Storm Surge

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At Buzzblast, Ollie walks in, listening to music as Javi leans against the front desk. "Dude, where have you been?" Javi asked him. "You were supposed to pick up samples for my story, but you never showed, so J-Borg came up with a plan b."

Ollie looks over and sees J-Borg with a paint brush in her hand and a canvas. "Something is starting to happen." said J-Borg. "Let's watch a little longer."

"Oh, we're literally watching paint dry." groaned Jane as she walks away from the camera.

"Oh, shoot!" said Ollie, realizing what he was supposed to do. "Sorry, man. I totally forgot I was meant to do that. These babies arrived in the store today, so I had to pick them up."

"Seriously, dude?" asked Javi as Ollie showed off his new headphones. "So instead of helping me, you were buying new headphones?"

"Hey, these are noise-cancelling, solar rechargeable, and they would have sold out." Ollie explained to Javi.

"What was wrong with your old ones?" asked Javi.

"What?" Ollie asked, not hearing the question.

"He said, 'What was wrong with your old ones'?" Izzy said loudly, repeating Javi's question.

"Well, my old ones were....what do you call it?" Ollie asked, looking for the word. "Old."

"Oh!" said Izzy as Amelia and Grace rolled their eyes at him.

"I'm all about the new tech." said Ollie. "I know you get the importance of quality audio...for your music, right?"

"This sounds like last week's new phone with a better-quality screen." said Amelia as her twin and Izzy lightly laughed.

"And what about your new phone watch?" asked Zayto.

"Smartwatch, thank you very much." said Ollie, then shows it off again to Zayto and Javi. "Check it!"

"You see, this is why I have several videos of Ollie sporting around his new tech." said Grace, looking at Amelia and Izzy.

"You did say that he needed a following." said Amelia.

"That I did." said Grace.

"You do?" Ollie asked.

"She does." said Izzy. "For your section of her page, of course."

"Don't worry, I'm not making you look bad." Grace said to him, seeing the look on Ollie's face. "You just have a small following of about 60 people who are like you. They love new technology and want to know your thoughts on those products, that's all."

"Well, I think we may have created the most boring Buzzblast segment ever." Jane said as she walks up to the rangers. "Javi, I really need you to complete the stories you promised."

"I'm so sorry, Jane." said Javi. "Ollie was supposed to drop off the samples two hours ago."

"Is this for the new vegetable hybrid you mentioned?" she asked. "Half pickle, half onion?"

"Yeah, punions!" said Javi.

"Well..." Jane said, sighing a bit. "despite the fact that it would be change the face of hamburgers as we know it, cancel it. I've got something even more important for you to cover."

She then shows Javi something on her tablet. "There's been a strange storm lingering over Pine Ridge bay all week." she said, showing the strange weather. "The weather people can't determine what's causing it. I want a feature for this afternoon's livestream. Maybe a nice interview with an expert."

"For real?" asked Javi. "I'm covering weather?"

"Um...hell-ur." said Jane, then points to her tablet. "Super-awesome weird weather. Get on it."

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