The Fencer Ordinaire and The Ordinary Fencer

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"It's that time, Lord Shadow."

"I see."

I can't say I didn't expect this. But what I didn't expect was how this would make me of all people feel. Why am I like this?

"You must understand by now. The reason for all this." Alpha says, giving me a small smile.

I can't help but return one of my own, albeit after a small delay. "Yes, I understand... Ahem- Take care of yourselves."


"We will, Lord Shadow."

...goodbye, my Shades.


It hurt still. Not sure why, but it did. Though, I'm sure it won't be long till I somehow meet back with them again, it still pains me for some reason.

I know for sure now, they have grown on me.

Thankfully, they have stuck to a rotating basis on where one of them is to be with me for a day. It was definitely better than not seeing any of them at all for years.

Yet, my mind often drifted back to the moments when all of us were together, unburdened by the annoyances of the Cult.

We would enjoy ourselves in the nostalgic scent of the forest, the trees, and unintentionally created memories that now haunted my thoughts. I should have known the significance of those times.

Now, my duty lay in carrying them along, leading us toward an end to the Cult and the hope of recapturing those cherished moments. With my current strength, I believe that by pulling an all-nighter I could swiftly eradicate the Cult.

However, the consequences of such a sudden disappearance of key figures disguised as Cult followers might unleash more chaos than the poor excuse of a competent Cult could ever... Yes, I'm poking fun at the Cult right now.

Hence, I chose a path of patience, opting to minimize the damage inflicted. If I cared less, then maybe I would have pursued the instant approach. But the journey to retrieve my indifference was one that seemed endless at this point, like a path that may never find its end.

And so, I'm stuck caring for the small things around me.

...but this feeling, I don't exactly hate it. I enjoy caring for some things. I enjoy being around the people and things that hold significance to me. But caring for things that might as well not even be of importance to me is... not one I like.

After I had bid them farewell, I dedicated myself to intensive training like never before. I pushed my limits to the point where I felt as though death loomed over me. But that didn't matter; I was determined to become stronger.

I cared little about the methods I employed or the fatigue that accompanied replicating techniques from my past life. Anything that could bolster my strength was a step in the right direction.

Now, I stand here, having achieved my goal. Through relentless effort, I have become the strongest. I know I have.

At the age of 15, I now attend the Midgar Academy for Dark Knights in the Royal Capital. My grades hover slightly above average, enough to be considered a decent student rather than an exceptional one.

Initially, I considered adopting a more 𝘮𝘦𝘩 approach to academics, but I decided to show Claire my improvements. Speaking of her, she is thriving. After the graduation of the red-haired princess, Iris Midgar, Claire has risen to become one of the school's strongest. It fills me with pride.

In the present, I find myself watching a fellow student named Skel as he confesses his feelings to the captivating Princess Alexia Midgar. He's being extra dramatic in his confession, he has flowers, a whole suit, and everything to set the scene.

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