Chapter 15: Put Out of Control

Start from the beginning

has to deal with that. Jabu wasn't bound by anything but this is on you and Katlego. One thing is guaranteed is that if you don't tell your wife, she will definitely tell her" as he looks away.
As these three friends are having this heated conversation, they are not noticing Katlego who had come through the gate and went straight to the house. The last thing Sbu wanted was to have Katlego tell his wife first before he did which will deny him a fighting chance.
In the house Buhle is hosting her friends Lerato and Lindiwe who had come to check on her since she had been busy these days looking after her husband, Sbu. They have been here for quite a while having a great time. Buhle was actually enjoying the break for a change and to see her friends refreshes her. Also seeing her husband visited by his friends helps her to keep her mind at ease as he needs to people who will encourage her to fight to walk once again.
The last thing she expected though was the doorbell from her other friend Katlego, because she hasn't seen her in a little while. She may even be upset at the fact that she never told them about the pregnancy they had to figure it out on their own. Nonetheless she is still a friend so she let her in.
"Her guys, you look who found my doorstep today...the stranger herself" Buhle says as she comes to the lounge where Lindiwe and Lerato are chilling having wine. To say that her friends are surprised is an understatement. The first thing both of them looked at was Katlego's tummy which is beginning to show. This moment is a little discomforting more to Lindiwe than to Lerato. She knows it will become a very awkward day. But before Buhle could point to where her friend she will sit Katlego says, "Buhle can I please talk to you in private?" whispering, which puzzles Buhle. But as soon as Lindiwe sees that, she can figure out what's about to happen and then looks at Katlego as if to say, now this is not the right time Katli.
"Uhmm, okay. Are you alright friend? Something wrong?" the oblivious Buhle asks. Lindiwe wants to stand up and stop Katlego from doing what she thinks she's about to do as she looks really nervous. "Hey Katli, long time girl. Why don't you come and sit down so that we can catch up?" she says with a nervous smile.
But Katlego ignores her as she says, "Can we please go somewhere else to talk? Please, it's important." as she looks at Buhle with a worried face and eyes full of guilt. "Uhmm oh okay, let's go upstairs" Buhle says anxiously. "Ladies we will be right back okay? Please continue there, don't wait for me. See you soon" she says leaving the two at the lounge with Lerato more puzzled of the two. So Buhle and Katlego go upstairs into one of the guest bedrooms which is unoccupied. It is really big and well furnished with beautiful bedding. They go in and sit down but Katlego is sitting on the edge of the bed with nerves.
"So what's wrong my friend? What's wrong with you?" Buhle asks curiously. "Oh and you still owe us an explanation about that" as she points to Katlego's tummy. "Why didn't you tell us were pregnant? And then you disappear on us like that? I mean, seriously who is the father?" as she looks at her friend.
Katlego's eyes begin to turn red as she really doesn't know how to explain this to her friend. She decides to cut her off as she keeps asking many question, "Buhle, I slept with Sbu, your husband" she says to which Buhle smiles as if she didn't hear right. But she looks at Katlego's eyes and sees that
she probably heard right. "What did you say?" she asks, paying attention this time. "I slept with Sbu, Buhle" Katlego says as tears start falling down her cheeks. At that very moment Buhle's heart almost stops with shock. For a moment there she feels like she's transported into another world, like in a

dream. It's like she's somewhere beautiful by the sea with her family which is Sbu and daughter Naledi. Like they are having the best time of their lives.
At this moment she can't really tell which is a dream and which is real. But then suddenly she snaps out of it and in front her sits Katlego and she recalls her saying she slept with her husband. "What are you...What...I mean, what are you talking about Katli?" she asks in panic, but Katlego doesn't respond to that except that her tears are just falling down her face.
But then as soon Buhle looks at Katlego's tummy, it dawns on her. Her body almost goes to paralysis as shiver goes down her spine. "Katli, what the hell did you say to me? You what?" she starts shouting. "Uhmm, I'm really sorry about this Buhle. I really didn't..." Katlego says but she doesn't finish as Buhle slaps her so hard across the face that she falls to the floor on the carpet. She gets up and holds her face. She is still crying. "So you b*tch sleep with my husband and then he gets you pregnant?" Buhle shouts even louder this time so much that it draws the attention of her friends down stairs. "What kind of sickness is this b*tch? Huh? Sleeping with your best friend's husband to a point of getting pregnant?" as she gives Katlego another clap which sends her to the floor once again.
This time her friends Lerato and Lindiwe come charging upstairs, into the room and find Katlego on the floor. "What the hell is going on here?" Lerato asks as she helps Katlego up from the floor. She has sustained a small cut on the face, probably from Buhle's ring.
"Did you two know about this?" Buhle shouts at her friends but Lerato is puzzled as she says, "Know what? What the hell is going on here?" she looks at Lindiwe whose eyes are filled with guilt. "I said, did you know that this b*cth was sleeping with my husband and that she is pregnant with my husband's baby?" Buhle shouts once again and this time with tears falling down her face. But Katlego cuts her off, "No Buhle they didn't know okay?" she says as she is also crying. "That's why I distanced myself from all of you, I didn't want any of you to know, she says looking at Lindiwe. She then turns to Buhle and says, "I am really sorry about this Buhle. I never meant to hurt you and I wish..." she doesn't finish as she has to try and avoid another smack from Buhle who gets held back by Lerato.
"Get the f*ck out of my house b*tch, you hear me? Get the f*ck out of my house" Buhle screams as she cries uncontrollably. At that moment, Katlego rushes out and leaves Buhle's house in tears. As she heads for the gates she looks across the pool and her eyes meet Sbu's eyes and he can figure it out on his own what happened in the house.
Back in the house the three friends are still upstairs and Buhle is crying inconsolably. But as she wipes her tears, wanting to go down stairs to find her husband Lindiwe stops her. "Uhmm, my friend. Uhmm..." she says as she is lost for words and not knowing what to say. "It's not true that nobody knew about this. I knew." she says nervously, looking at Buhle. "I found out about it I didn't know how..." Lindiwe doesn't finish as Buhle cuts her off, "Lindi, you knew about this all along and never told me? You helped keep that b*tch's secret and pretended to be my friend? How could you do something like that to me, Lindi?" she screams at her friend. "You are not a friend Lindi. You betrayed my trust so bad" as she collapses on the floor and cry.
"Please get out of my house, both of you" she shouts. "Get out of my house" she screams even louder and Lerato and Lindi hurry up and leave the house. On their way out they meet Sbu who is coming back in the house on a wheelchair. He can tell that things don't look good for him. They don't say anything to him except saying whatever they need to say with their eyes as they walk out the door.

"Honey, are you there" Sbu shouts as he comes in to the lounge but he sees that there is no one there. He then goes to the kitchen and still, she isn't there. She then towards the stairs that lead to the bedrooms. He obviously can't climb up there since he currently can't walk on his own.
The temporary arrangement they have is that they had moved to the ground floor bedroom in order to make it easy for Sbu since he can't climb the stairs because of his injury. Upstairs are just bedrooms, laundry room, bath rooms and gym. Downstairs it's the kitchen, lounge, dining room, rest room and study rooms. So everything Sbu needs is down stairs. So as he looks upstairs wondering
how he's going to get there he hears a distant voice of his wife, she's crying inconsolably. Suddenly he's overcome by guilt. He really wants to get up there but he knows he can't so he calls out, "Baby"
as he shouts. "Baby can you please come down so that we can talk, please" he begs as shouts.
His plea is not helping as he continues to hear the voice of his wife crying. He then moves to the lounge and figures I will just sit here and wait for her to come down, even if i have to sleep on the couch! So he goes and sits on the couch with T.V. off though.
After two anxious hours of sitting in the lounge quietly and sick with worry, Sbu sees Buhle coming down to him. He wants to go to her and maybe try to hug her or something, if he could he would. Even if it means to go down on his knees he would. He stares at Buhle as she comes towards him but he's terrified of the inevitable, the conversation they are about to have. "Baby, I don't know what you have heard today from..." Sbu says to his wife who sits on the couch opposite him, whose eyes are red, filled with disgust, resentment and hate. She cuts him off before he goes even far, "What exactly do you think I heard, Ndimande?" she asks with a sort of defeated voice.
This question catches Sbu off guard and he doesn't know how to answer it. "I asked, what the hell did you think I heard Sbu" Buhle screams on top of her voice but still Sbu can't find the words to utter as he sits there opposite his wife and he can't even look at her in the eyes.
"I'm so sorry my love, I really didn't mean..." Sbu says with a trembling voice but he doesn't finish as his screaming wife cuts him off, "You are sorry for what you bastard?" she says "Sorry for what, huh? Sorry for sleeping with my best friend and impregnating her? Huh?" at this point tears are just falling off her cheeks. "How could you do this to me Sbu, huh? Why did you do this to me?" she's inconsolable. But Sbu just sits there ashamed and not having any answer to the question. He really wants so bad to say the baby may not be his but he knows that won't make things any comforting, so he keeps quiet. He takes another look at his wife and his heart is torn at the pain he sees from her eyes.
"Sbu please leave my house" Buhle says with allow voice that's even struggling to come out. "Wait, please baby don't do this okay? Can we please talk about it?" is all that Sbu can say with a begging voice. "Uhmm, honey I'm sorry..."
He doesn't finish as his wife reaps to him once again, "I said, get the hell out of my house damnit" she screams even the louder. "But baby, where can I go? It's 18:30, where am I going to go? Look at me, I can't even walk. Baby, can we please talk about this?" Sbu pleads but this seems to make Buhle angrier as she says, "Sbu if you don't want to leave, fine. I will go!" as she storms out of the room going upstairs without giving her husband a chance to counter that. 20 minutes later Buhle was downstairs with her bags. She walks passed Sbu who is shocked at seeing this. "Please Buhle, don't go I beg you, please" he says as his eyes are now teary himself.
But Buhle keeps walk without turning back while Sbu follows her with a wheelchair. "Please my love, let's talk. I'm begging you" he begs even more albeit to deaf ears. If he had means to grab her by the hand he would but his wife is moving so fast heading towards the door. So Sbu watches on as she opens the door and shutting behind her without even turning back. He is devastated.

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