chapter eighteen - getaway

Start from the beginning

Leon looks down at you, cross-fired with the eyes that he fell for, and answers quietly.

"Nothing..." he says. "I received word that they are sending men over now." he sighs, and his face warms to a weak smile. "We can go home."

It takes a moment for the words to register in your mind.

The words you had been praying to hear since you arrived finally came. You expectedly burst with excitement. "Really!! Are you messing with me, Kennedy?" you question.

A smile finally reaches his ears while he watches your excitement and answers reassuringly. "No, I'm not messing with you. They'll be here within the hour," he informs you. His eyes were in awe of your glee.

You look at him in happiness and jump in his arms.

"Thank you, Leon," you mutter. Hesitant at first, he wraps his arms around you for dear life. This time, the thanks came out naturally, and finally, the appropriate time for the long-awaited embrace finally came.

You were thankful for him.

-Beyond grateful for all the times he has saved you. All the times he held your hand. But was this the end?

The sound of Leon's words lingers in your ears.

And that familiar rock in your throat begins to harden.

Home felt so far away, but this has been the closest you've ever been for what seems like forever.

You missed your parents. You missed your friends. You missed your life.

He backs away gently, so you let go of him.

"You're crying again." he points out and cups your face softly with his tender hand. Running his thumb under your eye to wipe the tear.

Is this it? Is this where we come to the finish line?

"I am.." you chuckle and look up at his eyes. You feel your heart begin to race. If only you could satisfy this annoying, unbearable tension.

You wanted to tell him everything. Everything about how you genuinely feel about him. Past the physical. You didn't care if he didn't feel the same might never see him again.

"Y/n-" He breathes, not taking his eyes off you. His eyes begin to harden out of eagerness. Still holding you in his arms, he hesitates. And you genuinely thought he was thinking the same thing.

Until his radio begins to beep.

Leon's jaw tenses as he glances at your lips before answering the call.

"Condor One...the bird is ready for flight," they say.

"Roger that," Leon replies, and he can see your troubled expression

"Come on..." he says and grabs your hand. "Let's go home,"

This was harder than you expected.

Quickly grabbing your things, Leon continues to open secret departments in the room containing ammo, knives, and aid. After a moment, you follow Leon out of the room and to the back of the building to a secluded area just outside.

"Where are we going?" you ask just as he guides you again by intertwining your hand with his.

"They are waiting for us on the other side of the village. They have a transport to take us across the Atlantic," he answers.

Not too far from the building was an abandoned garage park. He approaches one of them with 108 written on it and types in a number on its control panel. As you watch the door slowly rise, it reveals a single item.

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