"No, I've already kept her waiting long enough. And I've had worse." Minho continued on his way, not really caring about the blood now running down his hand. To him, the injury was a reminder and a warning. A reminder of what he was doing and why. A warning that making change was going to be painful and difficult. 

The Sun Queen was out in the garden enjoying the sound of a small fountain as she glanced over a few documents. The small table she was at had just enough space for a tea set, and by the looks of it she'd been sitting there a while. Her maidservant was sitting on a bench a few feet away reading a book.

Minho tucked his injured hand behind his back and bowed. "Good evening mother, I'm sorry for taking so long."

"I'm not in a rush, my dear, it's alright." She motioned to the chair across from her, her jade rings flashing under the brilliant evening sun. "Have a seat, have some tea. It'll be good for you."

Right, he was supposed to be sick. "I'm feeling better, but I'll have some nonetheless." Minho signaled Chan to post nearby, and then poured himself some tea after sitting down. "What did you want to discuss?"

The queens slowly set the page she was reading down and sighed. "Things have gotten a bit messy. Too messy for my liking. So your father and I have made a decision, and the Moon King and Queen have agreed to it."

Minho swallowed a bit nervously, unsure if he liked where this was going. "What is it?"

"These lands, this palace, are not suited for us to live here comfortably, let alone suited for you to court Princess Ida. Your life was nearly taken, and the Moon King doesn't seem all that concerned about actually finding answers to go along with the questions surrounding the attack. So, we are returning to the Sun Lands. We'll be leaving tomorrow night."

He wasn't sure what he was expecting out of this conversation, but it certainly wasn't that. "And the marriage?"

The queen chuckled. "Everything will proceed as planned, Minho, we are merely moving locations. We've been here long enough, and your future wife ought to see your homeland, don't you think?" She took a sip of her tea.

Minho blinked a few times. He'd wanted to go home since he left his rooms the day they set onto the road to the Moon Lands, but now... he wasn't so sure about wanting to go back. All because of one person. "So the royal family will come with us to the Sun Palace?"

"Not everyone. Princess Ida will join us, of course, but the king and queen are going to remain here, they still have an investigation to lead, after all. If the other royal siblings wish to join us, that is up to them, but I'm sure they would both prefer to stay home." The queen dropped the documents on the corner of the table. "Minho," she sat forward, clasping her hands together. "I know you wish to get to know Ida before you marry her, but with the political unrest rising and rebellions coming out of the shadows, we may have to move along... faster than we initially intended."

Minho glanced away, somehow feeling like his mother could see into the depths of his mind and that she was now aware of everything he was hiding. "I will do what I must for our kingdom." This change wasn't going to make things any easier, but he could adapt. He just needed to send out the proper communications to avoid potential complications. His attention returned to his mother when she set her hand on his.

Her honey eyes were shining in a way he couldn't read. "You are brilliant, my son, and your potential has been overlooked and snuffed since we've been here. I'm not sure what it is, but you lately you seem to carry yourself differently, like you gained an incredible amount of strength and knowledge, and I want you to exercise that."

No matter how many days went by without a conversation with his mother, she seemed to notice every little thing about him, new and old, and he was sure only a mother had that gift.

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