Chapter 2 - Vigilante

Start from the beginning

"Rei's lighting hurts like hell... I can't move!"

"This time, stay dead!"

Brims throws a large amount of lightning at Kuyo, but Remi, now partially recovered, jumps in front, and with her own lightning, stops Brims in its tracks.

"Your copy of Rei's ability is pathetic!"

Remi's lightning charges in front of the two. Kuyo notices, and backs away, letting Remi take the lead.

"This is nothing compared to him. I'll show you what a real lightning user is capable of."

Redirecting Brims's lightning, Remi throws a large amount upwards, before sending double the shock right back at Brims.


A quickly thrown up ice wall shatters upon impact with the lightning, and disperses it in its entirety.

The other woman, whose power was unknown up to this point, stands bedside Brims, eyes glowing together. Brims glances at Glace.

"She absorbed my attack. Lightning will be ineffective against her."



Red lasers focus on Brims, and 2 strike right through his left thigh and left shoulder.




Glace quickly arcs a wall of ice around the top of Brims, and dodges the next few aimed at her.

Kuyo, ignoring Brims, dashes to the one focused on Blyke's firepower.

One slash is dodged, and the second is caught in a quick wall of ice.

Using the stuck blade as a pivot, however, Kuyo rounds a kick into her core, sending her into a nearby warehouse's wall. Turning quickly to Remi, Kuyo's current blades disappear so that he can reform them from the ice.


Remi bursts into action, lunging to the stunned Brims, who was kneeling, clutching his shoulder. She tackles Brims to the ground, and fires lightning directly into him.


Kuyo runs over to Brims. Remi temporarily stops her lightning, and Kuyo forms two blades, stabbing them into each of Brims's hands.

Brims groans, exhaling deeply and quickly.


Glace, who was now back up, starts dashing back to the 3.


"Remi, stay here with Brims!"

Kuyo runs to Glace, who is adapting quickly to the speed of Blyke's lasers.

Above, Blyke looks to Isen.

"Dude, this isn't working!"

"Keep firing! If Brims could juggle those powers, maybe she can too. We need to bring her down, fast!"



Kuyo and Glace collide with different walls. Two blue blades lie on the floor, and ice pillars that sent Kuyo flying melt and evaporate quickly.

"Dude, they're both down, now what?"

"Her ice is disappearing faster. She has to be getting tired!"


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