[015]~ 𝐻𝑜𝓁𝒹 𝑜𝒻 𝑀𝑒

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Odessa awoke abruptly that morning, realizing she had yet to retrieve her things from her dorm. She checked the time- five in the morning. It was far too early for her to barge into her dorm, she couldn't wake her roommates.

She laid there, thinking on her attempted summonings. She had figured out the spell she needed to cast to summon the creature, but how was she to make it stay? She only had limited time to try and form a connection with it. She also realized she would not be able to attempt to summon the creature very often.

Odessa quietly made her way out of bed and down to the common room, opting to research the creature she was summoning. She made it down to the common room without waking anyone, however she spotted a familiar boy reading a book over at the table in the common room. She recognized him as the boy Regulus introduced as Severus.

He looked up, noticing her presence. "Ambrosius." He noted. "You spend an awful lot of time in Slytherin for a Hufflepuff." He remarked with a bored tone.

She smiled nervously, "It seems that way, doesn't it?" She agreed. He looked back to his book, not having much care for the girl before him. "You seem different from your friends." She noted, more to herself.

He looked up and gave her a judging look. "And what's that mean?"

"I meant nothing by my words," she apologized, "It's just that each time I have seen you, you have always been much quieter and secluded from your friends."

"Yes well, not all of my peers are my friends." He pointed out. "Besides that, I assume you are referring to Bellatrix, Lucius, and Narcissa." Odessa nodded. "The families they come from would die to be acquainted with you, therefore they are very eager to know you. I, on the other hand, have little care for your lineage." He spouted.

"I... see." She replied. "Well, it's an admirable trait you have then." He gave her a look of confusion. "You're... scrupulous." She decided on. "I mean to say it is good that you think freely, rather than acting as you are told."

"I understand the meaning of scrupulous." He sneered. There was an awkward silence for a moment. Odessa felt it was ideal to leave. Severus watched her prepare by the door. "Where are you going?" He asked suddenly.

Odessa was startled by his question. "I'm just going to the library to grab a book or two." She informed him. "Did you, want to come?" She asked hesitantly.

He scoffed. She turned and continued to put on her shoes. Shouldn't have asked. The boy suddenly shut his book. "I suppose I am in need of more reading material." He got up and headed over to the girl by the door.

The two silently made their way out to the library.


"So..." Odessa began as they reached the ground floor. "I hear you used to be friend with Lily."

Severus sighed. "Lily Evans and I were friends prior to our first year. Our contact has become much more...limited, since." He admitted.

"Since what?"

He sneered. "Since she started spending time with those imbeciles like James Potter."

Odessa looked to the boy. "You fancied her, didn't you." He glared her way but did not reply. She took that as a yes. "So if you and Lily came the same time then you must be a fifth year." Odessa gathered, allowing the conversation to shift for the older boy's benefit.

"I am. What is with all this mindless chatter?" He sneered. The conversation settled once again for another floor.

As they were walking up the steps to the third floor, Odessa noticed the book he was holding. "That's advanced potions. Are you a big fan of the topic?"

𝔄𝔟𝔯𝔞 𝔎𝔢𝔡𝔞𝔳𝔯𝔞 ~ ᴹᴬᴿᴬᵁᴰᴱᴿˢ ᴱᴿᴬ {R.A.B.} {J.P}Where stories live. Discover now