"Ready?" Jack called as they grabbed their morphers.



"Space Patrol Delta!"

"Opening Zord bay tubes." Each of the rangers went to the tubes and slid down a pole to their zord.

"Lock 'em in, rangers." said Jack.

"Affirmative." said Sky.

"You got it." said Bridge.

"I'm ready!" said Z.

"Okay, let's go!" said Syd. Kat was already finished with the reconfigurations on the purple delta runner but Leah couldn't suit up to go into it yet, due to still getting a crashed course in driver's Ed.

"You know, I hate being the youngest." said Leah, watching her teammates form the Megazord.

"I know how you feel, Cub." said Kat, placing a hand on her shoulder. "Besides, you're almost done with that crashed course I've been giving you." Leah's face lite up.

"That's true." she replied, then turned to face the monitor.

"Lock them in rangers." said Jack, activating his zord. Once in their zords, they went out towards the robot. "There it is." said Syd.

"I'm going in for a closer look." the red ranger decided, skidding around the corner.

"You're breaking protocol!" snapped Sky.

"Who asked you?" growled Jack.

"We should form the megazord now!" Sky insisted and Jack groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Oh, gimme a break!" the red ranger complained.

"You know, you guys are lucky that I'm not there right now to knock your heads together. Now stop fighting each other in front of me or I swear that I will go somewhere that you will never find me." Leah snarled and the two of them sighed.

"Yeah...maybe wait to fight until after the fight?" suggested Bridge.

"Fine, form the megazord." said Jack. They came together, forming the megazord and grabbed their blaster. "Analyze perpetrator." said Sky.

"Analyzing." the others began to scan as the robot approached them.

"I think I found a weakness." said Syd as she scanned the robot's design.

"You're mine!" said Rinbah as he attacks the Delta Max Megazord.

"I know that it's a bad time to be asking this question but can I get some of those...?" Leah began to ask.

"NO!" shouted Z.

"Dang it!" said Leah. "I could've reprogrammed those parts."

"You don't need them." she tells her, causing her to growl.

"You're mine!" he roared, lashing out as it reached them. They blocked, hitting him back.

"We got him now!" Sky called confidently as they held him tight. "I'll take it from here." he said. The megazord moved around, twisting the robot's arm. "What are you doing?" frowned Jack.

"Haha, watch and learn." Sky smirked, calling on their sword. They slashed the robot, who stumbled back and laughed. "Now it's my turn, losers." Rinbah declared before pausing.

"Hi, whatcha doing?" asked Mora, appearing on the screen.

"Battling the rangers' zord." said Rinbah.

"Sounds like fun, if your energy levels weren't so down." she said and he noticed on his monitor that she was right.

Power Rangers S.P.D: Purple RangerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon