The Battle of The Bands!

Start from the beginning

"Mommm...When are gonna leaveee I'm so bored." I heard Milo complain.

"Oh, be quiet! It's time to leave now anyway." I said, stepping into the kitchen.

"Don't be mean to your brother, Jake. And the same thing goes for you, Milo."

Milo groaned.

"Huh? I didn't even say anything to him!"

"Yet. You didn't say anything yet. I know you were about too." She said, glaring at him.

Milo sighed, taking the hint.

Shannon stood up and leaned against the counter.

"Alright kids, does that mean you're ready now?"

All of us nodded.

"Yup! We're gonna win this!" Milly shouted.

"Don't jinx it now!" Micheal chuckled. "Ah...This reminds me of my old band days...Did you know that —"

"Dad!" Hailey interrupted.

"Oh, come on! It's a good story!"

"One that we've heard one million times already." Zander said, crossing his arms.

"Finee! Kids these days...Never know how to appreciate a good thing..."

Luke cleared his throat.

"With all due respect, that's not completely true...I appreciate Zander very much!"

Milly groaned.

"Will you two ever stop flirting?!"

Everyone laughed.

"Well...Like they say— YOLO!" Micheal exclaimed.

"Nobody says that anymore, Dad." Zander said solemnly.

Micheal sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Alright everyone, let's go! Time to go!" Shannon interrupted.

All of us began walking over to the front door.

"Finally..." Milo murmured.

Our mon glared at him, telling him to shut up basically.

After that, we all got into the cars and began to leave.

The club in Hailey and Zanders parents car, and me and Milo in our moms car!

The entire drive I was both overthinking, and also excited for the Battle of The Bands. Guess I've learned a thing or two from Hailey...

That aside, I didn't think of Drew for more than 10 minutes during the drive— Which is progress! I suppose...

I took my mind off of him by thinking about the upcoming competition, in hopes to forget.

Deep down though I knew, it doesn't matter how busy I am...

I can't stop missing him.

. . .

We made it to the building after about 2 hours, since the traffic was pretty bad...

Once we made it, my mom parked the car and we all met up at the entrance.

Max texted us to let us know that he and his band were backstage, so we made our way there.

Our parents weren't allowed in the backstage area along with us, so they went to where everyone else was in the crowd.

We almost got lost going backstage, but one of the bodyguards helped us out.

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