Chapter 4 Meet Me at The Beach

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Chapter 4

I didn't look back while I continued to briskly walk with no destination in mind. I was late to realize that I was already at the shore of the beach. My leg gave away as soon as I stepped on the sand. The abrupt change of flooring caused me to wobble and fall, but a strong arm wraps around my waist and helps steady me.


I know without looking back that it is that strange man from before. The smell of the ocean coming from him caught my attention first. It wasn't the type of scent that you'd smell standing at the shore, but it was more of a deep sea scent mixed with detergent that I suspect is coming from the clothes that he newly bought.

Looking back, I was staring at his chest that was peeking out because he hadn't buttoned his shirt.

I force my eyes shut and steady myself before distancing myself from him. "Thank you. However, you should not touch a lady so carelessly."

The man raises a brow. "You're chastising me even though I helped you?"

"It's not about that. I'm sure that you probably heard from the seller earlier that I am a princess?" I look at him and utter the last word carefully so he'd get what I mean, but I only earned a tilt of his head.

"So?" He crosses his arms. "Would you rather be face planted on the sand? If you do, I would gladly trip you."

"How rude!" I gape at him. It's a good thing that there aren't that many people by the beach at this time or they would have seen their princess arguing with a buffoon. "I am a princess. I don't know what country you come from but here, no one can touch or harm me without getting appropriate consequences."

The man scoffs, hiding his laugh with his fist. "You were the one who was carelessly touching me last night."

I blink.

"I did what?" I can't imagine what kind of facial expression I am making, but it's sure as hell not pleasing. Yesterday, I remember watching my bastard of a fiance meeting up with another woman, causing me to go on a drunken frenzy. However, I do remember going to the beach.

I start to bite my thumb nail nervously, trying to urge my brain to remember, but nothing comes to mind. I couldn't have done something indecent, right? But from what this man said, I was afraid that it might have been something like that. Even with the way that he is smiling is making me break a sweat even by just standing.

"Come with me." I grab his hand.

"Oh? I thought that one shouldn't touch her royal majesty's skin so carelessly?"

This pompous prick is making me grit my teeth. How dare he be so sarcastic with me after I helped him? His attitude alone makes me want to leave his alone, but my curiosity won me over. If this man as clues about what I did last night, I would bear with his attitude just to get some insights.

With a little pinch from my nails, I managed to drag the guy away and to a far more private area in the beach where there are no prying ears. I made sure of it before turning to him.

"You," I start.

"You? My name is Myrr. You should know that much, Ari." I got chills when I hear him call me by my nickname. No one would dare to call me by that name. I doubt anyone even knows that nickname.

There's no doubt about it. I did meet up with this man!

I want to grab him by the collar and shake the information out of him, but I do not want him to make fun of me again for making skin contact with him despite my previous words.

I have to stay calm. I am a princess and he is just a commoner—a very ignorant and rude commoner.

"Myrr, it seems that we were acquainted last night. Do you mind telling me exactly how we met?" I look Myrr in the eye, practically showing him my good smile to earn his favor.

Seeing Myrr smile, I thought that he would cooperate with me. However, my hope vanishes when he answered me. "No."

"I beg your pardon?"

Myrr jams his hands in his pocket, playing a smirk when he lowers his head to whisper. "That would ruin the fun now, wouldn't it?"

"Fun?" I feel anger at this point when I push him back. "Does it look like I am having fun to you?"

"You're not, but I am." He grins. "I can't tell you much about what happened last night, but you were really touchy with your hands."

With my hands!? What was I touching!?

I want answers, but my mind could not focus properly enough to formulate the questions I needed. I feel my cheeks heating up. I could not imagine what I look like right now—probably a blushing mess if I could see my reflection.

"You crazy pervert! What did you do to me?"

"What did I do to you?" Myrr was still smiling like he considers my reaction amusing. His words might have seemed like he is offended, but I assure you that he looks like he is having the time of his life. "You should be questioning what you did to me."

I brought him here so I could talk to him privately to ease my mind. Somehow, the more that he talks, it feels more like I am getting miserable than I was before. It's clear to me now that I made a mistake. There's no point in trying to talk to this guy, who made it clear that he wouldn't tell me anything about it.

"This is a waste of time." I shake my head. Looking at the horizon, it is almost time for me to return to Carter. I would prefer not to think about what transpired between that pervert and me because it is making my head spin. "I am leaving. Forget what happened to us as long as you won't tell anyone about it."

I start to move past him, but he pulls me back by my arm and draws me to him.

"You're still hanging around with that man when I specifically told you not to." He whispers behind me, tickling the back of my ears with his breath.

"W-Who are you talking about? What man?" The position is highly inappropriate, but my words caught my attention. I look up and ended up meeting his purple gaze that lost all of its previous humour.

"I took away the spell. I thought that it would be enough for you to keep your distance from that man, whom you love so much that you would call him your fiance."

"Carter?" I made a face of disgust, almost shivering, in fact, at how he described my relationship with him. I pull myself out of his arms and turn around to face him. "What nonsense are you talking about?"

Myrr's eyes seems to glimmer when he ignores me and looks at the sea instead, like it was more interesting than answering my question. "Well, not like it matters. I made you immune to that sort of spell." He mumbles.

"Hey, I was asking you—"

"Isn't it about time for you to return?" He cuts me off, giving me a sideglance like he feels like he is cool doing that. Actually, with the lighting of the sunset illuminating his face, he does look breathtaking, I admit.

I turn back, beginning to leave and feeling shame on myself for thinking that he was attractive. It's like I never learned not to trust men with beautiful faces.

I was halfway off the beach when I heard Myrr shout.

"When you need me, you can always find me in the ocean."

I did not bother to turn back because I felt irritated for wasting my time with him. He was also speaking riddles and uttering things that only made me more confused.

I intend to ignore what I heard from Myrr about meeting him in the ocean, because back then, I didn't know what was going to happen and how glad I am that I remembered his words.

~*~*~*END OF CHAPTER*~*~*~

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