long for many others to start recognising their dead loved ones. And, the streets that had once been filled with screams of terror, were now filled with joyful reunions.

"Ethel!" One fish employee tearfully called, embracing the dead woman.

Mayhew shook hands with the other employee, who smiled upon seeing his friend.

Even Scraps had his own greeting, sniffing the butt of a living dog, who in turn did the same.

All seemed to calm. All seemed well. And, in that moment, both living and dead rejoiced in one another's presences.


Back at the Everglot mansion, the only one who had not fled the chaos was Victoria. She still sat at the head of the wedding party tables, many of which had been overturned or pushed aside during the madness. She stared around at the silent and demolished room, and she took it as a major sign that her marriage was filled with bad omens.

As she contemplated her next move, she was surprised to see Lord Barkis scurrying out from his hiding place, like a cockroach that ventured out from the shadows when it knew it was not wanted.

"Right. That's it." He mumbled to himself, still slightly shaking with fear as he got onto his feet. "We're going to take whatever money we can and get out of here."

"Money?" Victoria questioned, her eyes widening in confusion. "What money?"

"Your dowry. It's my right!"

"But my parents don't have any money. It's my marriage to you that will save them from the poorhouse."

"Th-The poorhouse?!" He angrily exclaimed as he grabbed the woman by her shoulders, shaking her in his rage as he, in his denial, pleaded, "You're lying! It isn't true! Tell me that you are lying!"

"Did things not go according to your plan, Lord Barkis?" Victoria, in an almost snarky tone, asked as she ripped herself from his grip. "Well, perhaps in disappointment we are equally matched."

With that, she stomped out of the mansion, curious to know what was happening and even hoping she might find Victor, leaving behind a furious and fuming Lord Barkis.


She was shocked to find no chaos or even an angry mob beginning to form. Instead, she found both dead and living conserving amongst one another. Some held each other close like lovers, others had children riding on their shoulders, or even playing and chasing each other around.

It was a strange yet wholesome sight and she watched as they all headed to one place - the church.


Victor, who was closer to the church, also observed the now calm and pleasant scene. He saw both living and dead alike going to the front of the church and made his way closer to find out what was going on.


When the mixture of living and dead finally made it to the church's entrance, they were halted by Pastor Galswells. He held his arms out, forbidding them from entering, once more in his night gown and cap as he tried to stop them from coming closer.

"Be gone, ye demons from hell! Back to the void from whence you came! You shall not enter here! Back! Back!"

"Keep it down, we're in a church." One of the corpses chastised.

He watched in pure shock as the dead ignored his commands, casually slipping past him and helping their living companions inside.

Corpse Groomजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें