| 78 | The Perfect Vessel

Start from the beginning

Dread ensnared Jackson as his body suddenly recoiled from the impending touch of the creature. The mere thought of its contact sent shivers down his spine. Despite his overwhelming fear, an urgent desire to escape surged through him, overpowering the paralyzing grip of terror.

Summoning every ounce of courage, Jackson attempted to pivot and flee. However, the creature, a sinister apparition of swiftness, seized him with speed that defied everything he knew and had come to learn. In an instant, he found himself lifted from his paws and ruthlessly pressed against the gnarled bark of a tree.

The creature's strength, an otherworldly force, manifested in its ability to effortlessly subdue Jackson. His grunts of resistance were drowned out by the eerie stillness of the surrounding woods, and the cold touch of the tree bark pressed into his fur, an unyielding witness to his predicament.

Locked in a desperate struggle, Jackson's eyes met those of the antlered wolf. A haunting silence enveloped them as the creature stared into the depths of his horrified gaze. No matter how vehemently Jackson fought against the overpowering force, the creature's strength proved insurmountable, an ominous reminder of his vulnerability in the face of an adversary belonging to the Caeleste world.

The fight echoed through the haunted woods, the very essence of suspense clinging to each strained breath and futile attempt to break free. In the chilling dance between predator and prey, Jackson's feeble resistance only served to emphasize the relentless power of the antlered wolf, leaving him ensnared in the inescapable grasp of a malevolent force.

"Not this time," the creature growled, its breath carrying the scent of blood and sulphur. "You're alone, no one to save you," it sneered, tilting its head to the side.

Jackson choked and flailed his legs around, but all his attempts were futile. The creature's grip was slowly depriving him of air, and he could feel the strength fading from his limbs. His heart raced as panic quickly ensnared him, and his rapid breaths only carried him much faster towards his inevitable slip into unconsciousness.

But when he felt the creature's sharp claws pierce his skin, Jackson was struck by more than just pain. His vision blurred, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head—and then he saw it.


Flashes of places he'd never seen before.

The overgrown halls of an abandoned home, its shattered windows covered in moss, and weeds growing through the marble floor.

A dark, abandoned tomb with an altar in its centre and scorch marks covering the old, cracked walls.

And a murky forest plagued by mangled, twisted creatures that made his heart race faster.




It all blazed before him, and every time he saw something he'd already seen, it looked just a little older or a little more dead. He had no idea why he was seeing it all, or what any of it meant, but when the giant wolf let go of him and stumbled back with what sounded like a frustrated grunt, Jackson snapped out of it, and his vision returned to him.

He wasn't going to waste his chance.

Jackson bolted into the woods, his paws pounding against the ice, a futile attempt to outrun the impending horror that pursued him. The sinister thump of the colossal, antlered wolf resonated ominously, an unrelenting echo that drew nearer with each panicked step. Casting a frantic glance over his shoulder, dread seized him as he realized escape was already beyond his grasp.

The monstrous wolf closed the distance with speed unlike anything Jackson had seen, its presence overwhelming any semblance of hope. Before he could summon a defence, the creature's massive claws ensnared him, a merciless grip that extinguished any fleeting thoughts of evasion.

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