Chapter 4: Temptation

Start from the beginning

“Oh wow, so this was all that about huh? So you are here in this bed with me because you want to beg for your husband? Well, nicely played okay. So all this talk about feelings is just…” the upset Tsego doesn’t finish as Lindiwe cuts him off, “Oh come you know better than that, of course I meant what I said okay?” she says. “But I’m begging you to hold out on this story, just for a little longer. I’m not saying forever but just for now okay? And I would really…” she doesn’t herself as Tsego cuts her
off, “What’s the difference Lindi, if we release the story now or later huh?” he asks as he raises his voice. “Your husband is corrupt and I have evidence, so that won’t change between now and whenever time the story may be released” as he looks away in frustration.
Lindiwe also sits up straight and lean on Tsego’s shoulder as she takes a second to think. “Look I don’t know what sort of evidence you have against my husband and I’m not saying don’t do your job okay? But I’m asking that you delay a little bit in the release of this story, for my sake please” as she looks at an annoyed Tsego with begging eyes.
“Look, the timing is really bad for me right now. My business is doing so well as you can see this hotel has become an attraction. We are in the middle of an acquisition and will be launching satellite hotels across the country soon, so much money has been invested in this. I have no dealings with my husband’s businesses and I have nothing to do with whatever you have on him but I’m still his wife so whatever affects him affects me. If I become associated with corrupt politicians, then I can kiss all my business goodbye because it won’t survive the scandal. So please I’m begging you” her voice is trembling a little bit. This makes Tsego to take a minute a think, he looks a lot calmer now after this.
He puts his hand over his mouth and thinks hard.
“so basically what you are saying to me Lindi is that I must kill this story because if I don’t you will
lose everything huh?” he asks as he looks away to avoid eye contact. “No, no, no babe” Lindi says as she pulls his face to look at her. “I’m saying only just for now, you know until I’ve signed these deals and done the launch. After that then you can release it and I will deal with the aftermath. At least
then deals would have been made” she says as she looks at Tsego in the eyes.
He takes a minute to think, “Okay then I will freeze this story for now even though this may cost me my job. But let’s be clear on something okay? I’m not doing this for your husband, but for you
because I love you” he says which comes a relief to Lindiwe who smiles at him and pulls him closer
to kiss him. Tsego accepts the invitation as he kisses her back. “Thank you so much. This means a lot to me babe, you know that right?” Lindiwe says. “And I will show you just how much I
appreciate you, right now” as she pins Tsego down and climbs on top of him again and he
doesn’t fight it himself. They make love one more time with double passion under the sheets.

On the same day, Buhle has gone unconventional by visiting MEC Tendai at his home. This is the same day he was meant to come back for his test results after having been examined by Buhle at the hospital. Tendai has a beautiful mansion in the upper class suburbs, and shockingly he lives alone. He has a 8 year old daughter who lives with her mother, even though she comes to visit every other weekend since they have shared custody.

“Well, thank you doctor for bringing my results at my home since I couldn’t be able to honor my appointment. I really apologize for the inconvenience caused” Tendai says as he pours drinks for both him and Buhle he sits on the couch rather nervously. “So I suppose it’s something I should
worry about since you couldn’t tell me over the phone, huh?” he says as he comes to sit down next to Buhle as he gives her a glass. “Oh no, you have nothing to worry about really. I was just in the neighborhood so I thought I might as well pass by you?” Buhle says as she takes a sip but Tendai
looks at her and let out a little smile. “What?” Buhle asks curiously as she looks at him in the eyes. “Oh no, it’s just I was wondering if you keep all your patients’ files in your bag, you know just in case you go pass their neighborhood, hahaha” he bursts out laughing.
But this joke seems to have caught Buhle off guard as she is embarrassed by it. “Oh well you really got me there” she says. “Actually I was wondering if that lunch offer was still on the table, well even though it would probably be dinner now, looking at the time” she says as she blushes but Tendai just smiles at her without saying anything.
“Oh but if your wife, girlfriend, mother or whatever woman you are hiding upstairs approves, hahaha” Buhle bursts out laughing. She really had to get back at him about that files joke. Tendai gets the joke as he also laughs, “Hahaha. No actually there’s no one hidden upstairs. We can go to the bedroom now if you want to check” he says naughtily and Buhle blushes as she looks away while
taking a sip of her drink. “But on a serious note, I live by myself. I have a daughter though and she lives with her mother. She comes over for a visit every other weekend” Tendai says as he takes another sip. “So who cooks for you here than in this big house? Or you eat takeaways every day?
You know that’s really not healthy for you Mr. MEC” Buhle says with a smile.
“Well get your apron on, doctor and cook for me hahaha” Tendai says laughing. “Oh no, I haven’t done that even in my house lately, for my own family and now I must do it in a stranger’s house? No ways, hahaha” Buhle says as she takes another sip. “Hahaha, stranger’s? I don’t think we are strangers anymore Buhle, you have my file which is confidential. That means you know more about me than most people do” Tendai says as he also takes a sip of his drink.
This makes Buhle think for a second as she finishes whatever was in the glass. Whatever it was, it has clearly loosened her up a little bit. “Tell you what, Mr. MEC, why don’t we make this fun? We
will both go to the kitchen and we will cook together and come up with our own unique dish, how’s that?” she says with a naughty smile. With that Tender’s eyes brighten up with excitement. “Now you are talking. Let’s do this” he says as he stands and go to the kitchen drawer and pulls two
aprons. He throws one to Buhle’s face. She just smiles and wears it. For the next two hours they fun cook something that looks super delicious. They were occasionally dancing to whatever music was playing since they were just going with the flow of the evening.
“So are you and your baby mama still together?” Buhle asks as she sips her wine. They are now seated down after two hours of preparing for this dinner. They decided to make it a candlelight dinner set up. It could have been cocktails that led to that but they seem to be enjoying each other’s company and seem quite comfortable to talk about anything.
“Well I’m not sure if we are together or not” Tendai says as he sips his wine too and this seems to puzzle Buhle a little bit., “What do you mean you don’t know? How can you not know if you are with someone or not?” she asks which seems to make Tendai a little uncomfortable. “Well I know it sounds crazy but I’m serious. The only time we see each other is when she comes to drop my

daughter for a visit. We are friendly but we just drifted apart with time plus I have been busy as well. It’s nobody’s fault though” he says as he drinks his wine. He really seems uncomfortable with this topic but he thought oh what the heck? I might as well tell her?

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