Jestion stood up holding June making sure to place his hearing aids on the table. Riley walked over and lifted up Caleb who was half asleep during the conversation. "Go lay him down I'll tuck him in then go to bed." Riley whispered to Jestion. Jestion nodded and started walking upstairs first to lay June in his bed.




The next morning Elias woke up at seven to start cooking. He made a big breakfast for the whole family. The table his parents had was already extended to fit everyone so he had no trouble laying everything out. He made sure he sat up June's high chair before he went to wake up everyone.

He started with Alexi and knocked on the door receiving no answer as he walked in. "Alexi get up." He said opening the curtains in the room. Sunlight flooded in making Alexi turn over and cover his face with a groan. Elias walked over to the bed and sat beside him. He patted his side and smiled. "If you get up I'll let you kiss me." Elias bargained, causing Alexi to get up and kiss him.

Elias smiled and pulled away standing up quickly. "Now hurry up and come downstairs." He said before leaving the room. He went to knock on Jestion and Riley's door. Jestion opened the door holding June who had just woken up. "I made breakfast for everyone, I'm gonna help Caleb get ready." Elias told Jestion. Jestion nodded and looked over at Riley sleeping heavily in the bed. "I'll bring them both down." Jestion smiled before going back into the room to kick Riley awake.

"Get up, breakfast." Jestion said sweetly after Riley jumped up from being kicked. He walked into the bathroom to get June ready.

About ten minutes later Riley, Jestion and June made it downstairs. Caleb and Elias were sitting down and Elias was helping Caleb serve himself and helping quiz him on different words. "Everything smells amazing!" Jestion said as he leaned down to give Caleb a kiss on his head before sitting June in his high chair.

Riley walked back into the dinning room after grabbing June's hearing aids and smiled at Caleb. He sat down beside Jestion who was cutting up pancakes and everything he planned to feed June. "Babe let him get messy sometimes its good for him to feel out his own meal." Riley told Jestion who gave him a glare. Riley raised his hands and started serving himself, making sure to set the hearing aids away from the plates.

Everyone started eating before Alexi came down still in pajamas. Riley looked at him and sighed. "You know we're going shopping today, why are you not dressed?" Riley questioned before he took a bite of his food. "I am dressed." Alexi yawned out as he grabbed food for himself. Elias shook his head and stood up pulling Alexi back upstairs. "Go get dressed. I don't have time for this today. We are on a tight schedule." He said, pushing Alexi to his room.

Elias stomped back downstairs and sent the schedule for the next two weeks to Jestion and Riley. "Christmas tree? Who is carrying that." Riley laughed as he looked at the list. Jestion and Elias looked at each other before looking at him. Riley then sighed and put down his phone. "I'm going back to work." He grumbled out putting more food in his mouth.

Caleb laughed at him being grumpy as he listened to all the fun activities Elias had planned for them. "Who is santa?" Caleb asked after Elias said he and June would be taking pictures with Santa. "Well honey santa is a man who brings presents to nice kids on christmas eve after everyone has gone to sleep. He has a naughty and nice list that has kids all over the worlds name on it and that's how he decides who will get fun presents and who will get coal for being naughty." Jestion said with a smile.

Caleb frowned and looked down. "How come santa never brought us gifts?" He asked before looking at Jestion. "Am I bad?" He questioned looking around the table. Jestion and Elias both shook their heads no. "Sometimes santa loses track of kids, he lost me for a long time but after I was put with my foster family he found me again after I wrote him a letter. How about we write him a letter again so he knows where to find you and June?" Elias said with a big smile.

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