𝐁𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐎𝐑, 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

Start from the beginning

"Are you sure you want to keep your hair like that?" she asked, pointing at Rosaline's northern hairstyle. "I'd think you'd want to make a good impression. Especially now that your father—"

"Especially now that my father what?" asked Rosaline and the girl stared nervously while Sansa awkwardly glanced between the two. "I am a Stark of Winterfell... I will not change my hair to impress the Queen Regent."

"Of course," the girl nervously said before she strolled out of the chambers with Rosaline and Sansa following. Rosaline looked the image of a strong woman, a strong woman representing her family. While Sansa nervously stayed nearby.

As they walked through the Red Keep's hallways towards the throne room, the blue eyed brunette suddenly spoke, wanting noise in the awkward silence. Especially since she wanted to make a good impression on the girls.

"You know, your father came and spoke to me not too long ago," she said and both Stark girls looked at her confused. "He was so kind — not the kind of man who you'd expect to be a traitor."

"My father isn't—"

"We don't really know what happened," Sansa abruptly said, clearly conflicted. Rosaline was so sure of their father's innocence but wouldn't ever tell Sansa why. Sansa also wanted to stay safe in the castle, with her sister, and didn't know who could be listening. "But I don't think my father would betray King Robert. They were best friends."

"Maybe it's all some big misunderstanding then," said the blue eyed girl.

"Maybe..." Sansa murmured before she eyed the girl curiously. "We never got your name..."

"My name is Bellena," she said. "But you may call me Bella."

Rosaline lightly smiled just before they arrived before the throne room. The Stark girls stared at the steel doors tensely, and when they opened for them, they grabbed onto their hands.

Bella sent them an encouraging smile before the Stark girls proceeded into the court room together, into a large host of people. They moved their way through the room, greeting other noblemen and lords they knew, and as they did, they overheard Grand Maester Pycelle speak at the front of the room.

He read off a scroll, just a few feet away from King Joffrey, who sat on the Iron Throne. Next to him, sat Queen Regent Cersei, who sent Rosaline and Sansa a small smile when she spotted them. They both politely smiled back as Maester Pycelle continued;

"It is also the wish of His Grace that his loyal servant Janos Slynt, Commander of the City Watch..."

Rosaline side glanced at that name, spotting Janos Slynt standing before the row of Lannister guards guarding the throne. Rosaline remembered him as the man who started the attack on her father and his men. Possibly her too if Adrian had not pulled her out of the throne room on time.

"...be at once raised to the rank of Lord and granted the ancient seat of Harrenhal and that his son and grandsons shall hold this honor after him, until the end of time."

Once Maester Pycelle paused his reading, Rosaline's lips twitched, trying her hardest not to scowl. That man was being honored and rewarded for betraying her father and killing everyone in their household. It was disgusting and disturbing. Rosaline could barely stand there.

After Janos bowed, several people on the room began murmuring amongst each other as Janos walked off to his spot by the City Watch. Rosaline took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but the next thing Maester Pycelle said did not help her growing anger;

"In the place of the traitor Eddard Stark," he said, "it is the wish of his Grace that Tywin Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West, be appointed Hand of the King."

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