She blinked, in disbelief of their failure to process the logic. "He's clearly in the bank vault set from the bank heist challenge! Duh!" Duncan, for some reason, found this 'attractive'. . . "Nice!" Courtney wasn't having it, though. "Go figure. I've got a brain!" She stood up, and walked past all of them, followed by Duncan.

Lindsay didn't see it as fair, though. "Hey! I was the one who said Chris was giving clues!" By that point, everyone had gotten up and walked past her. Beth, of course, would be the one to belittle her. "You did, sweetie!" Lindsay, in reaction to this treatment, angrily exclaimed, although nobody seemed to stop and care.

/// Beth ///

"I felt really bad for Lindsay. But, that was some good thinking on Courtney's part. 'Safe and secure'. . . genius!"

/// End ///

They were all standing outside of the vault from the bank heist challenge. Duncan wanted to take another opportunity to get on Courtney's nerves. "So, what's the plan, heist master?" Courtney frowned, and turned her gaze in his direction. "Why don't you try cleaning out your ears, and listening for a change?!"

That reaction was not the one Duncan was hoping for, and he instantly got offended. However, he didn't react. "Chris said 'combination' right after he talked about cloud nine. And, he could have had a dozen breakfast burritos. And, then he said, 'eighty-six'!" Courtney explained, whilst turning the lock on the vault.

After putting in the right combination, she opened the door, to see Chris standing there, dressed like Sherlock Holmes. She ran up to him, and enthusiastically asked of him; "What's my prize?" He took this chance to both mock her and the British. "Hm. I hardly recall having mentioned any sort of prize."

He coughed after taking a puff of his [fake] tobacco pipe. He was quick to drop the English accent after that small issue. "But, thanks for releasing me. It was getting stuffy in there." Courtney was shocked to see the pipe. "You're not. . . smoking?!" "What?" He quickly responded, before realizing what she meant. "Oh, no. No, of course not." He immediately threw the pipe into his mouth, much to Courtney's disgust.

"Ew." "C'mon. It's chewing tobacco." Nearly everyone was disgusted to hear that. "Nah, just kidding. It's black liquorice." Even Duncan was disgusted at that. Pretty soon, he realized his mistake. "Yeah, you're right. That stuff's disgusting." He spat it out, and began to carry on with the challenge's explanation. 

"Now, it's time for mystery movie day. I've got a challenge for each of you. Tonight, you're to meet me at the train station set." Harold wanted to insert his own little piece of information into the conversation. "I have a train set in my garage at home. It runs on solar power." Chris raised a brow, quite unimpressed. "Fascinating. . . but first, I'll require full fingerprints and DNA samples from each competitor."

/// Duncan ///

"All you have to do is go to the provincial police headquarters. You can get all my info there."

/// End ///

"So, each of the competitors has to gather the evidence from any one of the other competitors. Which means it's in your best interest to prevent the other guy from getting your deets. Now, go pack an overnight bag, and get me my clues!" Courtney wasn't quite finished. She got up in Chris' face, and tried to intimidate him. "I AM going to get a prize. I promise you that. . ." She walked off, and Chris shrugged at the camera crew.


"I think I should still get credit for coming up with the idea to look for clues. . ." Lindsay said in her trailer, speaking to Beth and Courtney. Courtney scoffed, and rolled her eyes. "If we listened to you, we'd still be digging under the cafeteria with teaspoons!" Lindsay argued back, copying Courtney. "Not nice!" Beth inserted herself into the argument, in an attempt to split the two up. 

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