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Hawkins ,Indiana March 1981

The sound of crushing leaves were loudly echoing in the silent forest. A girl with wearing a hospital gown were smeared with dirt and dust was running very fast through the forest. It was as if something was chasing her down and the minute she stopped it would swallow her whole.

She ran and ran, she could hear her heartbeats ringing loudly in her ears. Her lungs were collapsing but she dare not shop running. She was running so fast as if her life depended on her. Her face was red from the lack of oxygen and the veins on her face looked like they could burst open any moment.

She ran and ran and it felt like an never ending moment .She could fell her eyes get blurry and her mind get blank. She stopped close to what seemed like a park. A woman ,not too old, noticed the bedraggled girl and went towards her.

The girl could hear the woman ask her "Darling what are you doing here alone.Where are you parent ?"

But she couldn't answer her as her throat was dry from all that running. She herself questioned if she could answer but she pushed past her limits and said "Help" as she collapsed of the forest floor. Her mind was going blank and it was very hard to keep her eyes open .She could hear the woman saying

"It's okay ,you are safe now " from her subconscious mind.


Alex woke up to the loud noise of her alarm clock .She groaned as she slowly made her way out of her bed.
Strands oh her beautiful ginger hair was sticking out in all directions. She slowly opened her eyes and immediately squinted and the hard light hit her pupils. It took her some time to fully understand her situation. She looked at her watch and knew she was going to be late again for the the fourth time in a week for Mr. Clarke's class.

She immediately went to her bathroom to do her morning routine and came dressed up with a plain top and black leather jacket over it. She wore her plain jeans and a pair of black boots. She stood in front of the mirror to get a last check upon herself but stood still wondering about the past,about time before of all of this.

She looked down and saw her 005 tattoo embedded on her hand, she she wished wasn't there. It reminded her of the past and the pain it caused her.

But it was late so she ignored it and went down to find no one. The house was empty and a letter was kept on the dining table. She took it and read

From Steve

Sis you woke up too late. I had some work so I went before ,there is waffles in the fridge so eat it. I left a extra key under the doormat, I would be late. Gotta do studying with Nancy.

You can tell Alex was left alone again. Her adoptive parents were really nice but they weren't around very much. But she didn't mind that much as Steve would fill the void of his parents himself. Alex loved him very much, he was such a loving and caring brother to her, was.When she first stepped foot in the house,Steve was so happy by getting a new sister that he wouldn't leave her around anytime. He would always play with her and help her to catch up with the things as she had no idea hoe things worked. He would let her read his previous books and help her read and write.

The two had a pretty close bonding until Steve went his high school and became friends with Tommy H. and Carol who were according to her the most notorious and stupid people to even talk to. Steve started hanging out with them more leaving the girl all alone. As time grew, by he hardly ever noticed her and a great rift was formed between the two siblings.

Alex quickly put the waffles in her mouth and closed the door as she chewed it. She hoped on her bike rode it as fast as she could to reach to atleast attend her first class but to her dismay she was late again.

She parked her bike and started running towards her classroom. She burst opened through the door and could feel the eyes of many students on her .

"Sorry for being late again Mr.Clarke " I said with a raspy voice as I tried to calm by beating heart.

"It's okay Alex, clam down and go back to your seat " Mr.Clarke said with a small smile on his face.

I nodded and went to the backseat passing by some students. I sat down and looked up to meet eyes with four kids .As soon as I made eye contact with them, they turned around immediately. I knew them as they were the members of the A.V Club which Mr. Clarke persuaded Alex to join .

After the bell rang , Alex was the first one to get out of the class. To Alex, out of all teachers, Mr. Clarke was her favorite. Not because he always forgives her being late but because he teaches with so much liveliness. All other teaches teaches in a robot like monotone voices. Alex never paid attention in those classes but showed much enthusiasm in Mr. Clarke's classes. So he was constantly persuading her to join the A.V Club.

School finished after some classes and Alex strode faster towards her bike when she saw Troy, the biggest bully in Hawkins school,and his sidekicks bullying some kids. She tried to ignore it but ended up walking towards them.

"Hey assholes,leave them alone " she yelled at them .She could see the smile was wiped off from Troy's face and replaced with pure fear.

"Wh..What?" He said stuttering a little. "Leave them alone if you wish to keep your teeth intact." Troy stumbles down and started running with his sidekicks. I turned around and noticed they were the students who earlier stare at her. "Are you all okay?"

"Yeah,thanks. " they all said unison.

"Don't let them intimidate you, they probably have nothing better to do ." I said and started walking away when someone called me from behind.

"Wait, we didn't catch your name. " one of them spoke. "It's Alex." I said as I turned towards them.

"Oh thank you for saving us, I'm Mike" he said then he pointed towards a dark kid "that's Lucas and beside him Dustin " pointing towards the chubby kid beside Lucas. "And that's Will." pointing towards the kid with bowl cut standing behind him.

"Yeah I know, nice meeting you." I said and went towards my bike.

After that the boys would hang out with me during lunchtime. It was awkward at first but I soon began opening up to them and joined the A.V Club upon their pleads. We soon began best friends. Alex made up her mind that she would always protect her friends even if it meant giving upon her own life .


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