chapter 1: the whispers of naboo

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(The clone wars last 6 years in this fanfiction. Their daughter is born right after they get married, so in the beginning of this book she's 3-4 years old)

Despite her young age, Althea's connection with the Force was undeniable.

As the sun descended on the horizon, it bathed the charming village of Naboo in a gentle, golden light. In the midst of the vibrant blossoms, a young child with curls reminiscent of Queen Amidala's played by a peaceful garden fountain.

Althea, with laughter as delicate as the flowers, joyfully chased butterflies in her soft, flowing dress adorned in pastel hues that mirrored the natural beauty of her home planet.

While playing innocently, Althea felt a light breeze, and her laughter mixed with the nature's melody. It wasn't new for her — these little Force things happened often. Even if she didn't fully get them, they were just a normal part of her day.

"Althea, please don't wander too far!"

C-3PO's shaky voice called out, but the droid's concerns seemed like distant echoes in the child's world. She acknowledged him with a brief glance but continued her dance with the butterflies.

Althea's connection with C-3PO went beyond mere companionship. 

Anakin's creation had become her playmate, a constant presence in her life. Yet, at times, she found the droid's routines and protocols a bit tedious, wishing for more excitement in her otherwise idyllic days.

As Althea spun around in the garden, the Force joined in on her playful gestures. Flowers nodded, and petals twirled along with her movements. Her laughter brought nature to life, creating a magical scene that filled the air with lively energy.

"Althea, dear, come back here, please," C-3PO implored, his metallic voice tinged with concern. The droid's gold-plated exterior shimmered in the warm Naboo sunlight, a stark contrast to the lively colors surrounding the young girl.

With a twinkle in her eyes, Althea, in her soft pastel dress, spun around to face the droid. 

"C-3PO, can't you see the butterflies want to play too?"

C-3PO sighed, a simulated expression of exasperation on his face. "But young miss, we must adhere to a schedule. It's time for your studies and— "

Interrupting him with a playful giggle, Althea grabbed C-3PO's metallic hand, pulling him into an impromptu dance. 

"Studies can wait, C-3PO! Let's dance with the butterflies instead!"

As Althea and C-3PO twirled among the flowers, the garden transformed into a stage for their playful dance. The droid's stiff movements tried to mimic the grace of a dance, and despite being a bit awkward, his attempt brought laughter from the young princess.

"Alright, young miss. A short break won't do any harm," C-3PO admitted, his metallic joints making creaky sounds as he awkwardly imitated a bow. In that moment, the metallic companion and the Force-sensitive child shared a dance that went beyond the limits of their usual roles.

The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting long shadows over the garden. Althea, with an infectious spirit, led the droid towards the fountain at the center. Water sprayed in playful arcs as they twirled around it, creating a shimmering spectacle beneath the fading sunlight.

As the dance came to an end, Althea released C-3PO's hand, her eyes sparkling with the joy of a carefree afternoon. 

"See, C-3PO? Sometimes, we need a bit of fun too!" She scampered towards the fountain, her laughter echoing through the tranquil garden.

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