Sporix Unleashed

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"It's Morphin time!" shouted Zayto as he and the others stood in the center of Dinohenge, practicing their morphing sequence. Amelia almost hits Zayto by accident.

"Sorry! I keep doing that." she said apologetically.

"I can't believe that we're twins." sighed Grace.

"Let's go again." said Zayto. "We need to get the morphing sequence right. We can't afford mistakes. Its Morphin' time! Dino Fury Key!"

Just then, Ollie's Key was tossed out of his hand, causing Zayto to catch it. "I was just testing your reflexes." said Ollie, coming up with an excuse.

"Mm-hm." Zayto said, nodding. "Why can't either of you hang on to your keys like Grace does?"

"That's because....." Amelia said, then points to Grace.

"I have a firm grip." said Grace as Zayto tosses Ollie's Dino Key back to him.

"Again." said Zayto. "Dino Fury Key!"

"There we go." said Ollie.


"Link to Morphin' Grid!" they shouted as they used the power of the Morphin' Grid. "Dino Fury power!"

"So, seven statutes but only four of us?" asked Ollie.

"Do you have the other Dino Fury Keys?" asked Amelia. "Can we recruit more rangers?"

"Can we?"

"Please?" asked Grace.

"The other keys were lost with the original rangers. So, it's just us." Zayto tells them, sadly sighing. "Let's move onto Boost Keys. We have many. Each one gives us a special ability."

"Sounds cool." Amelia said.

"Amazing." added Grace.

"They're kind of like power-ups in a video game?" Ollie asked.

"Love it." said Amelia and Grace when suddenly Zayto's communicator went off.

"Go ahead, Solon." he said.

"There's something you need to see." said Solon.

"We're on our way." said Zayto and they powered down. "Remember, to teleport, you turn the ring, then push the button."

He turns the ring on his communicator and pressed the button, teleporting to their base. The three looked at each other before teleporting down to the base themselves. "Gotta get used to that." said Amelia as Ollie grabbed his stomach. "Does it make you weak in the knees too?"

"No, just really nauseous." said Ollie.

"But at least we're doing it on an empty stomach." said Grace as Amelia pointed to her and nodded in agreement.

"I've got our defense systems back online." Solon informed them. "No one can get into the base but us. And I put the T-Rex Champion Zord on standby."

"T-Rex Champion?" asked Amelia. "That's sounds awesome! Who names these Zords?"

"If I had to guess, the Morphin Masters did." said Grace.

"Anyway....as I was cleaning up, I found this." said Solon, picking up the scanner Void Knight had left behind.

"Hey, that's Void Knight's scanner." exclaimed Ollie, taking it out of Solon's claws. "He must've dropped it."

"He used it to find the Sporix." said Amelia. "Do you think he'll come back for it?"

"Void Knight will have to wait." said Zayto. "Right now, the Sporix are loose, and we need to warn people."

"I agree." said Solon.

Power Ranger Dino Fury: Dino Fury Purple RangerWhere stories live. Discover now