chapter 4

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After many and I mean many rehearsals we finally made it to filming.  First we had to try on costumes and take the pictures for the movie.  I've already had the best time with this cast.  I mean obviously because I have my best friend with me but also I can't believe I never talked to Brady before now.  He's really sweet and funny and honestly super cute.  It's hard to hate him for the scenes cause he always makes me smile during rehearsals, hopefully I can just keep my cool for when we start actually filming.
Right now I was trying on the cheer uniform and then several different mini dresses with different color cardigans, I loved every single one of them. But my favorite is the classic mini white dress with the iconic folklore cardigan.

They sent me out of the dressing room trailer and sent me to take professional photos for the movie. As I was walking over to the photo shoot I felt an arm slither around my waist.
"Well hello Betty."
Brady whispered against my hair.
"Why hello James."
I whispered back a little flirtatiously.
We walked together there just talking about what we think the photos will look like and random stuff like that.

"Okay so I have a problem.  I kissed Brady.  Like I kissed Brady. I mean obviously it was for the photos and technically it wasn't me and Brady it was Betty and James, but something felt different, you know? I've had to kiss for movies or shows before, like school spirits and outer banks but damn.  Brady felt different, real.  Like a spark went off between.  I think he might feel the same I don't know. God this is so frustrating!"
I rambled panicked to Mckenna and Ariana, who was facetiming us from the guardians of the galaxy set as Mckenna soothed me by rubbing my back.
"You like him, Livy that's completely normal."
Mckenna soothed.
"Not for me Kenna!"
I scoffed.
Okay so here's the thing, I've not had a crush on someone like ever.  I felt as if it was unprofessional so even if I found someone attractive I wouldn't go any further.  I always wanted to seem as professional as possible especially when my parents were freaking Emily Blunt and John Krasinski. So I just stayed away from that topic, but Brady... he's breaking every single one of my rules.
"Just breathe Livy, it's gonna be okay."
Ariana told me.  I tried to steady my breathing.
"This is so normal, and by the way Brady looks at you, he so likes you.  Plus didn't your parents start dating while filming a movie together?"
Mckenna reasoned.
I mumbled.
"See! Good things can happen from this!"
Mckenna tried to lift my spirits.
"Well I don't have to worry about it cause he doesn't like me so ha!"
I told her as she and Ariana rolled their eyes.


brady's pov

"So we kissed. Like me and olivia."
I told Mason.
"Okay? You also had to kiss Mckenna I don't get it, what's so bad?
Mason asked completely clueless.
"Dude! Nevermind you don't get it."
I said defeated running my hands through my hair. In the few weeks being with Olivia and just hanging out with her I might have developed a bit of a crush on her, but it's not just that she's pretty, it's getting to know her more than just liking her posts and going to the same school. Actually knowing her. And that kiss, it couldn't have been just for a photo. It was more than that. Like a spark went off, and I think or I hope she felt it too.
"Hey! No tell me why it's bad."
Mason begged.
"Cause I like her! That's why! She's just so- and her hair- oh and when she does that little smile when she gets a line right. And then that kiss- I mean it's like sparks went off. But Olivia doesn't do crushes so here I am acting like a complete idiot liking her but I know she doesn't like me."
I ranted.
Mason started till someone behind me cut him off.
"That's a lot."
Xochitl said behind me.
"Xochitl! You can't tell anyone!"
I begged her.
"Relax Brady! I highly doubt that Olivia isn't interested in you, especially after overhearing her from her trailer... also who would I tell, you guys are literally the only people I talk to."
Xochitl said calmly.
"False! You also talk to Olivia and Mckenna so you could tell them."
Mason pointed out. I pointed at him giving Xochitl a 'see?!' face till it actually clicked in my head what she just said.  Olivia was talking about me?!
"Wait Mason shut up, what did Olivia say?"
I asked her. Xochitl just smirked at me.
"I'm a girls girl I will not snitch on fellow girl. All I can say is don't worry."
Xochitl said, I rolled my eyes as she walked out leaving me with a thousand questions.
"See dude! Nothing to worry about, I'm gonna go get food."
Mason said leaving me alone in my trailer.

fierce hearts (brady noon x oc)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon