"Back off of him, Sky. I understand what he's saying." said Z, defending the green ranger. "How did we get these powers? And why is it that we all ended up here? At S.P.D? Is it some part of a bigger plan?"

"Our powers are no big mystery." said Sky as he stood opposite of Z. "Face the facts. Every one of us, especially you, is a freak of nature." he growled, shocking them. Leah had a hurt look on her face, then started to have a flashback.


10-year-old Leah was sitting on swing set on the school playground and getting strange looks from the kids around her. As she was passing them to go to the swings, she heard "Freak", "Monster" and "Weirdo". The bell rings for children to go back to class and as she gets up to head inside, a couple of girls walked up to her.

"Why don't you go back to the freak farm, you freak." said one of them, pushing her towards their friend.

"Weirdo." said the other, then pushes her to the ground. Before she could react, they started punching and kicking her. Leah did the only thing she knew. She teleported back outside of the school and runs into the nurse's office.

The nurse turns and looks at the young Felisan, seeing a small gash that started to bleed on her leg. "It happened again, didn't it, Leah?" asked the nurse.

Leah nodded and the nurse placed her on the counter. Leah started to sniffle a bit as the nurse grabs what she needed. "Don't let them get to you." said the nurse, as she cleans the wound.

"But some of them are bigger than me." Leah complained.

"That doesn't matter." said the nurse. "But I want you to remember something."

"What?" asked Leah, with a curious look on her face.

"You are smart, you are kind and you are important." the nurse tells her, caused Leah to give her a small smile.

[Flashback ends]

Leah snapped out of it when Bridge snapped his fingers in front of her. "I'm fine. Just remembering something." said Leah with a small smile. The alarm went off before they could ask her what was wrong and looked up. "S.P.D Emergency. Rangers, report to delta bay." Kat instructed.

"Ready?" Jack called.


"S.P.D! EMERGENCY!" They morphed and headed to the command center, jumping down the chutes to their zords. Heading through the city, they aimed for the robot stomping through the city. "Bugglesworth is my name. Trouble is my game." said the high-pitched, nasally voice of the monster inside, echoed through the city.

"Stop! S.P.D!" He looked around to see the zords coming towards him.

"S.P.D! We order you to halt!" called Sky.

"Oh goodie! A new game!" Bugglesworth laughed and turned to a building.

"Time for building to go bye-bye." said Bugglesworth. The robot flashed and the building disappeared, along with its inhabitants. "This is your last warning!" called Syd.

"High Beams!" Z said, using the lights on her Zord to blind Bugglesworth and the others began to attack. Bridge in capitated the robot, but as Jack went in to finish it off, the air seemed to warp around the robot. "Who's that?" Z asked as they got closer to the robot.

"Can we go now?" Bugglesworth asked.

"Ok." said Sam.

"It's that kid." said Z, spotting Sam, holding up a hand towards the robot. He turned to the megazord with a sad look on his face. "What are you doing?" she asked herself and somehow his eyes told a different story. The robot vanished, just before Jack could reach him. "Where'd he go?" asked Jack.

Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now