1:35 A.I.

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What i wrote: story about a woman who buys a doll that is a alarm clock,ends with the woman being stuck forever in a vent, trying to get away from the doll

What the ai wrote:

Emma had always been a collector of unique and interesting objects. Her apartment was filled with trinkets and knick-knacks from all over the world, each with their own story and charm. But when she stumbled upon an old antique shop in the heart of the city, she never could have guessed what would catch her eye.

Sitting in the window was a doll unlike any she had ever seen before. It was a small porcelain doll with delicate features and curly blonde hair. But what really caught her attention was the small brass alarm clock attached to its back.

Intrigued by the strange combination, Emma entered the shop and approached the counter where the shopkeeper was waiting patiently.

'Can I help you with something, miss?' he asked with a polite smile.

'I was wondering about that doll in the window,' Emma replied, pointing to the clockwork doll.

The shopkeeper's expression turned serious. 'Ah, that doll is not for sale.'

Emma's heart sank. She had already fallen in love with the unique item and was disappointed at the thought of not being able to add it to her collection.

'But...if you must have it, I suppose I could make an exception,' the shopkeeper said with a sly grin.

Emma's eyes lit up with excitement as she exchanged the agreed-upon amount of money for the doll. She left the shop with a skip in her step, excited to show off her latest find to her friends.

That night, as she lay in bed, Emma decided to wind up the clock on the doll's back to see if it still worked. To her surprise, it did. The tiny hands on the clock moved and a soft ticking sound echoed in the room.

She fell asleep with a smile on her face, thinking about how much more unique her collection had become with the addition of the clockwork doll. Little did she know, that would be the last peaceful sleep she would have for a while.

The next morning, Emma was awoken by the loud ringing of the alarm clock on the doll's back. She reached over to hit the snooze button, but the doll was nowhere to be found.

Confused, Emma got out of bed and searched her entire apartment. She finally found the doll in the living room, perched on a shelf, with its tiny arms pointed towards a vent on the wall.

She shook her head, thinking it was just a strange coincidence, and went about her day. But every morning after that, the doll would wake her up with its alarm and always it would be found pointing towards the vent.

Emma shrugged it off, thinking it was just the doll's quirky design. But as the days went on, other strange things started happening. Objects would move on their own, strange noises could be heard in the night, and Emma started feeling like she was being watched.

One evening, as Emma was getting ready for bed, she heard the sound of the alarm clock ringing again. But this time, it didn't stop. It just kept getting louder and louder until Emma couldn't take it anymore.

She grabbed the doll and decided to throw it away, thinking it was just malfunctioning. But as she opened the door to the trash chute, she felt something grab onto her hand and pull her towards the vent on the wall.

Panicking, Emma tried to pull away, but the doll's tiny hands were surprisingly strong. In a moment of desperation, she let go of the doll and ran back into her apartment, locking the door behind her.

But the next morning, the doll was back, perched on her windowsill. It seemed that no matter what she did, the doll would always find its way back to her.

Emma realized that the doll was not just a mere object, but something sinister. It had lured her in with its unique design and now it had her trapped forever. She was stuck, trying to escape from the doll's grasp and the vent that seemingly had no way out.

As she sat in the dark, listening to the soft ticking of the clock, Emma couldn't help but think that she should have listened to the shopkeeper's warning. She was now just another piece in the doll's collection, forever stuck and at its mercy.

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