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"What the fuck. What the fuck."

This may be the runner-up for the most shocked you've ever been since Mihawk confessed to you. Maybe a top three. But this– This was something you never expected. Not in a million years did you think this would have a chance of happening to you.

This can't be happening. This is actually a nightmare.

You looked at the bat in front of you. The bat looked at you. It began to sweat under your watchful eye.

"I'm going to scream, so if you want to leave, do it now," You said, voice shaking, along with the item in your hands. "Just a warning."

Before you was a special, special package. One of a kind. Not many people could get things like this. If you weren't so creeped out by which it was delivered, you might've been flattered. But no, of course, it just had to be one of the bats that they used specifically for Shichibukai. You'd know. You usually received letters for your husband all of the time.

You took it from the bat, thinking that it was for Mihawk, until you saw your name in a neat scrawl slapped onto the front of it, along with a gold wax seal of your initials. You, of course, ripped it open and hurriedly read the contents of the letter. It was literally inviting you to join the Shichibukai and you had no idea why.

You re-read the letter over and over again, the delivery bat long gone. This isn't real, is it? It can't be. Oh my god. What were they thinking?

You? A Shichibukai? One of the Seven Warlords of the sea? You? What the hell did you have to offer that could be of use to the World Government?

Mihawk, your dear husband, was way stronger than you would ever be. So why would you be asked to join? You didn't have any qualities that would set you apart from the crowd. No Devil Fruit, special abilities, or unique fighting strategies. Hell, by Mihawk's standards, you were lazy when you weren't working. By working you meant thievery.

What would the Government want from a thief?

The more you thought about it, and the more you continued to read, the more scared you became. You would've been useless in the eyes of the Marines. You didn't care about that– but that just goes to show how much you shouldn't have this position.

You were a pirate, yes, but you were quite literally under the jurisdiction of Mihawk, and you were worried by the idea that if you refused, they'd have him try to arrest you. You didn't want that to happen at all. They didn't have nice beds in prison.

Horrified at the thought, you ran into the castle that you and Mihawk shared. You slowed down your pace –still rushing, mind you– and tried to track him down. You went from the library, to the main hall, and so forth, calling out for him.

Mihawk was a man who knew what to do. He was much wiser than you were, you thought, so this was the most logical thing that you could think of. Surely your husband would help you through this predicament.

"Mihawk! Mihawk!" You passed by the entrance of the kitchen, clutching the letter tight in your hands. "I have to show you something!"

"In here, cariño."

Having already passed the kitchen and just barely hearing him, you backtrack and push through the door. "Mihawk."

He's seated on his chair in the kitchen with one leg crossed over the other, a cup of tea on the table in front of him and a newspaper in his hands. "You sound distressed, my dear."

Indeed, you were. You were usually a very calm partner. Slept a lot, busied yourself with soothing activities, and somehow stole copious amounts of treasure from anybody you came across, pirate or Marine. To Mihawk, you had toned down even more ever since you two had married. You still made time for your heists whenever you went out with him to the seas, though.

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