Chapter Two - Just Friends

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Elle's POV
"I still can't believe you two talked me into this," I mutter to my two new friends as I tug at the hem of my silky blue cocktail dress.

"Oh relax. Friday nights are for going out to the bar with your friends. It's a great way to get to know us and for us to get to know you," Julia says as she places her phone inside her black crossbody purse.

"I guess you're right about that, but I don't know how I feel about hanging out Jamie and his two teammates." I say. Taylor shrugs.

"I'm sure they won't be too bad. I've talked to them before and they're good guys. If I was going to hang out with anyone on the team, it'd be them."

"I believe you, but Jamie's whole reason for this is just to get me to date him. I just know it," I add. Julia laughs.

"Well you can't blame him for trying. Jamie seems like the type of guy who always gets what he wants and you rejecting him just makes him want to try harder," she explains. I shrug.

"Maybe you're right about that. And if he is, that just makes me want to say no even more."

"Naw. Now I really feel bad for poor Jamie. You're practically torturing him," Taylor says with a laugh. I smile.

"That's my whole plan, Taylor."

Jamie's POV
I changed into a pair of jeans and a t-shirt before leaving my apartment with Trevor right behind me. We take an Uber to the bar, figuring it'd be safer that way depending on how much alcohol we consume tonight.

When we get to the bar, Mason meets up with us outside and we go inside. The three girls are inside at a table already sipping away at some beers and talking about something. Elle burst laughing at something Julia tells her and she looks over, locking eyes with me for a second. She looks away and us three guys walk over to them, joining them at the table.

"Hi guys. When we saw you coming in, I took the liberty of ordering some beers for you. They should be here any moment," Julia says. I smile.

"Awesome. Thanks Julia,"

"You're welcome," I say with a nod.

"How much do we owe you?" Trevor asks, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. Julia shakes her head.

"Nothing. They're on us,"

"Oh come on. We can't let the girls pay for our drinks. Here's ten bucks. Mason, Jamie, give the girls some of your cash." Trevor says, nodding to me and Mason.

Mason and I take out our own wallets and dish out some cash. Julia gives us all a stern look and pushes the cash back towards us.

"No way are you paying for it. I insist on paying for you guys' first rounds," she says.

"Just take it. It can be the cash for your next round of drinks," Trevor says with a shrug. Julia sighs, finally accepting defeat and shoving the cash into her purse.

I scoot my chair closer to Elle's and she tries to ignore me but fails miserably. She looks over at me and frowns.

"What do you want, Jamie." She mutters, sipping her beer. I shrug.

"Not much. I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing in that dress, Elle."

"Your sweet talking is not going to work, Jamie. I would just give up on this if I were you," Elle says. I frown.

"How come you don't interest in me?"

"Because I'm not interested in you so I would give up on trying," Elle replies casually.

"I guess I can't push you to like me, but maybe we could still be friends." I suggest. Elle looks me over and sighs.

"Fine. I guess we can be friends,"

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