Her mate.

"Who do I belong to Hermione?" Harry asked hoarsely, his lip curling back, showing teeth sharper than they should be and the question felt like permission.

It felt like encouragement.

Her arms wrapped around him, burying her face in the curve of his neck. "You belong to me!" And she bit him, her teeth sinking into his shoulder and tasting him. Hermione shuddered as she felt Harry's bite in response.

It was like an explosion rocked through her, her vision going white as she came, shuddering, her teeth locked into her mate.

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Harry stood alone in a clearing, the moon shining as brightly as the sun. The pale light washed over him, hot and whispering secrets. He was only clad in his pajama bottoms, but the chill air didn't bother him, it felt good against his hot skin, the muscles that twitched anticipating something coming.

A brown wolf walked into the clearing, its golden gaze fixed on him. Her paws no made no noise as she approached him, the length of her spine elegant as her upturned ears.

"Hermione," Harry whispered.


Her voice echoed in his mind as the light shifted, and something glimmered between them like a silver chain that he could only see from the corner of his eye. Harry shifted his head trying to catch sight of the bond again.

I can't become human, Harry.

Harry was going to respond to her when the wind shifted and smelled the other ones, the ones who started this shit, throwing it all into his lap, with really shitty directions. He turned to face them as they approached from the opposite side and Hermione came to a stop beside him, her hackles raised.

He placed his hand on her neck trying to calm her. Hermione was imagining attacking the other two wolves, and he didn't want her to get injured.

Do you think you would win? The black male wolf asked, amused as ever.

Harry's hand tightened in Hermione's fur as a low growl emerged from her. While biting her seemed to have calmed his anger issues, Hermione's own aggression still seemed to be amped up.

The white wolf laughed and she stepped closer slightly in front of the black wolf. Don't you know the females of a species are the most dangerous?

Hermione lunged at the white wolf and Harry struggled to hold her back. "Wait, Hermione! We just need more—" Faces flashed in his mind. Ron, Remus, Lavender.

Howling echoed through the forest, and suddenly Harry could feel them, running toward him. Remus burst through the treeline first, a large wolf so dark brown his fur almost looked black. He was followed by Ron, his red followed closely by a honey-colored wolf. Lavender.

The white female wolf stepped back, tossing her snout as if laughing. I think he does better when he's threatened.

Ron stepped forward, his shoulder bumping against Hermione as if trying to get her to chill out and she turned and snarled at him before looking at the other wolves again.

The black wolf nuzzled his mate before turning to Harry. You called them to you. Why are you so determined to ignore the ties that bind them to you?

"I–" Harry began to deny it again, but the glimmer caught his eye again, the chain that ran between him and Hermione. Blocking unwanted connections was old hat after Riddle, had he subconsciously stopped these too?

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