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"This wasn't part of the plan!" I glare at my two idiotic companions. One of them is tied to a mast upside down, while the other one is tied to the mast with me. "What the hell is going on, Zen?"

"We got captured by and betrayed by me crew?" Zen, our pirate companion, smiles sheepishly while his old pirate pals point their swords at us. They were in the middle of deciding which of us would walk the plank first. "I really thought that I could convince them to switch sides."

"You thought? You said that you were certain!" I whisper.

"Why are you only mad at me? Shouldn't you be angry at him? His attempt to rescue us failed miserably!" Zen looks up at our other companion, Myrr, who is dangling like a chandelier above us. Despite looking like a piñata, he seems rather cheery and wears a smile when we lock gazes.

"Hey, I only want to save Arienne. You can suck up and die for all I care." Myrr's expression darkens when he talks to Zen. However, when Myrr shifts his focus on me, he looks all silly and even giggles. "Don't you worry, angel fish. I will get us out of here." His words would have given me a bit of assurance, but his goofy grin and the way he said it just made me want to volunteer to jump the plank first. There's no way that I can trust these two with my life.

Myrr is a cecaelia—a half octopus and half human creature. At the moment, he drank a concoction that would make him fully human, which deprived him of his magic. However, if he returns to the sea, he can resume his cacaelia form and be able to use magic.

"For an octopus, ya sure are acting tough." Zen scowls, making the scar running on his lips appear deeper. Soon, Zen looks at me like a child wanting to complain about a bully. "Princess, how can ya travel with that creature? If ya ask me, we should have my men throw him off the boat first."

"How about we get you thrown first?" Myrr retorts, wiggling through the ropes like a worm. "This is your fault in the first place! How dare you put my baby calamari at risk?"

"Do ya even know what calamari is, ya overgrown cuttlefish?!"

"At least I am better than an ex captain, who got thrown and betrayed by his crew. Ouch. How embarrassing."

"Can you two shut it!?" My ears are starting to ring from their constant cat-dog bickering. "We have more important matters than you two trying to crush each other's ego!" After scolding them, Myrr stuck his blue tongue out at Zen. Zen grinds his teeth and growls.

While the two bicker again, the crew on the ship were laughing and and pointing at them. I just lowered my gaze because I feel so embarrassed right now. I don't want to be seen with them. I give up.

"Hey, guys. Doesn't the young lass look like the runaway princess that the Duke was looking for?" I flinch when I overhear one of the pirate crew talking on deck. One of them was holding a post with my face on it—and a pretty great image of myself, if I may add. I see them stealing glances at me. I know they already figured out who I was the moment I saw the grins on their faces.

I sigh and groan while looking up at the sky, wondering how the hell I ended up in this place. Well, it probably started as soon as I escaped my ex fiance who drugged me with a love potion. None of these make any sense so I guess I should probably start from the beginning...

...back to when I first met Myrr.

~*~*~*~END OF PROLOGUE~*~*~*~

Hello! This is a trial story and I am posting this in celebration of Author's day! I want to test out if this storyline will do well even if it is just a prologue. Actually, there's a chapter waiting in line. I'm just waiting if there will be readers for this storyline.

Will you guys read this? Let me know in the comments and follow for future updates!

Ps: Meet the characters! Myrr(Left), Arienne(middle), Zen(Right)

Ps: Meet the characters! Myrr(Left), Arienne(middle), Zen(Right)

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