1. We are, Friends for life

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A/N- This story is only going to be short, and its entirely written in Perrie's Point of View. Enjoy! :) xxxx

Perrie's POV:

We are two weeks into the LM5 tour, and I'm absolutely shattered! Me and the girls barely get any sleep- 1.5 hours at most! We are constantly doing performances, interviews, Press... Its worth it to see the fans though. I sit on my bed, trying to keep my eyes open, whilst doing an Instagram Live. Suddenly Jesy walks in. "Perrie! We have to get to the Kiss FM studio! We have a last minute interview scheduled!"
I panic, fumbling around, quickly ending the live with a quick goodbye.
I grab some lip gloss, quickly tie my hair back, and throw on a pair of black sunglasses. Then me and Jesy run out of the room, into the tour bus, where Leigh-Anne and Jade are waiting for us.
"Hiya girls" Jesy says panting
"This is ridiculous, why schedule an interview, 10 minutes before it actually happens?" Leigh Whispers
I nod my head in agreement. "We work hard enough already" Jade mutters.
"Its so unfair on us" Jesy adds. "Literally, they know we're exhausted from a show every night. We don't get a break!" I whisper/shout, so management don't hear us.
The girls nod, then we sit in silence for the rest of the journey.
We head into the interview, putting on our most happy/energetic faces so we don't get in trouble with management. After the interview, we get back in the bus, our eyes all drooping from exhaustion. I play with my fingers to try and keep myself awake, when suddenly feel something drop on my shoulder. I look up, and Jade has fallen asleep on my shoulder. I smile softly, and caress her long caramel-coloured hair gently. I hear her soft breathing. Jesy and Leigh look over smiling. Then they close their eyes, and soon fall asleep aswell. I gently rest my head against Jade's and fall asleep aswell.
About 15 minutes later, I'm being shook quite aggressively, by our security. "Wake up Now girls! The Paps are outside" He hisses angrily.
We all sit up, dazed, and nod slowly. We put our sunglasses on, and hold hands to step out the bus, back to the hotel.
The bright lights of the Paparazzi's cameras shine at us, as we try and make it safely to the hotel.
"Oh my God. The Pap's are insane. We don't get a bit of privacy!" I say
Jesy looks up, "I know. I'm going to try and rest up a bit, before tonight's show. I don't want to fall asleep on stage!" She says.
I chuckle softly. "Alright Jesminda, night night!"
"I'll come with you Jes. I cant be bothered going to my own room" Leigh says, jogging to Jesy, and holding her hand to go up the stairs.
I smile at them, and notice Jade is being really quiet.
"Jadey? You okay bubs?" I whisper softly to her.
She nods. "I'm just really tired Pez. I have trouble sleeping, and this schedule isn't helping" she mumbles.
"Awh poor baby. I'll carry you up to bed, and you try and get some rest. Okay?" I say.
She smiles softly, and nods.
I lift her up, and we go on the elevator up to my room. I feel her softly sleeping on me, as I walk us to the room.
I unlock the door, with my free hand and place her on my bed. I tuck her in, and kiss her gently on the forehead.
"Sweet dreams Jadey" I whisper.
I smile at her. There's something about Jade, I've noticed recently. The way she smiles and laughs. The way she hugs me, and sleeps on my shoulder.
I want to be with her all the time, to hold her, and protect her from all the bad things in the world. She's our little Cutie Mix- Little Jade.
I look over at her, fast asleep in my bed. I smile and walk over to her, caressing her hand.
I let go, and get in the bed aswell. I'm going to try and rest up for tonight.
I look at Jade, one more time, before closing my eyes.

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