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Waking up to really loud knocking on his door wasn't Changbin's lifetime dream, but Jisung didn't care at all about that, so he kept on banging his fist on the wooden surface until a very pissed off Mr Seo opened the door.

"What the fuck, Jisung!" he groaned, adjusting his eyes to the light coming from outside the room.

"Good morning, sunshine!" the younger had a teasing grin on. He knew he had disturbed his friend's nap and couldn't be happier about it.

"Fuck off."

When Changbin started closing the door on his face, Jisung fought to keep it open. "No, no, no! Sorry, I'm sorry!" he half panicked.

"What do you want?" the black haired was grumpy, alright.

"Is Minho here?" while he asked, Jisung's eyes roamed around the room as he searched for his best friend.


"I can literally see him cuddling with Chan right there." he pointed at the boy, who was stirring awake from the commotion.

"He can't see you right now." answered Changbin, closing the door on Jisung's face. No matter how hard the brunette tried to keep it open this time, his friend was stronger and managed to fully close it.

"Changbin, please, I need to talk to him!" his voice was now muffled but still clear enough to understand.

Changbin just pressed his back on the door and sighed heavily.

"What's going on?" asked Minho, who was now sitting down on the edge of Chan's bed. The older was starting to awake now as well.

"Jisung, just go away!" shouted Changbin back.

"But, please! I know he thinks he messed up but I need to tell him that he didn't!" upon hearing that, Minho started listening more attentively. "I know the kiss didn't mean anything, I know he was just trying to save my ass back there!"

Minho's eyes started watering. Hearing Jisung say it didn't mean anything was worse than he expected it to be.

Changbin opened the door just enough so he could see Jisung properly and the boy couldn't watch how, inside the dorm, Minho was breaking down all over again between Chan's arms.

"Jisung, I won't repeat myself. Leave. Minho needs some time right now, please respect that."

The brunette's expression saddened, but he still nodded and started walking away, leaving Changbin free so the boy could go comfort his friend.

After a bowl of cereal as an improvised lunch and two hours of crying, Minho left his friend's dorm with his mind partially set. He came to the conclusion that Jisung thinking none of it meant anything beyond a friend trying to cover another friend's ass was better than the possibility of Jisung being completely grossed out by him and cutting their friendship short.

He took those two hours to calm his heart, to put him in his little cage so he couldn't attempt to get out again and ruin everything.

So when he arrived at his shared dorm he weakly smiled at his best friend, who had been waiting for him sitting on the edge of his bed.

And thought he could take it, the worry present in Jisung's eyes, but he really couldn't at all, so he rushed to the bathroom silently and closed the door behind him. It took him another hour and a very long and warm shower to once again be able to face his best friend.

"What do you want for dinner?" he asked, walking towards the fridge to see what they had.

"Minho, don't do that. Talk to me, I'm your best frie—" the door of the fridge suddenly closing shut Jisung up.

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