chapter 5: bonds and rivals

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Althea stood before the vast training grounds of the Jedi Temple, a sprawling area where young initiates were guided by the Force. The air was filled with the gentle sound of footsteps and hushed conversations, setting the stage for the start of their Jedi journeys.

In the midst of this lively atmosphere, Althea was paired with Jax, a new friend who had mischievous eyes and a contagious smile. They embarked on a series of agility exercises and hand-to-hand combat drills, their laughter breaking the calmness of the training grounds.

As they practiced, Jax would tease her with a playful twinkle in his eye, "Come on, Althea! Show me those moves your dad used to do."

"You asked for it!"Althea, responded with a smirk. They engaged in a friendly sparring session, demonstrating a dance of swift movements and calculated strikes.

Their laughter echoed through the training grounds, a melody of camaraderie that resonated with the shared determination and mutual respect budding between them. The Force, attuned to the harmony of their connection, subtly embraced the moment.

"You've got a natural talent, Althea!" Jax exclaimed, impressed by her agility.

Althea, catching her breath, grinned, "Well, maybe it's in the blood."

Their banter and shared laughter continued as they navigated the training exercises, forming a bond that transcended mere camaraderie. Then suddenly, another initiate, Numa, approaches and extends a friendly hand to her.

"I've heard tales of Naboo's royalty. What's it like being a princess?"

Numa's friendly gesture sparked a warm smile on Althea's face. She clasped Numa's outstretched hand with a genuine sense of friendliness, appreciating the chance to connect with her fellow initiates.

"It's not about being a princess here, it's about being a Jedi. Let's train together," Althea suggested, her tone carrying a blend of humility and determination.

Numa, intrigued by the prospect of training with someone whose origins held a touch of royalty, nodded eagerly. "Sounds like a plan. I could use a sparring partner like you."

Althea's eyes gleamed with excitement.

"So, what's it like on Naboo?" Numa asked between exercises, her curiosity shining through.

"Oh, it's beautiful! We have these amazing gardens, and my mom used to tell me stories about Naboo's history. But being a Jedi... it's like having a whole new family and a different kind of adventure." Althea replied while twirling a strand of hair subconsciously.

Jax, still in the midst of his imaginary lightsaber duel, chimed in. 

"Different kind of adventure, huh? Tell us more, Althea. Are there secret passages in the palace? Maybe a hidden treasure room?"

Althea chuckled, reminiscing about the tales her mother used to share. "No hidden treasure rooms, but there are these secret gardens with the most vibrant flowers. And Mom would sometimes take me stargazing on the palace balcony. It was magical."

Numa was fascinated by the glimpse into Althea's life, "Stargazing? That sounds amazing. What's the most beautiful thing you've seen in the night sky?"

Althea's eyes lit up with the memories of Naboo's celestial wonders. "There's this constellation shaped like a giant nuna bird. Mom called it 'The Guardian.' She said it watches over Naboo and keeps us safe. It made me feel connected to something bigger, you know?"

Althea's gaze turned thoughtful, as if reaching into a well of cherished memories. "And my dad," she continued, a wistful smile playing on her lips, "he used to say that the stars are like whispers of the Force, telling stories of the past and the adventures yet to come. He believed that even in the farthest reaches of the galaxy, our destinies are written in those lights."

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