Their father returned after taking their luggage to the train. "Well, girls, i want you to go on the train it's time. Though first, go and find Heidi a compartment to seat then go and find your friends alright?" "Yes, papa." Elizabeth was first to say goodbye, their parents giving her encouragement for her OWLs and hugging her. Their siblings gave her a tight hug. Then was Victoria, they wished upon her a good year for quidditch (Victoria was a chaser) and told her to watch out for trouble. She ruffled Edmund's hair and choked Helena with her tight hug.

"Adelaide, smile. The feast shall be fun. Listen to your sisters and your professors." Said her father. "Now, we will write you 2 times per week, do not forget to reply to all of our letters. You can write more too if you'd like. We will see you in Christmas." Her mother continued. They pulled her in a tight hug.  Then Adelaide hugged Edmund.

"Lena, i'll be back before you know it. Be good in school. Don't be afraid to talk. Two years from now you'll be coming with us too. Just bear it alright?"

Helena cried and hugged her tight. Helena was very shy, even though Adelaide was an introvert, she wasn't afraid to talk and speak out. She was usually the one to speak up for her sister and she was the one to find 2 nice girls for Helena to be friends with. It must be unimaginable for the Helena to be left alone and Adelaide felt as if she was betraying her.

"Come on, let's go." Said Victoria. She pushed her inside the train. "Well, since the first years are all sniffing and wiping their snot, there are not many of them here, so you'd better be finding an empty compartment." Victoria said.

"Well, this one is a nice one, in the middle of the train, not too close to the ends of it." Elizabeth said. All of them were carrying their pets and had a carryon. " Victoria and i would be joining our friends, but if you felt alone or you didn't like the people who came in the compartment, come sit with one of us." Elizabeth said putting her sister's bag above her head. "Though i will be doing my prefect duties, so when i am doing my round, i will be looking for you and will check on you. All right?"

" yes don't worry. Bye for now." Her sisters hugged her,left and closed the door behind them.

Though the noises could be still heard, it was quiet and peaceful. She took a muggle novel called «Pride and Prejudice » and began reading it while Midnight was sleeping on her lap. The train had begun moving, and she closed her book and looked outside the window. She was amazed by the beauty of her surroundings, she read more of her book and grew tired. She wanted to take another book, on charms specifically but was left stranded as she didn't want to wake her cat up. "What shall we do now?" She thought and found a way. She pulled her wand out. "Accio Bag" her bag came down and she brought it beside her. She giggled and was happy with her achievement. Her first wand-casted spell was a success. She put the novel inside her bag and opened a charms book.

Suddenly the door of her compartment was opened and she looked up. A young girl looking her age was with a boy slightly taller than her who looked the same age as her. The girl has lovely auburn hair that fell to her back. She had beautiful green eyes and had freckles on her nose and wore a clean dress. The boy, in contrast to the girl, was homely-looking had greasy-looking black hair with black eyes. His clothing was ill-fitting and old. Adelaide gave them a questioning look. "Hello?"

"Hi, can my friend and i sit in this compartment please? If it's not full, that is. Some idiots joined us at our old compartment." The girl said looking at her.

"Yes, that is alright." Adelaide replied. They sat inside, closing the door of the compartment.

"My name is Lily Evans. This is my friend from home, Severus Snape. We are first years." The girl said motioning to her and then the boy next to her.

Lost in spells and shadowsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें