Entry: Intentions

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A brief meeting with Fade and a little garden gift for Harbor and Astra. Domestic life is the more favorable life.

And another visit from our favorable ghost! A rather... sensual, visit.

It is a favorable tradition to share music with my readers in all of my fics, so here's three songs that helped me write this fic!
1. Misty Town - Lamp
2. Haunted - Laufey
3. Preoccupied - Mac Demarco

Enjoy the chapter :) expect another one tomorrow hopefully.


The next evening, as the moon ascended once again, casting its glow upon the graveyard, I found myself conferring with my co-worker, Fade. The spectral encounter with the wraith still lingered in my thoughts, an unsettling presence that demanded acknowledgment.

Locating Fade amidst the bustling environment, I approached her desk, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and glowing screens. She looked up with a nod of acknowledgment, her sleek silver hair unmistakable even from a distance. Perching on the edge of her cluttered desk, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from the spectral encounters that had become the norm in the graveyard.

"Tch, What's got you so serious, Cypher? Another spirit giving you a hard time?"

I sighed, recounting the events of the previous night. "Not just any ghost.. It's different, Fade. Interactive, aggressive, and he knows how to get under my skin." I started to sit back down in an office chair, facing fade.

I found myself inside the financial building, a structure standing apart from the graveyard, housing the crucial department responsible for funding and resources. It was here that Fade, a close friend and colleague, plied her trade. The ambiance within the walls was decidedly different from the graveyard's eerie silence, replaced by the low hum of office activity.

Fade raised an eyebrow, her appearance mirroring the enigmatic and composed demeanor she was known for. "A wraith, huh? Shouldn't that be a little normal now, Cypher? What's the deal?"

"He's not like the others. Mocking, taunting, disappearing at will," I explained, frustration evident in my tone. "I've never encountered a wraith like him before."In a borderline  tone of exclamation, I surprised myself of how much this riled me up.

Fade leaned back, folding her arms. "Hm. Well, what do you want me to do? What have you done for yourself in this situation? Did you have anything planned out in advance of this new wraith?"

"I've set up extra defenses – tripwires, holy water, the works. But he's not an ordinary ghost. I need advice, Fade," I admitted, seeking her seasoned perspective.

With a casual wave of her hand, Fade dismissed my concerns. "You're probably overreacting, Cypher," she told me, her tone carrying a hint of skepticism. "Here's my advice: give it two weeks. If the wraith keeps making aggressive occurrences, then I'll do my job in this department and bring in a priest to perform a calculated exorcism. Sound good?"

I stood there, mulling over her proposition. Two weeks – a finite timeframe that felt both reassuring and ominous. As Fade continued with her work amidst the financial fortress, I couldn't shake the lingering unease. The idea of a calculated exorcism brought with it a mix of assurance and uncertainty, a delicate balance between the practical and the supernatural.

Agreeing to her plan, I left the bustling financial building with a sense of wary anticipation. The looming prospect of those two weeks weighed on my mind as I returned to the quiet expanse of the graveyard. Turns out that dawn was fortunately making an occurrence, as I open the blinds to my small surveillance room to look at the sunrise approaching. Rewatching the surveillance cameras, I found nothing out of the ordinary. Small rodents dashed along the small pathways and humans visited their loved ones. To prevent anyone from getting hurt from possible tripwires, I deactivated the chain of trips when I left to visit Fade.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08 ⏰

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