CHAPTER 2: "where were u the whole time?!"

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The night was ablaze with neon lights, casting an otherworldly glow upon the bustling streets of Tokyo. Katsuki had just landed in Japan. The cold wind hit her face as the door to exit opened. She could literally smell Tokyo.

She had come to Tokyo for one reason: to reclaim what was once hers. The company she had lost years ago had been seized by her cunning uncle, a man she had grown to despise. He had stripped her of the family legacy, leaving her with nothing but a burning desire for revenge. That's it. That is all she has to do.

As she got out of the airport Katsuki's eyes were alight with determination. She had spent years building connections, amassing power, and perfecting her skills to reclaim what was rightfully hers. Her uncle had underestimated her, thinking he could hold onto her birthright forever.
She right away told the driver to take her to her uncle's mansion.

The mansion was big. It was where she spent her childhood. They entered the mansion's huge gate just as she finished loading her gun. Katsuki nodded at Tasha, her assistant, and they both stepped out the car.
Right the visit didn't go soo well. They barged into the house and demanded the uncle to give up his company or he will face huge losses because Yosida company was the biggest investor of their company. Another one of the master plans of Katsuki's.
Little did she know that the true puppeteer behind the empire was not him but a mysterious figure known as "the Devil." It was a code name that sent shivers down Katsuki's spine. She believed that her ex-boyfriend, a man she thought was long dead and gone, had risen from the shadows to control her family's business? Or was it someone trying to take over the name.
But whoever it was she had to find them.
Katsuki had to confront the ghost of her past, a man she had loved once, but who had betrayed her and disappeared. Her heart still bore the scars of their tumultuous relationship. She never imagined they would cross paths again, let alone in a Tokyo nightclub.

That night, she decided to start her search for the Devil. She asked Becky to find everything about him. She could barely find anything except the fact that there was a high-end club called "Serpent's Den," a place where the rich and powerful gathered. It was rumored to be the Devil's favorite haunt.

And now she was standing right outside the club. She went to her hotel and changed into a shimmering short-dress. God she hasn't worn them in a while. She had her assistant right behind dressed in a similar party wear.

As she entered the club, the music pounded through her veins, and the flashing lights illuminated the decadence of the room. She scanned the crowd, her heart racing. And then, she saw him.

Sitting at the bar, his silhouette was unmistakable. His back was turned to her, but there was no mistaking the air of danger that surrounded him. The man she had once loved, the Devil himself, was here.

Intrigue and anger surged through her as she approached him, steeling herself for the confrontation that would change everything.

As Katsuki was about to approach the Devil in the dimly lit nightclub, Tasha pulled her back with a firm grip. She leaned in close, her voice a hushed whisper in her ear.

"Katsuki, approaching him directly is dangerous. Let's not tip our hand too soon," Tasha advised, his eyes filled with concern. "We should ambush him on our terms. I've gathered some information on his movements."

Katsuki, her heart still pounding with the unexpected encounter, reluctantly nodded. She trusted Tasha's judgment. She had been her confidant and right-hand man for years, and her strategic thinking had never let her down.

With a determined gleam in her eye, Katsuki followed Tasha to a nearby corner, away from prying eyes. They huddled together, and she began to outline the plan.

"Aki, or Akimitsu Hasegawa, also known as the Devil, is a creature of habit. He frequents this club every Saturday night. We'll use that to our advantage. Tonight, he'll be meeting with a contact named Ryuji, a man we believe holds a key piece of information about his operations."

Katsuki's lips tightened with resolve as she listened to Tasha's words. "Then let's be ready for them. We need to capture Ryuji and force him to talk."

Tasha nodded, her eyes glinting with determination. "I've already arranged for some of our best operatives to be strategically positioned in the club. We'll be able to intercept Ryuji and, by extension, Aki."

The plan was set in motion. Katsuki and Tasha discreetly moved through the club, making sure all their operatives were in position. The tension in the air was palpable as they waited for the Devil's arrival.

Hours passed, and the club grew more crowded with each passing moment. Finally, the moment they had been waiting for arrived. Aki, the Devil, entered the club with an air of authority. He was accompanied by a few of his loyal underlings.

Katsuki's heart raced as she watched him approach the designated meeting spot. Her ex-boyfriend, whom she believed to be long gone, was now within her grasp. This was her chance to confront the past and reclaim her family's empire.
As Katsuki and her team readied themselves to ambush Ryuji and capture the information they needed, she had a daring idea to make her presence known to Aki, the Devil. She knew that subtlety wasn't her style, and this was the perfect opportunity to send a message.

Katsuki turned to Tasha and whispered, "I want to make sure Aki knows I'm here. I have an idea. Let's do something unexpected."

With a knowing nod, Tasha signaled to a member of their team who was handling the club's entertainment for the night. A few moments later, the DJ announced a special performance by a mysterious singer.

Katsuki, her raven-black hair cascading down her back, stepped onto the stage, bathed in a spotlight's glow with a mask on. The nightclub fell into a hushed anticipation as she took the microphone. Her sultry voice filled the air, commanding the attention of every patron in the club.

With a sly smile, she began to sing a hauntingly beautiful song, a melody she knew Aki would recognize. The lyrics carried a message of love, betrayal, and a desire to confront the past. It was a song from their shared history, a piece that held a deeper meaning for both of them.

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That's the only song which came to her mind. It was a song which kinda went trendy when they were small but she knew about that song way before when she visited India.

Aki froze as he heard the familiar tune. He turned toward the stage, his eyes locking onto Katsuki's as she sang. The shock in his eyes was unmistakable, and for a brief moment, their connection was rekindled.

As the song reached its crescendo, Katsuki's gaze bore into Aki's soul. She was no longer the woman he had once known; she had become a force to be reckoned with. In that brief, intense moment, a silent challenge passed between them.
Ryuji, the contact, soon arrived, and the exchange began. Katsuki and her operatives were ready. This was the best distraction.

Katsuki's performance came to an end, and the club erupted into applause. Aki watched her, his expression a mixture of surprise and turmoil. He probably knew that it was Katsuki or maybe he didn't.
The signal was given, and Katsuki's team moved in. The nightclub erupted into chaos as they closed in on Ryuji, their target, aiming to capture him and extract the information they needed.
Amidst the confusion, Katsuki and Aki locked eyes for the first time in years. Their past and their present collided once more, setting the stage for a confrontation that would shape the course of their intertwined destinies.
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