"Calm your ass down, Min Yoongi. I am not saying I think you killed Jimin."
Seokjin speaks with a firm tone.

"I know that. Obviously I know that. But why people thinks that way??"
He asks frustrated.

"For a moment, listen carefully.
In Ho is tricking you by pushing you, you know that.
Today you slightly made him feel his assumptions are correct.
He is pretending he is with you, that he needs your support.
And then he will throw you under the truck, saying you killed Jimin and now eyeing his company." Seokjin states as he keeps thinking in his head.

"But why??? And most importantly how??"

"People doesn't need the how Yoongi. You didn't attend his funeral, you weren't there for cremation. It has already created some rumours. Sorry if you don't have ears."


Seokjin sighs in defeat,
"You really live under a rock or you are too invested in the things that you forget to keep your ears open."
He shuts the file close which he was going through.

"Rumours???" Yoongi mumbles.

But Seokjin doesn't put attention over that. He continues,
"And In Ho can surely make a god damn beautifully curated story and he will."

"You know what???I don't give a fuck to that. I don't care what people thinks." He speaks agitated.

Seokjin rolls his eyes,
"Jimin wasn't exaggerated when he said you are idiot." He swats his hand in the air in dismissal.

"Huh????" Yoongi was taken aback for a moment.

"You should give a fuck to that, Yoongi.
If In Ho pushed the accusations a bit too far and police re-opens an investigation, you would be restricted from leaving the country and also you will loose the rights in the company.
It will be easy for him to throw you out.
Yes, maybe in the end you will come out clean. But we will loose time and focus in the whole chaos."

Something clicks in Yoongi.
"In Ho suspects Jimin is alive, cause Jungkook didn't change the ownership of the company." He looks at Seokjin as he speaks the rest,
"He is aiming Pheonix to pull him back."

Seokjin gives a tilt of his chin,
"Now you, to pull Jimin back.
But the thing is if someone Jimin doesn't choose to be back and if we really end up being struck in the mud. It will be a fucking chaos, Yoongi.
And also the point is, Jimin doesn't know what's exactly happening here. We don't know what he knows about here. Or what he heard or was informed.
And we don't even know in what situation he is in."

"What you suggest???" Yoongi asks.

"Get rid of the chaos before it even blooms."

Yoongi narrows his eyes at Seokjin.
"But it will create chaos."

"Learn from your boyfriend, sorry ex-boyfriend!! You can do that without chaos." He pats Yoongi's shoulder before walking towards the doors of his cabin.
"Let's go, I am hungry."

"Hyung!!!" Yoongi yells as he follows the elder.

"What?? Didn't you guys break up??? So it means he is your ex!!" Seokjin asks.

"I am not talking about that." Yoongi rolls his eyes now tucking his hands inside his trouser's pocket, now entering the private elevator.
They are still in the hotel where he was talking with In Ho.
Seokjin came and was waiting for him in the small private meeting room they had reserved for the Kim's.

As they enter the another restaurant which is open seating, Yoongi notices Namjoon is waiting for them there.

Yoongi frowns deeply at him.
"Now what schemes you are pulling???" He asks straight.

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