Chapter 26: Altimatum

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A day passes as Sbu is still worried sick about the where about of his wife. He is bordering on losing his mind over this and feeling helpless makes things worse for him. He sits around the house waiting for a door bell from his wife or a phone call to say she's okay. Grace has done a great job in keeping little Naledi distracted from the chaos.
As he sits in the lounge watching news, perhaps hoping or dreading what might come up, a kitchen door bell rings. Grace is in the kitchen preparing supper so she gets it. Sbu is waiting anxiously to see who that might be. He thinks to himself, who might that be? because the gate is locked, someone would have to buzz the intercom for entry. But then again he thinks it's probably Grace's fiancé, Sbu. Grace could have opened the gate for him. A minute later Grace comes through with someone, a man.
"Sbu, this gentleman is here to see you" she says with a curious and worried face. She doesn't know the guy so she assumes Sbu might have opened the gate for him. But out of curiosity she waits to hear what this might be about. "Good evening Mr. Ndimande" the gentleman, wearing a black suit says.
"Hello" Sbu says curiously, looking at Grace as if to say, what is going on here? "Who are you and what can we do for you?" he asks as he stands up to meet the man. But the gentleman doesn't immediately respond as he looks around the house, which makes Sbu and Grace have an uncomfortable curiosity. "Wait, do I know you? Feels like I have seen you before, who are you?" Sbu asks as he tries to read the man's eyes and trying to remember where he might have seen this face before. "Uhmm my name is Ndoda" the man says. "I'm your wife's friend's boyfriend. We've never met but I know you. I guess everyone does since your are a businessman" Ndoda says as he gives a nervous half smile not knowing how to break the ice as it seems a little tense in here.
"Can we have a moment in private please?" he says as he looks at Grace who becomes even more curious. She looks at Sbu who inidacates to her with his head that it's okay she can go upstairs. Grace looks at Ndoda with eyes that says I don't trust you, before reluctantly going upstairs to Naledi's room.
Sbu indicates with his hand that Ndoda can sit down, to which he does. "Uhmm you said your surname is who, again?" Sbu asks as he siats down himself. "Uhmmm just Ndoda is fine, thanks"
Ndoda says with a smile. "Sbu thinks for a second but lets that go. "Okay, so what can I do for you Ndoda?" he asks as he switches off the TV that was a little loud. He feels it's distracting him since he's already anxious. "Uhmm look, I will cut to the chase alright? I'm assuming that you are looking for your wife and her friends, right? Well, I'm also looking for them and I think I'm close to finding
out where they are" Ndoda says as he looks at Sbu whose eyes have suddenly popped.
"What did you say?" Sbu asks as he tries to whisper while looking upstairs to see if Grace and his daughter are listening. He comes closer to confirm if he heard right. "I think I might have an idea where your wife her friends are and I will go get them" Ndoda says as he whispers back at the curious Sbu.
"Okay man, look let me call the poli..." Sbu says as he reaches for his cell phone but Ndoda cuts him off as he holds his hand. "Uhmmm, no, no, no. That's not a good idea trust me" he says softly as he looks upstairs. "What do you mean that's not a good idea? It's my wife out there man. If he's in danger, I got to call the police" Sbu insists as he continues to whisper. "And what did I say?" the

impatient Ndoda asks looking at him in the eyes. "Did I not say it's not a good idea? Look, people who took her are very dangerous. If they sense that the police are involved they will kill your wife on the spot. They will kill them all." he says, only this time with a more authoritative voice, which makes Sbu keep quiet.
His heart immediately begins to race as his mind goes all over the place. He feels like he's about to have attack but he's trying hard not to show Ndoda. "Who took her?" he asks curiously while looking at Ndoda in the eyes. "Who took my wife?" he asks again when he sees that Ndoda isn't responding.
"Look, I can't tell you that okay?" Ndoda says softly. "But I will go get them out. I just came to let you know and..." but he doesn't finish as Sbu cuts him off, "Then, I'm coming with you" he says anxiously. "Ndimande, that's not a good idea. This isn't a game. These are serious people who don't play by the rules. I can't guarantee your safely so it's not a good idea that you be there. There's your daughter to think about, focus on that" Ndoda says as he raises his voice a little bit but he's cut off by the anxiously insistent Sbu who says, "Look Ndoda, we are talking about my wife here. I don't care about my life; I care about hers. So I'm coming with you. Or else give me the location and I will go there by myself" as he also raises his voice a little bit.
This makes Ndoda thinks for a second while looking at Sbu in the eyes. He then stands up, to which Sbu does the same. "Okay look, I will call you once I know the location okay? Keep your phone on." Ndoda says as he turns around to leave but Sbu stops him, "Wait, you don't even have my number"
he says.
"I have your number, Ndimande. Just wait for my call" Ndoda says to which Sbu nods anxiously. "Remember, not a word about this to the police, your friends or your daughter up there. You understand me?" Ndoda asks with some authority, to which Sbu nods again as his heart race with anxiousness. Ndoda walks out the door without turning back.

Jabu is on a phone call with Katlego
Jabu: "So how is my little princess doing?"
Katlego: "Oh that one is doing great. She's acting up a little sometimes but she's just adorable" Jabu: "That's really good to hear"
Katlego: "And things over there? How is it going?"
*Jabu clears his throat before a little silence*
Katlego: "Hey, are you okay? Are you there? What's going on?" Jabu: "Yeah, Uhmmm, I'm here. No, everything is okay"
Katlego: "Oh come on Jabu. I can tell something is wrong. Is Sbu okay? Tsepo? Is Buhle okay? Lerato?
*another moment of silence*
Katlego: "Okay, you are now officially worrying me Jabu, what's going on over there?"
Jabu: "Okay look, you can't tell anyone what I'm about to tell you, alright? Your friends are missing" Katlego: "What do you mean my friends are missing?"

Jabu: "I mean, Buhle, Lindiwe and Lerato are missing...for close to a week now" Katlego: *with a terrified voice* "Oh my God, Jabu are what are you saying to me?" Jabu: "Look, I don't have all the details right now but the police are investigating and..." Katlego: "Jabu, what happened to my friends?"
Jabu: "We really don't know Katli. The police are still investigating the matter. We think maybe they were taken but we don't know by who because nothing seems to make sense at the moment"
Katlego: "Oh my God, Jabu"
Jabu: "Look, they are going to be found okay? I don't need you to worry yourself about that right now. Just focus on the baby there okay. Sbu has people searching for them. Okay? Look, I got to run, we will talk later okay?"
Katlego: "Okay then, bye"
*Jabu hangs up*

Back at Sbu's house Lumka has coqme to see Grace. It's only been few hours since she landed from France and when she learnt that her friend was staying at Sbu's place she came running, cause she wants to know what on earth is going on.
"So, how was Paris?" Grace asks as she brings drinks on a trey to the lounge where Lumka is sitting, in front of the TV. "Juice, really?" Lumka says as she looks at her friend with eyes of disappointment. "Oh come on friend, there's a child here" Grace says as she looks upstairs before smiling at her friend. "We'll come back to that okay?" Lumka says as she rolls her eyes. "But yes, Paris was great. I wasn't really there for work; I was just recharging my batteries. But then I come back here and I find you playing step mommy with your ex-boss, are you insane Grace? Have you forgotten that you're are engaged to be married?" Lumka she says as she takes her drink.
"Oh stop it with that okay? So did you get me anything from the fashion capital?" Grace says as she tries to ignore what her friend is saying but Lumka can see it but ignores it as well. "Oh as a matter of fact I did." she says as she pulls a box from her bag to which Grace becomes wide-eyed with excitement.
"Ohhh friend, what is it?" she says with excitement looking at the well wrapped medium-small size box. She unwraps it and she's overwhelmed with excitement when she opens the box-it's a very beautiful wrist white gold watch that has touch of diamonds on its belt. "Oh my God, babe. This is the most beautiful watch Iv've ever seen. This must have cost you a fortune" she can't hold the excitement. "Arg, I still have a lot of stuff for you at my place for your wedding but I decided to bring this one personally so that I can remind you that time is ticking, hahaha" Lumka says as she bursts out laughing at this, to which Grace joins her. Grace puts the watch on and she's overwhelmed, "Thank you friend" she says.
"You are welcome babe" Lumka says with a smile. "So I take it was a very good trip then huh? Met anyone interesting?" Grace asks as she's still looking at the watch in her wrist. "Arg, I really wasn't there to meet men or anything like that. But my trip almost started off on a bad note" Lumka says as if someone just burst her bubble.

"Why? What happened?" Grace asks curiously as she turns attention on her friend. "Nothing too bad except bumping onto Bheki on board the plane" Lumka says as her facial expression shows she's a little annoyed. "Oh no, friend" Grace says as she becomes wide-eyed. "Was it a coincident or you guys secretly planned to go together on this trip? You are not still seeing this guy, are you?" she asks curiously. "Oh come on friend, of course it was a coincident" Lumka says as she rolls her eyes. "Worse part is that he was sitting next to me and there was nothing I could do. He kept making these small talks that were kind of irritating me but in order to not spoil my mood I had to entertain him." she says as she takes a sip of her orange juice.
"Okay enough about me. Grace, what the hell are you doing here at your ex boss's house playing step mommy?" she looks at her friend in the eyes and she can see that she's avoiding eye contact. "Friend, do you realize that this is dangerous?" she probes as she folds her arms, waiting for a response.
"Lumka, nothing is happening between me and Sbu okay?" Grace says as if she really doesn't want to entertain this conversation. "Are you sure about that?" Lumka asks as she raises an eyebrow as if she's doubting what her friend is saying. "Of course I'm sure" Grace jumps in trying to whisper. "Look, Sbu's wife is missing so I'm here looking after Naledi" she says as she looks away. "Is she the only one you're looking after?" Lumka raises an eyebrow again. "What's that supposed to mean?" Grace asks and this time she really seems annoyed at this. "Look, I feel bad that Sbu's wife is missing but why looking after his child is your responsibility? Can't Sbu find a baby sitter?" Lumka jumps in trying to understand.
"Is Tsepo okay with all this?" Did you even tell him because..." she continues to probe but the irritated Grace cuts her off, "Of course Tsepo knows, come on" she says. "As a matter of fact, this was his idea. Besides, Naledi is familiar with me and Sbu...well Sbu and I go a long way back so..." she says as takes a sip of her juice.
"And seeing Sbu like this really breaks my heart, friend. He can't do anything at all, so he's in no condition to look after his daughter right now. So I have to be here." she says with a low sad voice as her face changes to being a little sad. "Well, I really hope you know what you’re doing friend because as far as I can see this, it is very dangerous" Lumka says as she takes another sip. "But how?" Grace asks curiously. "Well because I'm afraid you'll catch feelings buddy" Lumka quickly responds. "Grace, you are engaged and I really hope that this doesn't waken old feelings you have for Sbu and you end up second guessing your engagement with Tsepo. That's all I'm saying friend, I'm not trying to argue with you" as she looks at her friend in the eyes. This causes a little silence to pass before Grace says, "Look let me go upstairs and check on Naledi, I'll be right back" as she quickly goes up living Lumka to enjoy her juice.

Back at the warehouse today things aren't as smooth as they have been the past couple of days. Tendai's important friends are on the edge over this file Lindiwe has and they are running out pf patience with him. They want this matter resolved urgently or else it's his head that gets the axe.
"Okay look Lindiwe, I'm out patience with you. No more Mr. Nice Guy for you, I want the goddamn file, now" Tendai shouts at the terrified Lindiwe. This time Tendai has them tied into chairs again as he wants up the ante a little bit. He is running out of time. "But if I tell you where it is you will just kill us all" Lindiwe says but she doesn't finish as that response is met by a strong fist by Tendai who hits her so hard that she falls over with her chair.

At that, Buhle and Lerato try to scream but this time Tendai has them tied in their mouths as well, except Lindiwe who has to talk. Tendai's men lift Lindiwe up and help her to sit straight. She is now bleeding in the mouth and she's also crying. "I'm not going to ask you again Lindiwe. " Tendai says as he folds his sleeves looking like he's about to do serious work. "Alright then, since you don't want to speak, let's take this up a notch, little bit" he signals with his hand to one of his men who comes with what looks like a battery on wheels. This thing looks like a power source of some kind used to power something. It has pliers connected to it.
"Do you know what this is?" Tendai asks the terrified Lindiwe who shakes her head while tears fall down her face. "Well, this is an electric charger my dear, used for powering certain things." Tendai says with a smile. "With enough voltage, it can power up this hall here and I will use it on you" as he takes out the pliers.
"Oh no please don't, please I beg you, please..." Lindiwe says as she begins to cry inconsolably. Her friends are now also crying because they feel helpless over this. Tendai takes the pliers and plugs them on the iron chains that are on Lindiwe's wrists tied to the steel chair she's sitting on. Then he goes to stand by this generator thing with his hand on the power button. "Last chance Lindiwe, where is the file?" he asks politely but his eyes are red with fury. There's no mercy in him anymore.
He looks at Buhle, who has tears running down her face. She shakes her head as if to beg Tendai not to do it. He looks at her without any emotion shown.
Buhle is asking herself, Is this the man I once fell in love with? What really happened to that loving, funny and thoughtful Tendai who treated me like a queen when I was all down and out? But Tendai once again turn his attention to Lindiwe who is bracing herself for the pain she's never felt before.
Without a moment's notice, Tendai turns on the power which sends a shocking electricity to Lindiwe's whole body. She screams on top of her voice in agony. This lasts about 10 seconds of excruciating pain imaginable before Tendai switches it off, much to Lindiwe's relief even though she continues to cry. "Where is the file Lindiwe?" Tendai ask with empty eyes. He has no sympathy for her and he has no mercy. He will do whatever it takes to get what he wants at this point.
"Alright Mrs. Khuzwayo, I see that you are brave and I admire you for that" he says as he comes closer to her to look her in the eyes. "But we shall up the voltage, okay? And I hope that will be enough motivation for you. But I must warn you Lindiwe, very few people have survived this round we are going to. So I cannot guarantee you that after the next 10 second you will still be alive" he says as his voice turns deeper. At that, Lindiwe looks at her friends and begins to cry while shaking her head. Tendai notices that and decides to go to Buhle and takes off the clothe covering her mouth. "Do you have any advice for your friend doctor? Or you just want to say goodbye?" he asks the crying Buhle.
"Please Tendai stop this, I beg you. This isn't you, this isn't you at all. Please!!!" Buhle begs as she cries inconsolably. "No doctor, your friend needs to stop torturing herself. If she tells me what I need to know she won't be tortured any longer" Tendai says as he looks at Lindiwe who is still bleeding. He then goes back to stand by the generator, he ups the voltage. "This is it Mrs. Khuzwayo, this is it. I switch this on, I don't know if you survive or not. Where is the file?" Tendai says as he places his hand on the power button.

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