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Three Shades of Love
Chapter – 10

Mriganka and his associates went to the CCTV footage room with the class teacher and the principal of the school. Upon checking the CCTV footage, they saw that what the associates claimed was indeed true; Mriganka was caught red-handed. They noticed that shortly after the exams started, the boys sitting behind Mriganka took out some pieces of paper from their pockets and discreetly placed two of them towards Mriganka. One was placed near his feet, and the other was placed on the bench beside him. This was done in such a way that it would raise suspicion on Mriganka as the owner of those papers.
Upon witnessing this scene, the teacher exclaimed to the principal, "What cunning boys! What intelligence they have!" To which the principal responded, "That's what I see. They've orchestrated it in such a way that suspicion falls upon Mriganka. But if you know about the involvement, what would you do?"

Samprikta said, "Sir, a few days ago, these boys and girls were cheating on our class surprise test. That day Mriganka complained to the teacher about them. And from that day onwards, they became revengeful against him. They were plotting against Mriganka, I and my friend Aindrila heard some of their conversation on our way back from the washroom that day. And since that day, I and my friend kept an eye on them because we knew they would do something against Mriganka on the last day of the exam."
The school principal said, "I feel very sorry that we doubted you, Mriganka. We were wrong. Actually, we couldn't understand."
Mriganka said, "No, sir. You did not make a mistake.
Actually, we believe what we see with our own eyes. It's not your fault, sir, it's mine. I should have been more vigilant."
Their class teacher said, "Truly, Mriganka, I have made a big mistake. I should have realized that a boy has never cheated in all these years."
The principal said, "Mriganka, you will take your exam and your paper will not be canceled.
Instead, you will be given an extra two hours to take the exam. How do you feel about finishing your writing in between?"
For a moment of darkness descended in front of Mriganka's eyes, he couldn't understand what to do. After hearing the words, he seemed relieved.
Mriganka said, "Okay, sir."
Mriganka smiled with relief & thinking, "I never thought the girl with whom I am most uncomfortable, with whom I behave the worst, would stand by my side like this on my toughest day today. And it's me who has said such awful things to you. Forgive me, Samprikta."

When the teacher and the principal left, Mriganka said, "Samprikta, I am really sorry!"
Samprikta smiled softly and asked, "Sorry! For what?"
Mriganka replied, "For behaving badly with you that day. Believe me, I didn't want to. I don't know why I behaved badly with you for no reason. Please forgive me."
Samprikta said, "No, Mriganka, you didn't make any mistake, you did the right thing. I always torment you, I'm very bad."
Mriganka said, "No, Samprikta, you're not bad; if anyone is bad, it's me because I behaved badly with you for no reason."
Mriganka stood in front of Samprikta with folded hands and said, "Please forgive me, Samprikta. Please!"
Samprikta smiled and said, "I forgave you a long time ago. And besides, what's the point of asking for forgiveness again? You did what seemed right to you. The mistake was mine that day somewhere; I was forcing my gift on you, I never thought if you would like it. In all fairness, I should be the one asking for forgiveness from you. Anyway, now let's go, we have to take the exam. And I have to take the exam too."
Mriganka asked, "Yes. Are you coming too? Let's go."
Samprikta replied, "Yes, I am coming, but I'll just be back from the washroom, you go ahead.

When Mriganka was heading towards the classroom, he noticed a commotion in front of their classroom. Upon reaching there, he saw a scuffle had broken out, and among the crowd stood his dear friend Saranya, looking shocked.
A boy from the side noticed Mriganka and exclaimed, "Here comes Mriganka. What happened, Mriganka? What's going on?"
Mriganka coldly stare at him.
Surya asked, "What happened, Mriganka?"
Saranya approached Mriganka and said, "What happened, Mriganka? Why is everyone saying you're a cheater? But I believe you're not a cheater."
Anima asked, "Why are they saying such things? What happened?"
Saranya told Mriganka, "Tell me once what someone did to you, I'll show them."
Mriganka said to Saranya, "Calm down, cool your head a bit. The teacher is coming, the teacher will address all of this."
Saranya asked Mriganka, "Did you not take the exam? Yes?"
Mriganka replied, "The teacher will address everything when he comes."

A few moments later, the teacher arrived and explained everything to everyone. Those who had mistreated Mriganka had their exam papers canceled, and they were suspended from school for a year.
Finally, when Mriganka was about to go for the exam,
Saranya said, "Do well in the exam. If Samprikta weren't here today, you would have been in big trouble. It's true that you can't always be pressured, but it may take a while to prove that you are innocent, but in that case, it's better late than never. And yes, if anyone does anything like this again, let me know, I'll deal with them."
Mriganka tapped Saranya's head lightly and said, "Why resort to violence, Saranya? Without conflict, can't we resolve anything? If someone does something to me, it's not about fighting or hitting back, why? We can solve many things with a cool head and wisdom."
Saranya touched her head and said, "Yes, you're right."
Mriganka said, "Anyway, I have to go now, otherwise I'll be late for the exam again. And perhaps today I won't be escorted home by you. I'll go back alone. Take care, okay?"
Saranya said, "Yes, yes, okay. Do well in the exam."
Mriganka replied, "Yes."
Saranya left for home.

Samprikta came and sat on the bench next to Mriganka.
The teacher said, "Samprikta, your time will be a little less than Mriganka's. You'll have one and a half hours."
Samprikta exclaimed, "One and a half hours!"
The teacher asked, "Yes. Why?"
Samprikta replied, "Actually, I had thought I wouldn't even get any time. Maybe I won't be given any more time."
The teacher said, "Yes. We also didn't think about this. It was Mriganka who suggested. Since you have helped us along with Mriganka, quite a bit of time has been spent on your exam too. Mriganka had requested us about this on your behalf. We thought about it and realized that what he said was absolutely correct. So, this is your paper too."
Samprikta looked towards Mriganka.

With one hour of the exam remaining, Mriganka finished his exam. Even then, Samprikta was sitting on the bench next to him, still taking the test. After completing her exam, Samprikta took her bag and came downstairs, where she saw Mriganka standing in front of the school gate.
Samprikta smiled and said, "Are you waiting here? Waiting for your friend, I assume? But the school seems mostly empty now."
Mriganka replied, "I'm not waiting for my friend. I was waiting for you."
Samprikta, a little surprised, asked, "For me?"
Mriganka nodded and said, "Yes, for you. Why can't I wait for you?"
Samprikta responded, "Yes, you can. But I truly can't understand. I am not dreaming, right? Is this really happening? I never thought that a boy like you would wait for me. It feels like a dream to me."
Hearing this, Mriganka kept looking at Samprikta.
Samprikta paused for a moment and said, "Are you thinking that I've shown you mercy? That's why you..."
"B….But look, I haven't shown you any mercy. I only wished to bring the truth out in front of everyone. And I never want any harm to come to you."
Mriganka replied, "I know you haven't shown me mercy. I also know that everything you've done, you've done to bring the truth out. I won't thank you for that; instead, I'll be indebted to you for my whole life."
Samprikta said, "I understand all that, but I never expected you to wait for me like this."
Mriganka responded, "I didn't face any inconvenience because of that. Besides, it's evening now, and I thought it was reasonable to wait. And whatever you did for me today nullifies any waiting on my part."
Samprikta remarked, "In that case, you've also done me a favor."
"How so?" asked Mriganka.
Samprikta replied, "Because I managed to complete a bit of my pending exam."

They both walked until they reached Samprikta's car.
Approaching the car, Samprikta said, "Let me drop you home."
Mriganka smiled and replied, "No, there's no need for that."
"Why not?" Samprikta inquired.
Mriganka explained, "Actually, my house isn't too far from here, and honestly, such a big car won't be able to enter the narrow lanes leading to my house. Moreover, if it goes there, you might feel uncomfortable."
Samprikta assured, "I won't feel uncomfortable."
Mriganka continued, "You've already done a lot for me today. I don't want to trouble you anymore. So, I insist on going home alone."
Samprikta hesitated, "But..."
Mriganka interrupted, "No more 'buts'. Get in the car now. It's already getting late, and if we delay further, everyone at your house will worry about you."
After saying this, he opened the car gate for Samprikta.
Samprikta got into the car.
Mriganka closed the car gate for her and said, "Drive safely."
The car started and drove off.
Mriganka walked back home.
When he reached home, he saw Saranya waiting for him in front of their house.

To be continued ………

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