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It was a dark and stormy night. Perfect weather to wander around aimlessly in, don't you think?

Well, when you were thinking about it, you didn't anticipate for the light drizzle to turn into a full-blown raging thunderstorm that threatened to take the trees down with pillars of lightning. The wind alone made it hard to walk straight, and pulled your wet clothes in all sorts of directions.

You were rushing through the thick mist and brush, no longer guided by candle light. Your lantern had been blown out long ago, and you were soaked to the bone and shivering underneath your cloak.

"Shelter, shelter, come on..."

Your boots splashed through muddy puddles, wetting your socks and pants even more. Eyes searching the woods that surrounded you in the darkness– you were grasping onto any hope that there would be something for you to take shelter in. A cave– even a hollow tree. This weather was only getting more intense and you feared that you would be struck with electricity if you weren't careful.

Wolves hollywood in the night. It fueled your fear, and you ran faster. After a few more grueling minutes of running, which dragged on for what seemed like hours, you spotted a warm light.

Multiple, actually. They were in a uniform line in the mist.

Is that a house?

You squinted through wet lashes and damp hair. You took your chances and rushed towards it, coming to a gradual stop as the fog began to thin out the closer you got. Your gaze was soon averted upwards, slowly and surely and you found yourself with your neck craned back so you could see the top of the mansion that you had found.

A small foreboding sense invades your body. You brush it aside as hypothermia trying to take a hold of your body.

You didn't waste any more time and walked up the huge stone steps. You barely managed to catch yourself when you slipped on one. Breathless, you grabbed the knell of the door and tried to knock it, holding onto the handle for leverage since it was a bit high up, but stumbled forward when the door gave way and opened with ease with a chilling creak.

Again, you caught yourself, boots dragging against the doormat in front of you. It read 'welcome in' in a gorgeous font. You immediately took off your shoes so they could dry. You didn't know if anybody was here. If you found them, you'd apologize immediately and probably beg to stay until you could dry off.

"Good evening," A low voice droned from behind you.

You spun around, heart giving a terrific jump. Looks like they found you instead.

A man stands before you– you surmise quickly that he's the owner of the house. He stands over you by at least a foot. His hair is black and kept neatly, nearly perfect in your eyes, and he holds a stern expression on his face. You start sweating despite the fact you're a few more rainstorms away from pneumonia.

You return the pleasantries, though you're not very pleasant right now. "Good–Good evening..."

He stares at you for a moment. You're incredibly embarrassed to be caught in such an unsightly state. You're still very much soaked to the bone, your hair is wet, there's rainwater all over any skin that wasn't clung to by your clothes. You probably look like a drowned sewer wet to the man.

His brow raises ever so slightly. "What business do you have here?"

"I'm so, so sorry to intrude. The door just opened and," your eyes flit to the slightly ajar door. "The weather's horrible, I'm miles away from my home and-and just–"

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