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From the start, you were a criminal.

You just accepted that your felony was a part of your life. It was a lot of petty theft before you met Mihawk, and it was a lot of petty theft after you married him. The main victim, aside from Marines and Pirates, would be Mihawk.

You always took anything you could to either get a rise out of him or get his attention. Anything that Mihawk didn't deliberately try to hide would be yours for the taking. His shirts, his mini sword necklace– you've snatched his hat a couple of times too, to get him to stay with you longer. Oh, and you've tried running away to keep his things longer. It never worked. He always managed to catch you.

Today was no different.

"You have already decided to go, have you not?" Mihawk asked, arms slightly extended out to the side, as he had finally cornered you. You had his coat bundled in your arms as you tried to look for a way around him.

"Yeah, but there's no need for us to be on time."

"You're stalling."

"Am not!"

Mihawk steps closer. You laugh nervously and back up. "I'm warning you, Mihawk..."

His brow raises. Mihawk had already let you take one of his shirts, and you were probably going to wear all of the ones he packed, so he was getting that jacket back. No matter how much you wanted to stare at his muscles all day, Mihawk got cold too.

"Oh, are you?"

His words send a shiver down your spine. You don't back down. "Yeah– Yeah I am!"

Mihawk stalks closer. "Really."

Okay, sometimes your husband is a little terrifying. How he manages to catch you every single time is beyond you.

You try to duck past him. Mihawk grabs you by your arm, his other going around your midsection. You shriek as you're lifted into the air and swung around a bit. "I change my mind! I'm not!"

"My coat, dear."

You hold it above your head. "What coat?"

His hand squeezes your side and you jolt. You panic and think that he's about to tickle you until you can't breathe anymore.

"Okay– Okay, here's your coat!"

You silently prayed for Mihawk to spare you as he let you back down on the ground, taking his coat from your hands. After putting his arms through the sleeves, he took you by the wrist. You followed without protest towards the castle doors.

You eventually take a more even pace with him, hugging his arm with your own. Before you two leave, you grab your black parasol.

"How long will it take to get to Mary Geoise?"

"About a week," He answers, opening the door for you. You both walk out of the castle and towards the docks where his ship is tied down. "I do not plan to return home right away after the meeting."

"How come?"

"I would like to travel with you for a while."

Mihawk never liked staying in one place for too long. You knew that. The suggestion brought a smile to your face. "Where do you want to go?"

"Perhaps you want to return to East Blue?"

And Mihawk knew you loved that ocean the best. Your eyes lit up at the mention and a calm smile spread across your features. On the inside, it pleased Mihawk to see you like this. "I would love to. Perhaps we can stop at the Baratie?"

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