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Three Shades of Love
Chapter - 2

Then the secondary examination began. Secondary also followed the suggestion given by Mriganka. Unexpectedly, Mriganka brought glory to their school in the secondary examination, securing the top position. All the teachers in the school were extremely happy with the exam results. On the other hand, Saranya passed with the same marks.

Outside the school gate, Saranya put her hand on Mriganka's shoulder and asked, “What are your plans for studies? Have you decided which school to join?”
Mriganka replied, “Hmmm...”
Saranya said, “What hmm? Tell me clearly what you have decided. I will join the same school where you get admitted.”
Mriganka smiled and said, “I know. I will study in this school. I will take Pure Science. And you?”
Saranya said, “I... I am thinking of studying Arts.”
Mriganka said, “Alright. What about your parents? Have they said anything after seeing the results?”
Saranya, with a serious face, said, “They won't say anything again. Ugh...!
What a mess it becomes immediately after checking the results on the phone.
Anyway, tell me, which one is more important: being a good person or excelling in studies?”
Mriganka said, “If I have to say, I'll say both are equally important. Because in life, even if you are a good person without money, no one values you. Everyone gives importance to money. The more money you have, the more respect you get. You hold the most valuable personality in society. Education is necessary for employment, and most of this entire process is leaning towards education. We study for two reasons: one for our livelihood and the other for gaining knowledge. According to me, both are equally important.”

Saranya stood up and said, “It seems like you are speaking exactly like my parents. I don't like it. I am leaving...”
Mriganka stood up and asked, “Where are you going with this attitude?”
Saranya, saying that and started walking away from Mriganka.

Mriganka visited Saranya's house in the evening and found her sitting alone quietly.
Mriganka asked, “Hey, where are your parents?”
Saranya replied, “They're at the nearby shop.”
Mriganka said, “Okay. But why are you sitting like this with a sullen face?”
Saranya didn't say anything.
Mriganka smirked and said, “Are we going to play this game again? Study a little bit, but...”
Before finishing the sentence, Saranya got angry and said, “Now, whatever mischief you do, I won't be able to do it anymore. It'll be fine then.”
Mriganka was a little surprised and asked, “What?!
What do you mean?”

Saranya said, “My father said he'll enroll me in another school, and I'll study there.”
Mriganka said, “Okay, then I'll also join the same school as you. We will study in the same school.”
Saranya said, “No, that won't possible.”
Mriganka asked, “Why?”
Saranya replied, “Because there's no Science in that school. It's enough; I won't be able to be mischievous with you there.”
Mriganka said, “Crazy or what? I told you that school doesn't have Science.”

Mriganka returned home. His mother saw him and asked, “What happened, dear? Why are you sitting like this?”
Mriganka remained silent.
At dinner time, Mriganka's father said, “What happened to Mriganka? Why are you sitting like this silently? What's wrong?”
Mriganka replied, “Dad, Saranya said her father will admit her to another school.”
Mriganka's father said, “That's a good thing, but why this attitude of sitting like this?”
Mriganka left the dining table, stood up, and said, “Isn't this good? She will study in another school, Dad. She is my best friend; I can't imagine a school life without her. She's my best friend. If she studies, I'll study there too.”

Mriganka's father said, “Alright, we'll admit you to that school where she gets admitted.”
Mriganka replied, “That won't work because the school where she'll study doesn't offer Science, so my opportunity to study will be limited.”
Mriganka's father said, “I can't understand this.”
At night when it was time to sleep, Mriganka's father asked him, “What do you want? Tell me. Do you want to study together with Saranya? I'll talk to Samir accordingly.’
Mriganka said, “Yes, I have already said I want to study together with Saranya.”
Mriganka's father said, “Alright, I'll talk to Samir then.”
The next day, in the morning, Souhardya and Samir went for a morning walk together.
Souhardya said, "Samir, did I hear correctly that you're planning to enroll your daughter in a different school, and that school might not offer a science program?"

Samir chuckling and responded, "Oh, has that news reached you guys as well? Who said that? I'm sure it's just a rumor."
Souhardya replied, "No, it wasn't a rumor. But someone has misled me."
Samir still smiling and said, "Then it must be Mriganka?"
Souhardya said, "Apart from that, who else could it be? Since yesterday night, a face has been grinning ear to ear. It seems like they won't relent without Mriganka."
Samir said, "There's more to say. I've been telling my daughter the same thing from the beginning, yet she keeps echoing the same thoughts. She insists she won't study without Mriganka. But despite that, they've become great friends."
Souhardya said, "Not true! They've been playmates since they were little. Can't good friendships be maintained?"
"So, have you decided to enroll her there?" asked Samir.
Samir replied, "I'm considering it."
Souhardya said, "But there's an arts program here too. Why don't you choose this place?"
Samir explained, "Actually, the financial aspect is a bit more than anticipated. So, I was thinking..."
Souhardya assured, "I'm here. Whatever help I can offer, I will. Maybe that help might not fit your requirement."
Samir responded, "Are you saying all this? It's not like that at all."
Souhardya clarified, "Then? That's why I say, when one doesn't agree, make the kid study here, without Mriganka. Besides, shifting to a new school wouldn't solve it. We won't know the environment there. What if she doesn't adjust well after that? We'll spend two more years watching how it unfolds. Let her study here."
Samir said, "That's what I meant when I said it will happen the way it's supposed to."
Souhardya said, "Let's head towards the park." Samir agreed, "Sure."

Upon returning home Samir saw Saranya engrossed in a book. Samir asked, "What are you reading, dear?"
Saranya, looking down, replied, "A book about ghost stories."
"Ghost stories? Don't read it at night; it might give you nightmares," chuckled Samir.
Then Samir said, "Listen, I have something to tell you."
Saranya looked up curious.
"There's only one thing in your speech," she said, "that mom wants you to study at this school because you'll study well here. Is that it?"
Samir laughed, "No, that's not it. I was thinking, if you had to leave this school, you'd have to bid farewell to your teachers and friends from here. Apart from that, you've spent so many years studying in this environment; it might be difficult for you. If you moved to another school, convincing them might be inconvenient for you. So, I've thought it through that you'll study here. Moreover, if I agree with Souhardya now and don't listen to my friend's advice, it might lead to a misunderstanding between us. A slight misunderstanding can ruin a good relationship. I don't want our friendship to be destroyed."
Saranya looked at Samir and said, "Thanks for persuading mom in this way."
Upon hearing this Samir smiled and said, "Is that so? Then mom has said you have to eat before leaving the house today."
Saranya happily replied, "Of course, I will. When aunty say, I'll definitely eat."
Later Saranya went to Mriganka's house.
She saw Mriganka sitting down for breakfast, eating toast with egg.
Saranya asked, "Is uncle here, Mriganka?"
Mriganka replied, "Why? Suddenly searching for my father?"
Souhardya said, "You don't know, but I know why he's looking for me."
Mriganka looked a little surprised and asked, "What's happened? Tell me something; I can't understand anything."
Saranya said, "I'm saying my father has agreed for me to study at this school."
Mriganka left his breakfast, excitedly asking, "Really? uncle has agreed?"
Souhardya remarked, "However, all credit goes to Mriganka for Saranya's convincing."
Mriganka chuckled.

Hearing this, Saranya turned towards Mriganka and said, "Thank you for convincing my father like this. I don't want to leave this school, leave my friends, and most importantly, leave you."
Mriganka smiled and said, "Okay, understood. But mom has said you have to eat before leaving the house today."
Saranya assured, "Of course, I'll eat. When aunty decides, I'll definitely eat."

To be continued................................

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