"No one has ever refused me not to talk of hitting me.... he's surely gonna pay for this" he stared at his red cheek in the mirror.

"Definitely" he muttered.


"bro, are you just gonna be lying in there?" Hyunji half yells as he enters jungkook's room. He's dressed in his uniform, he's a highschool student.

Jungkook closed his eyes tightly, pretending as if he didn't actually hear him.

"Hey? Jungkook?" Hyunji called as he moved closer to him. He brought his hand closer and shook jungkook arm severally.

"Are you dead?" He asked when jungkook made no movement.

"F**king go away" jungkook snapped angrily as he opened his eyes.

Hyunji smiled.

"Anyways, Mom asked me to call you out for breakfast. Bye, I'm off to school" he waved and then left jungkook's room.

Jungkook pulled the bed cover away from him as he got to his feet, he stretched his limbs for a short while.

"What do I tell mom now?" he found wondering aloud.

he went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and then to do his morning business. he returned and then dressed up before leaving his room.

he met his Mom and Dad in the living room, preparing to have their breakfast. His eyes went to the clock on the wall and he itched his hair slowly.

"Good morning" he greeted.

"Morning" jisoo and jihoo, his dad, chorused at the same time.

"Where's hyunji?" Jungkook asked as he settled himself on a chair.

"He went to school early, he claims to have an early morning assignment" jisoo muttered.

Jungkook nodded as he served himself breakfast.

"Are you okay?" Jiho asked.

"Hmm? Why?" Jungkook asked.

"If you can't cope with the numerous jobs you're doing, let us know. We can just focus on the restaurant alone" he said.

"I'm fine, Dad. Besides, hyunji has to go to school, remember?"

Jisoo sighed.

"he's just too stubborn," she muttered.

Jungkook and jiho laughed.

"I can say he got that from you," jiho said.

"When are you leaving for work?" Jisoo suddenly asked.

Jungkook choked on his food, jiho handed a glass of water to him and he gulped it down almost immediately.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Jungkook nodded.

"Actually, I was given a break today. My Boss won't be around today, so the restaurant will be closed for now" he lied smoothly.

"I'm glad you're finally gonna be taking a break," jisoo said with a smile.

Jungkook felt guilty for lying to them at that moment, but then, he had no choice.


Taehyung, as usual, got down from his car when his car arrived at the company. The guards bowed their heads and he simply nodded his head before entering the company.

"Good morning, sir"

"Good morning, Boss"

Taehyung simply waved his hand at them till he went out of sight.

BILLIONAIRE OBSESSION (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now