Crush part 1

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Yn:Mrs giltmore needs someone to feed her cats for a week

Kim:ugh seven days nine cats

Yn:one litter box

Ron:we know your web site says you can do anything but you have to draw the line

Yn:hey long distance it's in Tokyo

Ron:Tokyo I love the French

Yn:it's actually Japanese buddy

Wade:that one's an emergency I'll stream the security cam

Wade shows us the security cam as it was a factory being show then someone punched the camera

Kim:whoa rewind and freeze

Wade rewinds the video and freeze it

Yn:doctor drakken

Ron:our archenemy well yn and Kim archenemy you know I don't think he even knows my name

Kim:come on Yn and Ron let's jet

Ron:oh yeah going to Tokyo on a school night how are we going to get there

Kim:I'll phone a friend

Time skip

As Yn,kim,Ron we're on a plane with superstar Britina

Ron:hoo hoo sweet ride

Kim:thanks for the lift Britina

Britina:Kim duh it's the least I could do after you  saved my Chicago show

Kim:aw the backstage fire was no big

Yn:because I transformed into heatblast and absorbed the fire

Britina:for you maybe must be so awesome not to be afraid of anything

Kim:huh fearless I am not

Ron:oh come on I've seen you wrestle a shark with your bare hands

Yn:and I made sushi out of that shark

Britina:yeah what could scare you

Kim:his names Josh manke

Britina:oh crush story

Kim:I feel so ridiculous around him

Britina:just go for it what's the worst thing that could happen

Ron:so Britina as a pop superstar I'll bet you miss out on stuff like school dances with you know normal average guys


Ron:Friday dance guy


Ron:see was that so hard

Kim:only to watch

Yn:come on Britina give my friend a chance it's just a dance he's not asking you to marry him just a dance nothing more besides you owed me a favor for actually stopping the fire

Britina:fine I'll be his date to the dance

Yn:thank you Britina

Ron:boo-yah I got a date to the dance


Yn,kim,Ron arrive in Tokyo and went to the factory

Yoshiko:thank you for being here kim possible I am yoshiko translator for nakasumi-San

Kim:so what the sitch

Yoshiko:they have taken over our entire factory the workers are trapped inside

Kim possible x male reader Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang