chapter 13

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Today Mckenna and I were picking Ariana up at the airport, Brady wanted to take us but I told him that it was a girls day, there was so much that we had to catch Ariana up on.
My parents drove us to the airport because they wanted to see Ariana too. We waited at baggage claim until we saw her familiar face, she recognized us almost immediately.  She ran toward me and Mckenna tackling us.
"Oh my god! I missed you guys so much!"
Ariana squealed hugging us both tightly.
"We missed you more Ari!"
Mckenna squealed back.
Once we pulled apart my dad had already gotten Ariana's stuff off of the conveyor belt.
"Well shall we girls?"
My mom asked gesturing to the doors.
"Yes! I have to catch up with my girls!"
Ariana cheered as we walked to the car.
"So you and Kenna spending the night tonight and then we're dropping you off at your parents place tomorrow, right?"
My mom asked.
"Yes ma'am!"
Ariana said mocking a country voice as my mom laughed lightly at her.
"It's good to have you back, Ariana."
My dad told her walking behind us.

Once we got home the three of us rushed upstairs as fast as we could.
Once we got in my room Mckenna jumped on the bed as did Ariana. I sat across from them on my plush pink chair.
"Okay tell me everything!"
Ariana squealed.
"Oh she will, especially about you know who."
Mckenna said wiggling her eyebrows at me.
"Oh my god! Tell me!"
Ariana practically screamed out of excitement.
"Okay.. me and Brady kissed..."
I trailed off. Ariana's jaw was on the ground.
She practically screamed again.
"That's not all, what else happened Livy?"
Mckenna continued.
"He asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.."
I said blushing insanely.
Ariana cheered shaking Mckenna like crazy.
"I know! And let me tell you, his parents love her! And so do his siblings!"
Mckenna gossiped.
"Oh and his brother's girlfriend is such a sweetheart! You have to meet her!"
Mckenna added.
"Girl! I need to meet him! The only time I've ever seen Brady was that facetime call, and you're telling me you guys weren't dating then?"
Ariana questioned winking at me.
"We barely even knew each other then!"
I defended.
"Didn't look like it."
Mckenna teased.
"Shut up!"
I blushed.
"No, but in all seriousness, he treats her so good! Like oh my god! He tells her she's pretty every time he sees her, it's so cute!"
Mckenna added again.
"Aww! That's so sweet!"
Ariana cooed as I was a blushing mess.
"He's really great."
I told them with probably the biggest smile I could form.
"Oh you should've been here whenever she was like 'I like him but he wouldn't like me.' And he was like 'I really like her but she would never like me.' Meanwhile all of us knew exactly what was going on and it was so frustrating!"
Mckenna complained.
I acted offended and threw one of the throw pillows at her.
"You just know it's true."
Mckenna smirked.
"Oh whatever."
I fake scoffed.
"Well I have to meet everyone! Especially the boyfriend!"
Ariana said sing songy while she smirked.
"Yes you do! School's tomorrow and we all sit together now by the way."
Mckenna told her.
"Oh my god! I'm so excited!"
Ariana squealed.
"Okay! Okay! You're obviously going to meet Brady!"
I smiled widely.
"You're happy."
Ariana stated, smiling sweetly at me.
"Yeah... I guess I am."
I smiled.
"He's different from you know who.  You'll approve of Brady, I know it."
Mckenna told her.  Ariana nodded skeptically.
"That's up to me to decide."
Ariana smirked.
"Whatever you say.."
I winked at her.
"We should make cookies, I'm hungry.."
Mckenna trailed off causing us to break out into laughter.



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