Chapter 3 I wake up in my grave

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July 15 1881.

Dear journal.
I know that this sounds impossible. But it is true. Today I am buried in the graveyard at Fort Sumner. I wake up in a pine box I try to get out of it.

At first I can't get out of it. I keep trying until I am finally able to get the lid on the pine box open. Only to find out that it is covered in dirt.

I know that I will die if I stay in my grave. Because I will run out of air. And I will suffocate here in my grave.

But I have to wait for a while just to make sure that Pat's men don't follow me. But I can't wait too long. Because I am already starting to suffocate. Here in my grave I am quickly running out of air.

So I have to hurry up and get out of my grave. So I start digging myself out of my grave. I finally reach the top of my grave. I pull myself up out of my grave.

I lay there for a few minutes breathing the cool air. After I had caught my breath I knew that I had to go find Pat Garrett.

It didn't take me very long to find him. I see that after he had shot me down that he made his dream of owning a restaurant come true. At my expense and the cost of my life.

And the skies of Lincoln County are as blue as blue can be and the sun that shines on you well it used to shine on me and I knew the smell of wood smoke and I liked the taste of beer the only difference now is I am not here I am in New Mexico and it's 1881

William Bonney

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