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 I was chosen because of my shy and passive personality, I wasn't one to talk back or speak my mind, which is exactly what they needed for someone like him; I was just a servant. No one really knew what I was about or exactly how I got into the halls of Asgard. I was average, too average to be among the gods.

Every day was the same routine. Go into Loki's chambers, bring him his meal, or whatever it was he needed, walk back to my sad excuse for a bed chamber and wait until Loki needed me again.

Every day was also a living hell inside my mind. Pure torture. That man gave me chills that ran their course every time I laid eyes on him. He was incredibly tall. It gave him an intimidating factor that drove me to the point of insanity. Not to mention bright green his eyes that glared right into everything that existed within you. His voice dripped with lust, and filled your thoughts with complete and utter sin.

I grew tired of the painful desire that mocked me every night. Today was the day.

Today is going to be the day I break this "Nice girl" act. My thoughts were far from good, and it was time to shine.

I was very careful on my dress choice. I may be average, but damn it I was going to flaunt every inch of it. My corset was tied a smidge tighter. He isn't a man to overlook detail. I nervously paced my room until I was given order to leave. I decided to grab an excuse to leave early.

I shook and stumbled all the way to his quarters.

"This is a terrible idea. Maybe I should do this another day..."

"No. You can do this. What's the worst he can do? Reject you?"

My internal pep-talks were always the worst.

After what seemed like hours, I reached the huge golden doors with the emerald trim. My confidence diminishing by the second.

"Enter." boomed his velvet-like voice.

He was already standing before me when I turned back from shutting the door behind me.

"Why have you come?" He seemed to be leaning in to me.

"I-I...was given order to-"

He laughed menacingly. I let out a heavy sigh that had a trace of a moan. I couldn't help myself anymore.

"You think me naive?"

"N-No....You..I was-"

"Quiet." He hissed in a way that was almost pitying.

He took my petite hands into his and took the clean robe from them.They were unnaturally cold, it sent goosebumps up my arms, in which his eyes seemed to follow all the way to my neck which displayed my quickened pulse.

"Why do you fear me? Or is it.....quite the opposite?" He grinned, showing off his bleach white smile and admirable canines.

"I don't understand your question, sir..."

"Stop acting so stupid!"

He ran his hands quickly up my arms and pulled me to him.

"You act as though desires are forbidden. I watch you. Everyday. You're very poor at acting as though I do not phase you. That I do not make you quiver with every word I breathe in your presence."

I fell weak, my knees buckled and his weight supported me from falling to the floor.

He stood me straight and gracefully made his way to the edge of his enormous bed.

Lokiजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें