Chapter 10: In too deep

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Sbu and his friends, Jabu and Tsepo are hanging out for a braai to celebrate Tsepo's birthday. It’s been a week or so since both Sbu and Jabu were visited by Katlego on the same night and it’s been actually quite a while since these friends have had time to hang out. They haven’t since Buhle’s
birthday at Sbu’s house. Everyone has one of them has had to deal with some personal stuff in their lives.
“So rich boy, what did you buy yourself for your birthday? Let me guess, Lamborghini?” Sbu asks as he sips on a beer, sitting comfortably on a camp chair on this beautiful lawn that surrounds the pool. Tsepo bought big house that is in the upper class Zimbali area. Only the rich live here. The security is super tight and very impressive which makes it a very safe area to live in. Loud noise is not permitted so the gents are just chilling outside with a cooler box full of cold beers and ciders and braai meat. They decided that it just going to be the three of them, no ladies.
“Oh well, I didn’t buy myself anything man, it’s not like I need anything” Tsepo says with a smile as he sips on his beer. “You know, with all your money dude, I thought you’d be spoiling yourself with something dramatic, hahaha” Jabu jumps in as he jokes to which all of them laugh loud.
“nah man, you know me. I love keeping things simple. Having you guys here is good enough and thanks for the gifts as well. I really appreciate it” Tsepo says as he lifts his beer up in appreciation.
“Uhmm, so you and Grace are dating now? Is that the reason why she quit as my PA?” Sbu reluctantly asks as he looks away. He seems to know that his question may create a little bit of awkwardness. “Oh no man, I didn’t tell her to quit her job, come on. You know me better than that dude” Tsepo says with a smile. “But yeah we are dating now, baby steps but we are building
towards something” as he sips on his beer which creates that moment of silence a little bit. “I’m happy for you guys, I really am” Jabu jumps in as he looks at the uncomfortable Sbu next to him.
“Thanks man” Tsepo says lifting his beer to Jabu once again. “And you? Still single even now?” he asks curiously but that seems to catch Jabu off guard. He suddenly starts to think about the night Katlego came to his place. How she looked so sexy in a lime summer dress. He can still smell her perfume and can still feel the warm if her skin and her arousing breathing as they made love on his couch.
But that moment is interrupted by Sbu who calls on him, “Hey man, are you okay? Looks like you left us there for a little bit? What? You found someone?” he asks curiously, looking at Tsepo who is just as confused by that. “Aw, oh no man. I’m sorry about that man I’m just thinking about some
client file I left on top of my desk at the office, I’m wondering if someone will open and read it if they find it there” Jabu says nervously, trying to avoid eye contact with his friends. He knows they can tell if he’s lying about something but he doesn’t think it’s a good idea to tell them about what happened with Katlego, at least not now. “Oh yeah, let me guess, that is Tendai’s file” Sbu says
looking away. “I can’t believe you decided to represent him man after all he’s been trying to destroy my company. You were supposed to be having my back bro” as he turns to look at his friend in the eyes.
“Oh come on man, give Jabu a break. You know that was not personal man, come on” Tsepo says as he jumps in immediately. “Yeah man, it wasn’t personal bro” Jabu adds. “Tendai is a huge client and since that settlement involved business contracts and all that, he was willing to pay more for our services” as he looks at his friend in the eyes. “Speaking of which, how did you get Tendai to drop

charges and back down from that Lauren Analytics contract? What did you offer him?” he asks curiously.
But that question immediately sends Sbu’s mind back to the day at Lauren’s office when he went there to discuss the contract but ending making love with her on top of her office desk. It’s as if it was yesterday that it happened. He thinks of how in charge Lauren was as she was on top of him, the moaning sounds she made as she moved on top of him are ringing in his ears. But suddenly he
snaps out of as he says, “Nah man, don’t you worry about it” as he goes over to the cooler box to dig for another cold one. He opens it and drinks it halfway, which kind of shocks his friends.
“And man, why didn’t you tell me what was going on with Tendai? You know if you had come to me first I’d have represented you” Jabu says as he also opens another beer. “yeah I know man. I just didn’t think… I thought I could handle Tendai on my own. I thought he probably won’t sue me
because he may try to avoid unnecessary media controversy. But I was wrong” Sbu says with a low voice as he is embarrassed by all that.
“Wait, what happened with Tendai again?” Tsepo asks as he looks lost. "Arg don't worry about it man, it was just some business deal" Sbu says as he looks at Jabu “But it's sorted now, right?" Tsepo asks curiously. “Yeah I think it's sorted now, thanks to my lawyer" Sbu says as he looks at Jabu who looks down but he continues "Good thing is that Buhle has been spending lots of time with our daughter, which is something she was no longer doing. Lately she’s been cooking dinner as well, so I suppose she’s trying. But it’s not going to be easy to get things back to where they were” he says finishing whatever was left of the bottle. “Well, if you don’t try as well then it won’t work man,
right?” Jabu asks and Sbu just nods without uttering a word. “Alright guys, enough of the sad stuff. Its birthday. So can we drink and forget just for this day” Tsepo says to which his friends laugh as they lift their bottles in the air to toast.

At the hospital, Buhle, Lerato and Katlego are visiting Lindiwe who is responding well to medication and has made a huge progress. Her friends arrived after Bheki had just left. He comes to see her almost every day even though on some days he doesn’t stay long. Her friends are just happy that she can now speak and from the looks of things there’s memory loss.
“So how are you doing darling?” Buhle who is actually on duty today asks as she brushes her much better looking friend’s hair. “Uhm I’m doing okay doctor, thank you very much” Lindiwe says as she tries to smile a little bit. “Katli, aren’t you working? Don’t you have patients to attend to as well?” she asks as she clears her throat. “oh no darling, I knocked off early. Unlike my friend here who works for a private hospital and running her own practice I work in a government hospital doing day shift and for now I’m based at a clinic so I’m having it easy” Katlego says laughing as she looks at
Buhle who shrugs her shoulders. “Oh yeah darling, speaking of which, I won’t stay long today, I’m on duty. I will be doing the rounds soon” Buhle says looking at her watch.
“So, anything from the police yet? Have they found out who tried to kill me?” Lindiwe asks with a low voice avoiding eye contact. But that question seems to bring an awkward moment in the room as her friends start to look at each other as if there is something to say but no one knows how to say it and Lindiwe can see that.
“Uhmm, no darling nothing yet” Buhle says looking at Katlego and Lerato who seems to be in distress. But who can blame her? How do you even begin to tell your friend that she’s sleeping in
this bed because your boyfriend is the one who tried to kill her? She can’t even look at Lindiwe as

guilt is killing her. In fact, if she could she would leave the room right now and not come back. “But I don’t think that is something you should worry yourself with right now darling, okay?” Buhle
continues. “The police are working overtime to find the killer” as soon as Buhle says that, that awkwardness fills the room again as they are all looking at Lindiwe to see her reaction to it. Lindiwe tired of the elephant in the room, he finally breaks the silence, “Okay you guys just ask okay? Stop
running around in circles” she says looking at them all.
“Uhmm, okay my friend. Tell us, what’s the deal with the journalist that was shot dead?” Katlego asks as she decides to brave it. “Why were you in his room when he was naked and you were found by paramedics lying on top of him?” as she looks at Lerato and Buhle who look down trying to avoid eye contact with Lindiwe.
“Okay, even though I know that you know the answer to that but it’s fine I will tell you” Lindiwe says as she looks away to the direction of the window. “Uhmm, Tsego Rabadi and I were having an affair” she says uncomfortably, much to her friends' surprised. Well it’s not like they didn’t piece things together but they were hoping there could be another explanation. “So yeah, there it is. I was coming out of the bathroom when I suddenly saw this man, standing there pointing a gun at Tsego.
He shot him twice and that’s when I screamed. He then shot me. I don’t know what happened after that” her voice is now trembling with fear as flashes of that fateful night come flooding her mind. She begins to breath heavily but Buhle quickly comes close to her, “Okay, okay darling please calm down okay? It’s okay you are safe now. You are safe you hear me?” she says as she holds her hand.
Suddenly there’s that awkward moment again in the room as Lerato and Katlego can’t seem to know what to do now. “Did you get to look at the shooter sweetheart?” Lerato asks nervously. “uhmm, no. He was wearing a Balaklava so no I couldn’t see his face” a now calm Lindiwe says with a very
low voice as she continues to hold Buhle’s hand.
“Do you know why he wanted to kill you guys?” Katlego asks curiously. “How am I supposed to know why Katli, huh? Are you guys police now?” Lindiwe responds angrily trying to raise her voice but she is interrupted by Lerato who jumps in, “Hey you guys, uhmm, I got to run somewhere okay. Look
Lindi I will come and see you tomorrow night okay? I love you my friend” she says as the guilt finally gets the better of her, seeing her storming out of the ward. “Uhmm, yeah my time is up too guys. I have to start my rounds now” Buhle jumps in too. “I will see you when before I knock off okay?” she says as she kisses her friend in the forehead before leaving the room to now Katlego and Lindiwe.
“But my friend, why were you even cheating with this guy, huh? I mean I’m really confused. Was it worth almost getting you killed?” Katli says as she comes to sit closer to Lindiwe. But this doesn’t seem to sit well with Lindiwe as she thinks her friend has some nerve, judging her like that. She thinks for a second what to say.
“That’s very rich coming from you? You are the last person to even judge me or anyone else for that matter” she says looking away from her friend. “What is that supposed to mean?” a confused
Katlego asks curiously. “Oh you think no one knows about you having an affair with your best friend, Katli? Huh?” Lindiwe says as she turns to look at her. Katlego almost falls over with shock. This catches her completely off guard as anxiety sets in. Her heart starts to race as her breathing
becomes audible. “What on earth are you talking…” she nervously says but Lindiwe cuts her off in
frustration, “Oh stop it Katli, okay? Just stop it” she raises her voice. “Of course I know you are having an affair with your best friend's husband. When I saw you at the reception that night in my hotel, you were with Sbu”
This seems to completely paralyze Katlego who is now speechless. She doesn’t know what to say, she’s caught and there’s no denying this. She tries to develop eye contact with her friend but it

doesn’t look like she is interested. So she stands up and walk towards the door without even looking back or saying goodbye, leaving her friend there all alone.

At Tendai’s house, he’s having a conversation with Bheki over the phone. These two friends’ relationship has strained ever since Lindiwe was shot. They are still business partners but it is clear that trust is on an all-time low between them. Bheki is upset that Tendai is responsible for his wife being in the hospital, even though he understands that it was unavoidable.
“What is the update to the murder investigation of that journalist?” Bheki asks Tendai from the other end of the line to which Tendai takes a second to think before he says, “Uhmm, so far nothing. The police have no lead; I don’t think it’s something we should worry ourselves about at this point”
Tendai says this side as he puffs his cigar. “What the hell do you mean it’s not something we should worry ourselves about?” Bheki says in panic, “Have you forgotten that this whole thing has been complicated by the fact that there was a witness, who happens to be my wife? Don’t you think
people will soon start to figure this out?” he shouts on the other side.
“Look, you are not helping with all that screaming” Tendai says calmly. “Your job is to make sure that your wife doesn’t say something stupid to the police or her friends?” as he pours himself a double of whiskey. “What do you mean?” Bheki asks confused. “I mean that she knows what that journalist was working on. She probably already has figured out who may have put a hit on her boyfriend” Tendai says as he turns on the TV.
“Please stop saying that. She’s still my wife damnit, so stop saying that boy was her boyfriend” Bheki says angrily but Tendai cuts him off quickly, “Hey, hey, hey don’t give me that attitude” he says. “Your precious wife was with this guy in his hotel room. She was found on top of him and he was naked. You need to start accepting that your wife was cheating on you. How do we know she’s not
the source for that guy? Didn’t you say to me that this journalist approached both of you in a restaurant about dodgy tender deals that involved you? So you better keep her in check, you hear me?” he raises his voice authoritatively. Bheki takes a minute to think for a second. He knows what
his business partner is saying isn’t farfetched at all but it’s hard for him to accept it.
“Look, I spoke to my wife okay?” he says. “She has assured me that she hasn’t said anything to the police and I believe her. I don’t think she will say anything to them. Her business can also be ruined by this scandal since she’s married to me” with a low voice. He sounds worried a little bit.
“What am I going to do with the issue that she was found in the victim’s bed? Soon people will start asking questions and the rumours will start to spread that my wife was having an affair. Do you know how embarrassing that will be for me? It will ruin my reputation in the business sector. Worse part is that I will more than likely be suspect number one, the jealous husband who tried to kill his cheating wife. Even if it doesn’t become official but I will definitely be tried in the courts of public opinion. So it looks like even if police don’t come knocking on our door regarding the tender fraud, it will be this issue” as he sighs deeply. He really is worried about this.
“Look my friend. All I care about is this tender story, okay? It must never come out. Make sure your wife doesn’t get her hands on any documents relating to that” Tendai says as he also tries to calm down. “But how you handle your marriage issues, I can’t help you with that. Look you cannot avoid the rumours about your wife having an affair coming out. It’s going to happen, so just brace for it.
But as for you being a suspect, that’s a lot to prove. They will need proof. But yes, either way your reputation will definitely take a dive. So if I were you, I’d take some time out to try and think how to
get ahead of the storm” as he downs whatever was left on his glass. This makes Bheki think for a

second. He’s worried about his reputation that he has worked so hard to protect. He really hates being on the news for all the wrong reasons.
“Damn Lindiwe” he says angrily. “Why did she have to do this to me? Arg, maybe I should just move out of that damned house and find another place temporarily” he says as he sighs but Tendai cuts him off abruptly, “Hey, hey, hey…whoa calm down” he says raising his voice. “What? You want to raise alarms now? You want people to point to you as the suspect now? Because if you leave your wife now, you come out like the one who ordered the hit on her and her 'boyfriend'. So what you will do is that you will be supportive to your wife more than ever now. Throughout her recovery you
will be there. Let the public see that you two are still together and very much in love, you hear me?” he’s authoritative again. “And soon, the affair rumours will be old news. As for the tender story itself, I doubt any journalist will be brave enough to touch it after the death of that Rabadi guy. So
relax my friend. I got to go, we’ll talk soon” as he drops the phone.

The following day is a Saturday Sbu and Buhle have decided to put work aside for a change and spend time together as a family which is something they haven’t done in a very long time. They are taking their daughter Naledi out to the park for ice cream and the little angel is really excited about this. It’s been a while since she’s seen her parents together like this.
“Thank you for agreeing to do this with me Mr. Ndimande, I’m sure Naledi is really happy to be at
this park” Buhle says to Sbu as they walk in the park slowly, watching their who is walking just ahead of them. Today there is a lot of people here, especially families who are bringing their kids to play and others walking their dogs. “Yeah I think she’s very excited, she hasn’t done this in a little while. She deserves to be happy for a change” Sbu says as he looks at his daughter right ahead of them. “, Sweetheart, please don’t move too fast okay?” he calls on his daughter, who’s not even listening. “Yeah it’s really my fault that we haven’t done this more regularly but I really want to change that babe. I will work hard to fix things and…” she says but doesn’t finish Sbu cuts her off,
“Baby steps Buhle okay? Baby steps. It’s a long road ahead of us” he says turning to look at his wife. “Uhmm so what’s in this picnic bag that I’m carrying?” he asks, changing the subject. As much as he’s happy that his wife is trying, he feels there’s still a lot of trust issues to work through. Even he himself has not told his wife that he’s having an affair, with her best friend no less.
“Uhmm, last night I baked you your favorite scones and early morning I made some ham sandwiches” Buhle says with a smile. “Oh yeah you woke very early today, huh?” Sbu asks as he
keeps checking to see that his daughter is not too far from them. “Yeah I guess I was too excited for this day, I don’t know. It sounds silly I know but…” Buhle says but she doesn’t finish as Sbu cuts her off, “No it’s not silly at all” he says with a smile looking at her. “Uhmm, I actually woke excited about it myself. We haven’t done something like this in ages so yeah I’m glad we did” as he takes his wife’s hand and hold it. She doesn’t mind that at all as she makes the grip a little stronger as if to say, Please, never let me go!
But this cozy moment is interrupted when they see their daughter running off in front of them, “Naledi sweetheart where are you going?” screams Buhle as they both run after her. “Wait, darling, where are you going?” Sbu shouts. They are both wondering who’s she running after. But as they catch up with her both of them almost fall to the ground when they discover who is with the child that Naledi is running after.

This child is with Tendai who is accompanied by a woman. There can never be another moment as awkward as this one as all four adults stand there looking at each other with no one knowing what to say. Sbu and Tendai are giving each other the worst of the looks. You can sense the enormity
between the two gentlemen. “Mr. and Mrs. Ndimande, how do you?” Tendai says but still fixing his eyes on his nemesis. At that point, all Sbu wants to do is punch this man so hard in the face that he falls to the ground but instead he forces a smile from his grumpy face. “Uhmm, this is my daughter,
Karen's mother, Sharon Osbourne” Tendai continues as he points to the woman standing next to him, who is just smiling at the couple she’s being introduced to.
“Oh yeah, so she’s your daughter’s mother? Of course” Buhle says as she’s also forcing a smile. “Yeah actually we know Ms. Osbourne, she’s our daughter, Naledi's school principal, right?” she smiles at Sharon as she extends her hand to which she accepts. At that very moment Sbu snaps out of his world of hate for the man standing in front of him as he turns his eyes to look at Sharon.
As he shakes her hand, suddenly memories of the night he went to fetch his daughter at her place come flooding back his mind. As they both look at each other, they think of the moment in the couch where they passionately made love. Sharon remembers how strong Sbu's arms were as he held on
to her tight while she was moving on top of him. Sbu on the other hand, remembers Sharon’s moans and how she whispered in his ears, baby please don’t stop! He snaps out of it when Sharon says “Hi Mr Ndimande.” He suddenly gives a smile as he says, “Hi Sharon. How do you do?” as he lets go of her hand. She smiles back at him.
It doesn’t look like Buhle and Tendai noticed the intense moment Sbu and Sharon had as it seems they were also caught up on their own moment. While Buhle was thinking about the first time they made love on the couch at Tendai’s house and the fun cooking they had, Tendai himself remembers the night he carried Buhle up the stairs to his bedroom where they passionately made love.
“Uhmm, it looks like Naledi and Karen still remember each other huh?” Sbu says with a nervous smile looking at the two children who are now playing in the swing. “Oh yeah I think your daughter made a huge impression on Karen when she was over at the house that night” Sharon says as she turns to look at the kids as well.
“uhmm, maybe you guys should join us hey. We were about to have lunch in that grass over there” Sharon says looking at the Ndimande couple but that is what Sbu was afraid of. The idea of sitting there pretending all is good when a man who had an affair or still having an affair with his wife is
right there is just not appealing to him. Buhle as well isn’t comfortable with this, knowing how it will
make her husband feel. She’s trying to fix things in her marriage and this may not help the situation. But she also can’t deny the fact that part of her is actually excited to see Tendai. He’s one man who knows how to make her laugh and he’s charming. She doesn’t know about Sbu and Sharon otherwise she probably would feel about this whole thing here.
Tendai himself isn’t up for this idea at all. The thought of the tension between him and Sbu is one thing he doesn’t have time for today since it’s his daughter’s birthday. Plus, Sbu recently put one
over him over that Lauren Analytic deal when he thought he had wrestled that contract from him.
But somehow Lauren blackmailed him about something so that Sbu can keep the contract. That was a bitter pill to swallow for him.
“Uhmm, babe I don’t think we should bother Mr. and Mrs. Ndimande here. I’m sure they want to spend time as the family alone hey” he says to Sharon with a nervous smile which surprises Sbu who thought Tendai would jump at the opportunity to get under his skin. He didn’t expect him to be the one declining the gesture by Sharon. Buhle is also just as surprised.

“Well, you guys, it’s okay if you can be able to tell the children over that they can’t play together anymore. So be my guest” Sharon insists as they all turn to look at where the children are playing and then they look at each other. “Come on guys just stay at least for 30 minutes or so just to give those two time to say their goodbyes. Look how happy they are” as she looks at all three. Tendai shrugs his shoulders as if to say, Alright you win. Buhle and Sbu also shrug their shoulders as they
reluctantly give in to this idea. They all go and find a place to sit down where they can watch the kids play.

Katlego is at her apartment in North Beach, a two-bedroom flat. It is very clean and spacious. She lives alone here since she doesn’t have a child, do she gets away with eating take-away a lot since
she doesn’t really have to cook. But today she doesn’t feel like eating at all as she’s been sickly since yesterday, throwing up all over the place.
So when the sickness didn’t stop this morning she decided to go buy herself a home pregnancy test just to get this anxiousness out of the way. So as she sits in the bathroom, waiting to pee on the stick, she’s getting irritated as it taking so long. But then suddenly something comes to her mind that hits her so bad that she almost falls from the toilet seat. She remembers that the last time she had sex some few weeks ago was with two men on the same day. She had gone to Sbu's office and they
had sex on top of his office desk and then later that evening she went to see Jabu where she also had sex with him. Oh my god, what am I going to do if it turns out that…? She thinks to herself in panic
As she’s still thinking about all that, she’s interrupted by that pee she’s been waiting for. Suddenly anxiety overwhelms her as she starts to feel her head spinning, her face covered in dripping sweat.
At this moment there’s too much regrets she is going through but she’s done peeing.
She is terrified of looking at the stick as she looks at the ceiling of her bathroom. She mumbles a little prayer, unclear what’s she’s really praying for. Oh god please, help me…god help me…please, please, please god! She whispers as tears start to fill her eyes. She can’t delay the inevitable any longer. In
the end she’s bound to know the verdict on this. Here we go, she says as she lifts the stick to read.
She becomes wide-eyed, Ooh f*ck… I'm pregnant!!!

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