Chapter 13 - A Dead Wedding

Start from the beginning

He dropped to his knees, unable to bear this truth as he lamented, "I could never ask her to do that."

"You don't have to."

They all whipped around to see (Y/N) entering the kitchen. There were tears brimming in her eyes but a soft smile adorned her lips.

"I'll do it." She agreed.

Emilien looked up at her, as if she were an angel, and he couldn't believe she was about to make such a sacrifice.

To be honest, she couldn't believe she was about to do it either. She must have been crazy... But she loved him. As strange as it was, she had grown fond of the corpse groom, who had stolen her heart without either of them realizing. This man, who shared her ideals and who was as passionate as she was, who didn't judge her like anyone above did, who loved her without condition.

She was sure she had nothing left up top. Her parents were already not an important part of her life and she was certain she had lost Victor too. He had been her only solace up top, her best friend. So, without him, she truly had nothing left to keep her staying in the land of the living.

(A/N: Trigger warning!!! I just fucking realized how this may seem like she has suicidal thoughts and I swear that was not my intention. I more meant it like she has no reason to live up top now, so she has nothing to keep her from happily marrying Emilien.)

"My girl." Elder Gutknecht spoke up. "If you choose this path, you may never return to the world above. Do you understand?"

She took Emilien's hand, helping him up. He gazed at her in confusion but his eyes softened as she smiled at him, placing his hand against her heart. As if to show him that it already belonged to him.

"I do."


Emilien and (Y/N) excitedly made their way to the centre of the town. They climbed up onto a statue of a skeleton horse, Emilien placing his bride on top of it, before turning to address the crowd.

"Gather around! Gather around, everybody!"

Everyone indeed gathered close to the couple. Many were confused by the sudden announcement but gazed up with interest, waiting to see what would happen.

"We've decided to do this thing properly. So, grab what you can and follow us."

"We're moving this wedding party upstairs." (Y/N) happily blurted, making the couple both chuckle with excitement.

"Upstairs?" Someone in the crowd gasped. "I didn't know we had it upstairs."

"Sounds creepy."

"Let's go!"

The large crowd of the dead grew just as excited as the couple and soon they dispersed in order to get ready.

🎵Chorus: "A wedding. A wedding. We're going to have a wedding."

Emilien grabbed (Y/N) by the waist, making her squeal with surprise and delight, as he hopped off the statue. He placed her down, ready to drag her off so they could enjoy each other's company before the ceremony.

However, his plan was stopped as the spider lowered herself next to (Y/N) and politely interjected, "Hold on, (Y/N). You can't get married looking like that."

She gazed down at herself and even she had to agree. She'd spent two days in a (F/C) dress that was now tattered, ripped, and muddy. Her hair was also a mess, no longer neat or in her usual (H/S). She was a horrid sight and it was definitely not how she wanted to look on her wedding day.

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