The Weirdo on Maple Street pt.2

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The sound of engine starting indicated that his mom had left. Just after a few seconds Mike burst open the door as the three of them came out of the gloomy basement.

"You want something to drink? We have OJ, skim milk......what else?" Mike rambled as he generously offered.

Alex and Eleven stood in the middle of the living room with eyes scrunched, adjusting to the bright light. Eleven suddenly went up to the T.V that instantly caught her eye.

"Oh, this is my living room. It's mostly just for watching T.V. Nice, right?"

"That's twenty-two inch. That's like ten times bigger than Dustin's." Mike said proudly making Alex roll her eyes.

She didn't want to brag but their T.V was much bigger than anyone's in whole Hawkins.But she didn't liked to brag as it was not hers to begin with.

El, having lost her interest, soon walked away from the T.V and continued surveying the living room until she stood in front of some pictures belonging to the Wheeler's.

She quietly examined each member's face before stopping on Nancy, Mike's older sister.

"Pretty." Eleven muttered making Mike wrinkle his face in disgust.

"I guess....that's my sister, Nancy."

Alex quietly watched the cute interaction between the two as Mike continued to introduce her to things that were new to her. It was so obvious that Mike had grown a little crush on Eleven and Alex thought it was the perfect thing to tease Mike for.

El stopped before the Lay-Z boy lying in a corner of the room.

"That's our Lay-Z boy. It's where my dad sleep." Mike said.

"You can try it if you want." Mike said beckoning her to try it.

El nervously looked at Alex as she sent a reassuring smile.

"Yeah, try it. It'll be fun."

El hesitantly got on the sofa but instantly sunk into it's soft cushion. A smile dawned upon her face and Alex was very happy that her sister was smiling now.

"Just trust me on this, okay?" Mike said as he slowly reached for the handle of the sofa.

He pulled the handle making the sofa turn into a bed like structure. Eleven jumped a little as she was shocked from the sudden jerk. Mike and Alex started chuckling at Eleven's reaction.

"It's fun right." Alex asked.

Mike then beckoned Eleven to try it herself and it was clearly visible how much fun Eleven was having. The three spent giggling and laughing as Alex saw El and Mike locking their eyes for a few moments.

Her ship was saaailinggggg.


A little later that day, Mike was showing his room to El while Alex was laying on his bed trying to fight with exhaustion. Mike was showing his mini figurines like Yoda and his dinosaur Rory when El got up and began walking towards the bookshelf where our Science Fair trophies were kept.

"Oh, these are all our science fair trophies. We got first every year." Mike said proudly.

"Yeah, except last year, we got third. Mr.Clarke said it was totally political." Alex said while standing beside El gazing at the trophies.

Suddenly, Alex notice a change in El's demeanor. She had a troubled look on her face as she looked at the photo of the five friends holding the first prize. The girl slightly trembled as she pointed at Will.

"You know Will?" Mike asked quickly.

"Did you see him? Last night, on the road?" Alex asked.

But before El could answer the sound of a car pulling in the driveway was heard. Alex and Mike exchanges a look as Mike went towards the window to check. He quickly took El's hand ran downstairs as Alex followed them behind.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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